Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1457 Direction (Part 2)

A group of single-celled organisms are living in the soil and water. By devouring bacteria, they gradually move toward the warm place illuminated by the light. They gather in groups and possess only the most primitive instincts of organisms, nutrition, respiration, and excretion. Movement, reproduction.

From the day when cells began to divide and differentiate, a new life form was born. Simple single-cell organisms began to become diverse and complex. Cell nuclei began to appear in the bodies of this multi-cellular organisms, and multi-cells began to be constructed. Create one huge and complex entity after another.

Green began to appear in the world, one after another with bizarre primitive plants, and the world began to change. Stimulated by the light, these plants began to emit oxygen.

As the amount of oxygen continued to increase, green began to occupy mountains, rivers, lakes, and oceans, and multicellular organisms began to become active due to sufficient oxygen, and they differentiated into various forms.

In the plant community, some strange creatures began to appear. They possessed all the primitive instincts of multicellular organisms and formed different habits in various environments.

The world began to become more colorful, more and more animals appeared, and the number of larger and larger animals also began to increase.

Some animals have evolved a communication system based on their own habits, relying on body language, sounds, and smells. Animals have learned to survive and how to escape in nature to obtain more abundant food and enjoy more comfortable temperatures. , and learned how to avoid natural enemies.

Camouflage is the nature of animals. This is the nature given by nature. In order to survive, animals must camouflage and blend into the ever-changing nature.

The evolution begins!

The evolution of life is a huge evolutionary epic. Life will always look for an exit. When one exit is closed, life will look for another.

From single-cell organisms to multi-cell organisms, the differentiation of multi-cell organisms led to the creation of primitive plants and primitive animals. Two exits were found by life, but they evolved into two completely different forms. Plants with animal.

The former has obviously slowed down or even stopped in the process of evolution, and has become a plant that provides oxygen to everything in the world and consolidates the world's ecology.

The latter continued to accelerate the pace of evolution in a cruel natural environment, and completed the transformation from a low-level animal to a high-level animal with a 10% probability.

Perhaps the world should stop here, be complete, and obey the laws of nature! Everything in the world rotates over and over again in the vast and magical nature.

Single-cell organisms, multi-cell organisms, lower plants, lower animals, higher animals!

The five levels of life born in the vast and huge universe may be the most complete.

However, the evolution of life never stops. Due to changes in the environment, a sixth level of life was born.

What is the origin of man? No matter whether it is the past or the future, we cannot get the most correct answer. It can only be called the miracle of life.

Humans have the power to imitate and create. On the basis of life, humans stopped evolving long after they acquired intelligence, and used intelligence to create one era after another. All of this goes against the laws of nature, but at the same time It is also in line with the laws of nature.

Where are people going?

The answer is only God!

Unfortunately, this is the first step taken by the emergence of single-celled organisms. Life will not stop and change from one form to another. Everything is caused by the god nature.

in the future!

The seventh life form will emerge as the times require. When the progress of the human era reaches a certain level, naturally this god will be completely destroyed, and the god will unleash his wrath, and the environment in which people live will be swallowed up by the wrath.

However, intelligent creatures like humans are already ready to find the next place to live, thereby opening up the seventh level of life, and interstellar civilization will come!

As mankind opens the seventh level of life, the eighth level of life will also come!

Humans will replace nature as the god. Nature gave birth to life, but human beings destroyed nature and replaced nature. Human beings traveling through the vast interstellar space have already been able to create life independently!

Some people may think that my remarks are alarmist, because people today cannot see the future. When people really create life, they have completed the transition to the eighth life form. However, at this time, it is dangerous and ignorant. Ignorant, because human beings rely on intelligence to create new life, and new life has uncertainties, good and bad. Human beings who have stopped evolving long ago cannot control life.

So as a person who can replace God, he should be called a god, but God cannot control the new life he creates, so are humans still gods?

There are eight life forms, single-celled, multi-celled, lower plants, lower animals, and higher animals. The first five are completed by nature, and everything follows nature.

As the sixth life form, humans break the balance of nature.

Cosmic civilization and god-level civilization will be born at the same time, because humans need to create life forms that can continue to survive. Only by becoming gods can we open the door to the era of interstellar civilization.

We may be lonely, the only living beings that exist in the entire vast universe, but who would have thought that we may be arrogant and insignificant.

Have you ever thought about the existence of the ninth kind of life form?

In an unknown year, in a small venue at the World Expo, an old man with gray hair closed his book. Some staff began to sort out the pictures and videos of what the old man had just said. The equipment was being used. tear down.

In the lonely venue, the ground was very clean. In the past few days, no one was willing to listen to the crazy words of an old man.

The posters pasted on the wall had the words "Destroyer of Worlds" written clearly on them.


A stack of documents was scattered on the ground. The old man leaned down and trembled to pick up the documents. A young scientist came over and helped the old man pick up the papers. On the sign on his chest, you can see an X in the middle of his name. of letters.

"What will the ninth life form be?"

Young X asked, but the old man smiled and said nothing.


