Under the slightly yellow light, Xima clasped her hands together and her face was shiny. The five missing people of Team 144 have been found. The last team members have been found, but Sun Lu was not caught.

In front of him is a piece of information about Sun Lu. It comes from an orphanage in District 54, the middle level. People have been sent to the orphanage to investigate. Unfortunately, the orphanage has long since been abolished and no relevant personnel can be found.

During the period of urban development, there were a large number of unreachable places. It can be determined that the rioters used the period from 50 to 30 years ago to cultivate their own power. The only thing that is known is that Sun Lu left the orphanage. from.

She obtained citizenship 16 years ago and relied on her own admission to the civil service department. There was nothing unusual about her in the city's information.

The hanging heart was completely relieved at this moment. An emergency notice had been issued by setting up places in the barrier area where there was a large flow of people. Tomorrow, a batch of medicines to treat the disease would be delivered. Helplessly The killings have gradually subsided.

Tomorrow will mean another huge change for both the city and the barrier area. After seeing the section chiefs' current plan to deal with this crisis, Xima chose to remain silent.

"Please don't lie to me Xima, although I don't know what that guy Tianhen wants, but lies will not bring any good. How you treat others, others will treat you, and one day we will too. You suffered a big loss because of lies!"

Xima grabbed the wine glass at hand and took a sip of the strong drink. She became more and more sober.

Owen's words came true, and they almost died because of false command intelligence.

"There's clearly been a clue tomorrow!"

Xima rubbed her hair. This accident was like a torture for those of them who knew about it. When Sanlian Company started to seize the market, someone noticed it.

"With such a huge output in such a short period of time, why not investigate!"

Xima clearly remembers that Ji Mo, who had just become the secretary of Section 9, had no choice but to come to Section 3, hoping to use Tianhen's power to investigate Sanlian Company.

"Are you just showing off your brain or something? Sanlian Company has supported your large enterprise, and now you are the candidate to be the next chief of Section 9. How can you be so cunning and do things like this?"

Xima was present at the time. She clearly remembers Ji Mo's emotional hope that Tianhen would help. Xima couldn't understand it, and Ji Mo left disappointed.

Until now, Xima still can't understand that at the end of the season, while contacting the rioters and providing some conveniences to Sanlian Company, she secretly wanted to investigate the sudden increase in liquid food from Sanlian Company. Such a mentality.

In the situation at that time, everyone chose to remain silent, because once any action was taken, the balance was likely to be broken. Section 5 needed to maintain the order of the city, and Section 3 needed to stabilize the barrier area. This was the so-called correctness. At that time The food distributed to the barrier area is provided by the Food Association, and both parties can only involve each other to maintain balance at a certain point.

At the end of the season, he once again tried to break the balance plan, but it failed. Isolated and helpless, he may have been completely disappointed with the city's system at that time. The last straw for him may have been what he had foreseen this time. Toxic food accidents.

In the subsequent investigation, it has been found that they started to form gangs at the end of the season and leaked some business intelligence to the creators, which started after Sanlian Company began to seize the liquid food market on a large scale.

Everything today is the result of countless lies stacked up. Businessmen use lies to embellish their palaces, while businessmen use lies to maintain the stability of the city. Lies, a very useful tool, appear again and again. When a problem arises, it is easy to avoid the major issues and cover up the problem.

But now the lie has been exposed, and for the sake of stability, lies will once again cover the city early tomorrow morning, and I can only choose silence. Most people should also choose silence, because everyone has been immersed in lies for a long time and has become accustomed to lies. in itself is meaningless because it is the right thing to do.

Unscrewing the bottle again and filling the wine glass, Xima pressed her hands on her cheeks. The huge pressure made her just want to fall asleep quickly without worrying about anything, but this was obviously impossible.

"Obviously everyone knows it's wrong and it's wrong, Owen! What would you choose to do if it were you?"

At 4:30 in the morning, it is located in the headquarters of Section 9.

