On the long white workbench, hundreds of people from Department 4 are busy working. Gu Ningning is wearing a helmet at this time, and the robotic arms are connected with convex crystals. Gu Ningning's hands are always there. A light and shadow screen is manipulated.

There are culture vessels placed on the table in front of them, and research is continuing. The production of antibodies is far more complicated and precise than the killing of cancer cells that occurred in the previous reaction vessels.

The thing on Gu Ningning's head looks like an octopus. The mechanical arm is constantly expanding and contracting automatically, extending out beams of different-colored light. It is a device that can directly supply active substances to artificial antibodies and directly separate and clone antibody cells. , as well as extraction equipment, need to extract immune substances secreted by some isolated self-cloning immune cells.

Huashen was sitting on a giant light and shadow screen in the middle, conducting comprehensive experiments on the antibodies produced by each group. At this time, a numerical percentage flashed on the screen.


This is the progress of the antibody being fully formed, because there is no way to use animals for experiments like in the past to obtain accurate experimental adverse reaction data. The only way is to use past antibody medical data and today's huge human database particle-level data For comparison, use manual methods to eliminate potential threats to humans, and then directly use cancer cells to neutralize or kill them to get a direct response.

The final step is to inject it directly into the human body. As long as it is overcome, the antibodies that can treat the current hemangioma can be obtained.

Because Le Xiao had eaten toxic liquid food for 8 months, the stem cells in her body had already acquired memory function and produced antibodies that could fight against this hemangioma. When the cancer cells were born, they directly killed them. cells, and the fainting and weakness reactions that Le Xiao had experienced many times at work were caused by the immune cells in the body fighting against cancer cells.

"That's all I can imagine."

Huashen smiled. Now their approach is to use the most primitive stem cells in Lexiao's body to directly manufacture antibodies that can meet the needs of all patients.

The cell laboratory was quiet, and everyone was immersed in research. It could be seen that everyone's eyes were bright, which was completely different from the previous days.

Huashen is wearing a pair of medical gloves that he specially ordered from 10 departments. He can control 20 experiments at the same time with his ten fingers. Green particles are floating around Huashen's eye sockets. He is using his green god's power. Inject it into the surrounding cylindrical experimental equipment, use telekinesis to control all reactions in the experimental tubes, and keep staring at the strings of experimental data on the side.

The system in the cell laboratory is just an ordinary manual control system. Compared with the AI-based system, many functions need to be determined by humans. This is also Huashen's consistent proposition. All medical data are sent to Department 6 for storage. , and will not be directly connected to AI4 medical engineering.

Many years ago, Congress proposed directly connecting medical data to AI4, but Huashen stood up and opposed it. In the rounds of congressional debates, Huashen kept mentioning the past failures due to out-of-control AI. In the end, the gods decided to access medical data only when the AI ​​​​reached absolute safety.

The current medical level of AI4 is only supported by some simple medical theories, but it is still powerful enough. It has proposed many concepts of fantasy medicine. Huashen has seen it. Some of the current medical technologies and some ideas are from AI4. obtained by the side.

The gods have already figured out the consequences of ingesting the amount of poisonous food, which part of the human genome will begin to undergo lesions first, and the time period for the onset of disease, etc., in just a few hours.

It's already 4 a.m., and according to Huashen's estimation, the first batch of antibodies will be produced at dusk tomorrow at best.

"Rest for half an hour and replenish your strength. I hope that no matter how hard you suffer, please try your best to produce antibodies, because people are dying every minute and every second!"

Some staff directly opened the cabinets under the table, took out physical nutritional supplements, drank them directly and continued working without intending to rest.

Good news came one after another. Huashen was so excited that he just sent the report directly to the General Affairs Department. In less than 5 minutes, he received the research data from the gods for several hours. Only they could do it in such a short time. I figured out a lot of things in that time.

Including the evaluation report using AI4, Huashen has also read it in detail. As expected, AI4 is only equipped with basic medical knowledge and cannot do anything. However, there is something that AI4 proposed that surprised Huashen. AI4 is under evaluation. It was mentioned three times that these toxic substances were probably emitted from the asteroid that crashed into the Pacific two centuries ago.

Huashen's idea is that this is possible, because it is indeed difficult to crack, and the structure of these chemical genes is too complex, but Huashen still feels vaguely uneasy, because AIs may also be able to do it.

"After all, tomorrow morning, I really want to..."

Huashen regained his thoughts and continued to study, because tomorrow morning the poisonous food accident that had been concealed for a long time by Section 4 would be turned into an infectious disease outbreak.

Should we tell the people the truth or continue to hide it, just like in the past!

Huashen's expression became serious, but suddenly he looked towards the door. The door was obviously closed, but he could see the light. For a moment, Huashen seemed to have thought of something, and the solemnity on his face disappeared, replaced by It's easy.

I can't make a choice! Because I'm just a doctor from beginning to end.

"Are you kidding me, Alpha sister!"

Le Xiao's eyes widened in disbelief, rolled her eyes, and immediately curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"I know, it must be the bad idea that the party veteran came up with."