Before leaving, the old man answered the word Because he sang a different tune when trying to prevent a world-famous experiment, and as a result he was exiled from the scientific community.

The experiment was successful, but the World Destroyer criticized the experiment again and again, constantly telling the dangers.

Humans should put down their posture, this is what the Destroyer of the World said, but he was soon drowned out by the voice. Even if he insisted on something for decades, he would always be surrounded by ridicule, abuse, and alienation.

"Can you tell me! The ninth kind of life form."

X did not give up and chased after him. The old man just smiled slightly.

"We can't even see it!"

Watching the Destroyer of Worlds leave and walk out of the World Expo alone, that was the last time X saw him speak in front of the world.

The times are changing. Humanity successfully landed on the moon, launched the Mars immigration plan, established a low-Earth orbit space station, human genetic coding was analyzed, the rise of cloning technology, the development of robotics technology, the perfection of AI, broke through the third universe speed, and was able to escape from the solar system. .

Everything is going in the direction the World Destroyer said.


X, who was already gray-haired, sitting in a wheelchair, and about to pass away, looked at the young scientists gathered in the audience, and there were also a large number of elderly scientists around him. Everyone was about to announce an even more eye-catching news today. results.

As early as 30 years ago, X, as one of the founders of ihgsc, published the human genetic map. The development of human beings in biology has been changing with each passing day. The most popular product in the world is anti-aging products, which is why all countries have devoted all their efforts. Ability to study things.

However, this announcement carries very high risks, but even if X is not announced, the people who control the world are already prepared.

"An asteroid carrying a variety of new materials is coming towards the Earth. According to calculations, it will pass by the Earth in 2054. We have seven days!"

X showed a relaxed smile, and the cheers in the venue rose. All young scientists stood up and felt relieved and cheered to this time that they were about to bring huge changes to humans.

However, there was a man who seemed a little out of place with the others in the venue. He was sitting in the front row and had striking white hair. He was obviously only 26 years old, but in just 9 years, he had become a genetically outstanding person. He is a famous scientist, but in the scientific community, he is also an out-and-out villain, causing a lot of trouble in 9 years.

When Go to the academy and undergo 20 years of training in order to be able to board the asteroid that will briefly contact the Earth.

A scientist next to

After the meeting, He was able to join the ranks of young scientists in a short period of time, and X still admired him very much.


X called out to the young man, and Gene looked disdainful.

"I'm not Gene, I'm Jean! Is there really a substance on that asteroid that can bring people back to life?"

N's nodded, he knew, Ali Smel accident, a female scientist in his 30s died 9 years ago, and Jien in front of him was her boyfriend. In that accident, in that accident, in that accident, in that accident, He watched his girlfriend die before his eyes. Since then, he has entered the scientific world, trying to find a way to resurrect his girlfriend.

"Perhaps humanity will be destroyed because of this, I feel the danger!"

Gene shook his head and smiled, but when he lowered his head, his face was filled with determination.

"My teacher, the Destroyer of Worlds, warned me!"

X was a little shocked. He looked at Jean leaving, holding his wheelchair tremblingly.

"What exactly is the ninth level of life!"

Jean tilted his head and stared at X sideways.

"You and I have no chance to meet each other, but I believe what the teacher says, but this does not affect what I am about to do. I have been chosen."

X nodded, there were some young scientists who did not leave in the venue. They were all discussing some issues. At this time, there was a beautiful female scientist who smiled at the pile of male scientists.

"Handsome guy, do you want to have a drink together later?"

Tang Rao stopped in front of Gene.

"Sorry miss, I never drink with ugly women!"

At this time, a man with a mohawk on his head came over. His name was Werther. He had just experienced a serious accident. Even though he was over 30 years old, he was still selected. He walked over and separated the people on both sides.

"I don't think those three are good enough! I always think they will cause big trouble."

A young scientist named Gu Yi looked at the dispute on the opposite side. At this time, a tomboy sitting in the back row with tattoos on his arms laughed.

"I'm afraid most of the people here are freaks with modified fertilized eggs!"

A short scientist with three-quarter hair and a sinister look was holding a stack of books with the words Niu X University written on them.

"I didn't come in because of my excellent grades. Unlike some products of human intervention, my intelligence is innate."

A female scientist with a dainty face who seemed to have often worked in harsh environments, but looked older, laughed. She was only 29 years old, a scientist from the Three-Color Striped Country, Deguna.

"I have no father or mother. As you just said, I am the genetic monster. So do you all here think that I am a human being? Or something else?"

Seeing that the debate was about to begin, many scientists from several sides came to dissuade them.

X just looked at this group of young scientists quietly. They were responsible not only for the future of mankind, but also for the future of all countries, but X always felt uneasy.

Can't see it anymore!

His body is aging day by day, but at this time, He felt ashamed about moral matters.

Everything has settled, X has retired with success. As the world's top scientist, his life has been brilliant, but the glory around him has begun to fade away. He can no longer hear anything in his ears, only his own heartbeat. , life is disappearing.