Alpha looked at Lexiao in surprise.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course we have to tell the people. How long will it take to keep hiding this?"

Alpha's heart skipped a beat. She was about to speak to stop this reckless little girl, but she stopped.

"Alfa, no matter what she decides, I hope you respect her choice. When I leave the city and can no longer touch everything, I need you to provide her with the greatest support and help, as well as some gentle encouragement!"

Alpha smiled, her hands still shaking slightly. After taking out a cigarette and lighting it, she nodded, smiled, and put one hand on Lexiao's head.

"Yeah! You can do whatever you want, if you want!"

Le Xiao hesitated, as if she was afraid of something.

"It seems that if I do this, I will be scolded badly, but it's okay. I'm very stubborn and thick-skinned. At worst, my salary will be deducted for a few months."

Le Xiao stretched out with a smile, and Quasimodo, who was sitting in the corner, opened his eyes.

"come on!"

Le Xiao raised her fist and gave a decisive yes.

Alpha looked at the plan of Section 4. The infectious virus report was originally scheduled to be released at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon before the start of the mutant promotion examination, as well as the so-called "viral antibodies" that were just a mixture of water and nutrient solution that had been shipped to various district hospitals in large quantities. .

"Take a look at this first."

Le Xiao has already walked to Quasimodo.

"By the way, how is Xiao Leng's condition? I almost forgot. I obviously remembered to call him yesterday."

Quasimodo nodded slightly, and Lexiao patted Quasimodo's hard arm.

"Your muscles are like steel. How did you train them? They are even harder than Sister Alpha's."

Quasimodo felt a little embarrassed, stretched out a finger and poked Le Xiao on the cheek.

Lexiao was a little confused, but Alpha knew it. Quasimodo was pressing to see the condition of Lexiao's muscles, with a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

"I will work hard to train you when I have time in the future."

Lexiao turned her head and stuck out her tongue.

"Come here first and take a look at this plan."

Le Xiao walked over and rubbed his dry eyes.

"Isn't this a naked deception? I really can't believe it. It's a shame that I still had some expectations for the Xingke Department. I'm really a fool for believing in the Xingke Department."

Alpha frowned slightly.

How dare you say that!

Le Xiao squatted on the ground and pressed his head. He had no idea how he would reveal the truth to the public tomorrow. He was now the secretary of Section 13, representing a group of nearly 300,000 people. If he did this, it would completely disgrace the Section.

"Well, you turn the fake antibodies distributed for virus transmission into preventing the potential dangers of poisonous food."

"Just tell the people directly that this is to distribute the first-phase medicine to prevent the subsequent harm caused by the aftermath of the last poisonous food."

Huashen had already walked out of the laboratory. When Le Xiao heard this, she looked at Huashen with some dodge in her eyes.

"this is not"

"Those fake antibodies have been produced in batches, and now there is no way to stop production and recycle them. Although the process may have changed, this approach should be able to ease it a bit, or in other words"

Huashen sighed and sat down. Alpha seemed to understand what Huashen wanted to say.

"Just listen to Huashen's words, Le Xiao. Although the process was slightly mixed with falsehoods, the situation was handled in a relatively timely manner this time."

Le Xiao hummed, and Huashen waved.

"I will ask Ning Ning to accompany you at noon tomorrow. She will explain some medical things, and you only need to explain the crisis caused by poisonous food and the subsequent treatment methods. But having said that, it is already past 4 o'clock. , the exam will start at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, it will be bad if you, the deputy examiner, are late."

Lexiao was startled and turned around to look around. Alpha dragged Lexiao towards an open compartment. After entering, Lexiao directly moved out of the bed and fell asleep. Alpha breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you need a bed to rest, Mr. Dashan!"

Huashen looked at Quasimodo and asked, Quasimodo shook his head slightly and closed his eyes.

"This kid is really incredible."

Alpha sat down and nodded.

"Perhaps it's because I don't think about anything. Once people think too much, they will fall into complicated thinking misunderstandings. Often the simpler things are more complicated, and the more complicated things are actually very simple."

"If you think too much, you will deviate from the right track! Do you need to take a rest? Miss Alpha."

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head.

"I should have a duel with Mr. Jean in a few days. What do you think we are for!"

"Maybe it's because you want to get the approval of that guy Jean, or maybe it's the battle that didn't result in any outcome or victory, or maybe it's something else. Just go all out. I don't pursue power. So I can't understand what people who pursue powerful power want to see. Just like tonight, the child's stem cells directly allowed us to see the results, killing cancer cells, and what do you want to pursue? What’s the result?”

Alpha shook his head.


In the dark night, Yincai drove the helicopter and looked at the eastern guard station that could already be seen. At this time, her heart was filled with helplessness. She had already seen Xima about the accident that Section 3 had encountered so far. A document sent to her, 89 people died.

Dark spot face!

In my memory, Yincai had a lot of interactions with this boy from the barrier area. At that time, he had the best relationship with Allen, followed by this kid with a black spot face.

He was a relatively taciturn child at first, but after he arrived, many children approached him actively, because Director Lu Qi said that children who will come to the orphanage should rely on each other.

Dark-spotted face was almost taciturn and never spoke until two months later, when the orphanage's operating conditions began to show a crisis, he finally spoke.

In order to help the dean at that time, Allen suggested that the dean take over some handmade parts work that they could do and let them complete it.

Lu Qi finally found some small jobs, and the children all worked very hard. Black Spot Face was the one who worked the hardest. He often guided other children on how to do it, and even checked on other children after they finished.

In just a few months, the black-spotted face became much more cheerful, but the good times did not last long, and everyone who had just established a friendship began to go their separate ways.

Yin Cai clearly remembers that the day Heizan Lian left, he turned around and said that he would definitely come back to see everyone.

At that time, because Yincai was thin, sallow, and dirty, basically no one who came to adopt her would even look at her. In fact, Yincai was very envious of those adopted children.

After the last dozen or so children with congenital disabilities were taken away from an orphanage run by a friend of Dean Luqi in the middle, Allen also left, and Yincai stayed because she had nowhere to go.

"What did I do wrong!"

The lift slowly landed on the rooftop. At this time, there were a row of director officers from Section 3 and human behavior experts from Section 2 standing outside.

"Master Yincai, I'm sorry to disturb you when you are so busy!"

Yincai nodded with a dazed look. Everyone saluted and bowed. Yincai walked over. He was not in a hurry to go down, but looked at several behavioral experts holding the information in their hands. Yincai Looking at the strange young man in front of me, I still found traces of shadows. The dark-spotted face had a high hairline and a round nose. The childhood shadows in my memory gradually overlapped with the man in the photo in front of me.

After watching Yincai for a while, a chill arose in her heart. At this time, in a surveillance video in the interrogation room, a person from Section 2 took a bucket of water and poured it to wake Zhang Jin up. His eyes were distracted, but the corner of his mouth was There is still a sense of stubbornness everywhere.

The memory resurfaced again. The black-spotted face always had such a fearless expression, no matter what it faced, it was the same.

"I have died once."

"Find someone to treat him."

Yincai said, turned around and started walking, and a bunch of officials hurriedly followed.

As the elevator slowly descended, Yincai fell into deep thought again. When he was arrested as a gangster in his 10s, Yincai didn't know where he would be taken.

Everyone in the prison had the same look, depressed, helpless and sad. Among them were workers who had just been arrested at work, street vendors, waiters in restaurants, etc. Yincai was at the construction site, taking care of herself. The foreman was drinking together and talking about his longing for a better future, but was suddenly arrested.

In order to prevent Yincai from being expelled, the foreman hurriedly gave money to the officers of Section 5 who came to arrest him. However, all this was in vain. This arrest of the gangsters was initiated by Ye Chunwang, the chief of Section 12.

In previous years, the arrested gangsters would be expelled. Yincai originally thought they were dead and going to the barrier area, but when the car stopped, they were taken to a wheat field.

Everyone was horrified because next to them was the Eastern Guard Station. A middle-aged man was lying on the ground. There were a large number of members of Section 12 and people from Section 11 standing nearby. More and more cars stopped. , the arrested gangsters were constantly being transported down.

At this time, the middle-aged man covered with mud came over, and Yincai discovered that he was Ye Chunwang, the section chief of Section 12.

Everyone thought they were going to be forced to work, but Yincai stood up out of nowhere.

"What did I do wrong!"

"You did nothing wrong little girl, all of you here are the same, you did nothing wrong!"

At that time, Yincai was shocked. Finally, after the people in the last escort car were let down, Ye Chunwang stood on the high platform.

"You will not be evicted!"

Following Ye Chunwang's words, the expressions of many people who originally had solemn faces relaxed a little.

"Why are there taxes? Taxes are the most basic value of a person in an orderly society. As illegal citizens without any identification documents, you enjoy everything the city has to offer, but you have no intention of providing taxes to the city. Don’t you think it’s too much? So from now on, you need to work here for a certain number of years. When the number of years is up, you will get an ID card as a level 3 city citizen.”

From then on, Yincai began to work day and night on the farm to reclaim land. After finally completing the service period, he did not expect that in addition to working as a Level 3 citizen, he also received a fortune. For Yincai at that time, It's equivalent to a huge sum of money.

The elevator slowly stopped at the third underground floor, the door opened, and a team leader from Section 3 stood at every door in the corridor.

Arriving at the door of the interrogation room, Yincai quietly stared at the light and shadow screen at the side, where the black-spotted face was undergoing treatment, and pressed one hand on the door.

How should I face him?

The door of the interrogation room opened, and Yincai walked in, walked straight towards Zhang Jin, and sat in front of him.

The handheld opened his eyelids slightly, and saw a pair of bright eyes staring at him worriedly.

"Have you changed someone?"

Zhang Jin suddenly opened his eyes. The woman in front of him was Yin Cai, the secretary of Section 6.

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