An old photo showed a young and beautiful woman, who was X’s wife. At this moment, X felt extremely missed. Unfortunately, when his wife died, he was still in the laboratory and had been X, who was addicted to experiments, owed too much to his family and felt powerless in his twilight years.

Muddy tears kept flowing from X's eyes. He just trembled and kept begging for forgiveness.

"Second life!"

Like a strange coincidence, X came to the underground laboratory, where he found a well-preserved male bald corpse with a strong body and a body covered with tubes.

X stretched out his hand and looked at this young body, only 20 years old. He was envious, very envious. On the other side, there was still a tube of genetic material, which belonged to X's wife.

Should he cross human taboos or die peacefully? X coughed and gasped. He knew that after death, there would be nothing and nothing.

In the end, X dragged his old body and entered a series of command codes on a computer next to him. Then he waited. All the instruments in the laboratory were normal. X was very tired. He was very aware of the taboo door he had opened. , He knows how much harm it will cause to mankind.

When he was young, he had seen the appearance of the Destroyer of Worlds, but suddenly, X woke up. His young self on the bed started to move, began to breathe and have a heartbeat, and opened his eyes.

"The eighth life form!"

X murmured himself, but he was still uncertain, and the brain that had already been aging and had begun to be active. He widened his eyes as he woke up and looked at himself who pulled out all the tube. Happily, he somewhat understood why the Destroyer of the World wanted to stop everything and prevent people from becoming gods!

A white and strong hand reached out to X, and he nodded.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

The self in front of me nodded.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

At this time, the door of the room opened, and some men in black walked in. X nodded. One of the men was in the dark, with only his mouth in the light, and the smile on his mouth looked extremely excited.

"Thank you for your contribution, Dr.

A black gun pointed at X's head, and he nodded happily.


The gun rang out, and young X killed X in the wheelchair. He walked out in high spirits, and a guard next to him immediately put a sweater on him.

"They must be controlled. Emotions are the most useful, and they are also the most beautiful and desired for those geniuses."

The person next to him nodded.

"I'm afraid the solutions that all countries can think of are the same as what you, Dr. X, can think of."

X showed a cruel smile, nodded, lit a cigarette, looked back at the old man X lying in a pool of blood, and laughed.

"The eighth level of life! And the ninth, I'm looking forward to it, the destroyer of worlds!"

In the darkness, Ellie.

There was a smile in X's eyes. He shook his head and fell into silence. Ellie became more and more suspicious of this guy's identity. Maybe he was a survivor from the asteroid like them, but Xiao happily rejected it. She had this idea, and she knew the situation best. If the eight people hadn't worked together, they would have died, and it was unlikely that the others would have survived.

"If you still refuse to speak, you can stay here for the rest of your life."

X nodded, and with a touch of dawn-colored particles, Ellie disappeared. In an instant, If there are any deviations in the subsequent actions, the memory will only be revived when the doubtful points in the memory are solved.

"The ninth level of life is right in front of my eyes! It was right in front of my eyes just now."

X has understood everything at this time, and he is still laughing wildly. If the seven gods in Brilliant City are real gods, they represent the eighth level of life. They are indeed qualified and can create many Things, and can control these things, so they are the eighth level of life in the true sense, gods!

However, at this moment, X seemed to have found a way, a way to the ninth life level, because the template was right in front of him, Ellie Smail!

In the dark night, the hustle and bustle of the city began to fall silent with the end of the mutant combat test at 11 o'clock. Ellie floated quietly above the city, stepping onto the streets and high buildings. However, no matter where she went, no one could see her, and she was lonely. Always with Ellie every day.

The sun needs to be controlled during the day, but at night, Ellie is always alone. She has been by Gene's side countless times, guarding him until dawn, and turned into the sun to greet him countless times.


Ai Li smiled, and in a blink of an eye, she was already standing behind Le Xiao. At this time, Le Xiao had just finished using the toilet. She was looking forward to going back to the General Affairs Department to eat skewers. Ai Li was standing behind Le Xiao. Look at Lexiao squeezing her cheeks.

"I feel so tired and I have to keep smiling all the time. It feels like the muscles on my cheeks are stiff. I'll go to a beauty salon in a few days to take good care of my skin!"

Lexiao blushed when she thought about her lack of money.

"It's all done once, public money for beauty treatment!"

"Would you like to go shopping and buy some beautiful dresses, some good lipsticks, cosmetics and the like?"

Le Xiao nodded immediately upon hearing this.

"Just buy a little."

Le Xiao suddenly froze and looked at Ai Li standing in front of her with her hands on her hips. Although she was startled, she immediately blushed.

"You you. I, I just."

Ai Li gently took Lexiao into her arms and stroked her head.

"Don't continue to expand this evil thought infinitely. Small evil thoughts are okay, but they must be within a certain limit."

"I didn't say that I would always use public funds. As long as I pass the administrative department examination, administrative department official examination, and administrative department secretary examination, my salary will increase all the way. When the time comes, I will receive subsidies."

Ai Li let go of Lexiao and shook her head.

"It's hard for me to look at!"

Le Xiao said confidently.

"Why is it so difficult? I can definitely do it!"

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