Kaloy sat at the top of the conference hall, looking drowsy. Although he squinted his eyes, he was still processing documents sent by the section chief. In order to cope with the possible price rise in the future, In an unstable situation, Section 9 is calculating the price range based on the market forecast report of Section 2 and the price change records in recent months sent by Section 6. Prices must be stabilized within a range. No one can cross this range, and this must be done before the 4th Department releases an explanation of this large-scale disease outbreak tomorrow.

Chloe glanced at a light and shadow screen next to her. After a detailed explanation in Section 4 tomorrow, Section 9 will need to assist in what they need to do, such as scheduling the direction of drug circulation in the drug market and diversion of the flow in the food market. Instead of restricting the free shipping direction of some merchants, the entire shipping direction should be planned as a whole, so that the food circulation in the city's current 118 districts will not be blocked.

"It's such a heartless approach. Hey, I really can't stand this filthy circle. I feel that my pure heart is getting darker little by little. In the end, it should become as dark as my aunt, my girlish heart! "

Chloe tapped the piggy-hum hairpin on her head.

"Hmph, you must not lie, because if you lie, mom will be angry."

Chloe hummed, and for a moment several council officers in the front row looked at the secretary with solemn expressions.

"Isn't it wrong? Hey, tell me, should this kind of thing really be hidden?"

For a while, many council officers smiled awkwardly, while Chloe dragged her chin with one hand and blinked.

"Sure enough, I still feel that this job is too heavy. I might as well resign in a few days. I don't want my young mind to carry such a heavy thing prematurely. One day, bang..."

Chloe banged her head.

"My head just disappeared. It was very scary."

"Lord Chloe, please cheer up. Now we have to deal with possible crises in the city in the future, so..."

Just as a female council officer was about to say something, Chloe immediately stood up and twisted her neck.

"Okay, okay, I know. I will cheer up and finish the work well. That's it. I've finished the part at hand. You guys hurry up. I'm going to take a nap. I guess it will take you half an hour. Once I can submit the completed documents, I will go to sleep first. Only sleeping can allow me to temporarily stay away from this dirty world and liberate my body and mind."

The directors below the stage had a hint of bitterness in their eyes at this time. Chloe walked behind the stage and pulled out a small bed, lay down directly, and then took out a capsule from her pocket and held it in her hand. Li sighed.

"It's so shameful. Tomorrow I have to make a speech about this kind of free capsules in front of many people. It is really helpless to join this kind of family. My life seems to be being threatened by others on the shore. Get on the boat you are holding, eh!"

Bar chi

Chloe pinched open the capsule, opened her mouth, and smacked her lips as the liquid inside flowed into her mouth.

"Can this thing really fool people? Children know that it is water. Please at least add some other different taste agents."

At this time, a light and shadow screen popped up directly, and Ivy's eyes widened with an angry look on her face.

"Chloe, shut your mouth. If you keep talking out loud, I will sew your mouth shut with a needle when I get back."

Chloe laughed, immediately shook her head, and turned around with an angry look on her face.

Those board members who always like to tell lies, really!

In the headquarters of Section 5, 239 people have been arrested so far. Qin Dong quietly watched the reports coming back from various places. Everything was normal. Most people were resting now.

All the arrested people were concentrated in the underground prison room of Section 5 headquarters. A giant light and shadow screen next to it showed the impact of these arrested people. There were more than 200 people in a huge cell. Some people were asleep, and some People are still awake.

Among them, 39 are journalists. Most of the others were arrested for posting something on the Internet, and some were spreading rumors.

Qin Dong felt uneasy as he looked at the pieces of paper investigation materials at hand and some videos of reporters privately interviewing patients' families.

They did nothing wrong, they were just looking for the truth and what to do!

Qin Dong quietly looked at the order document from the section chief's conference room of the General Affairs Section on another light and shadow screen. His boss Niya didn't say anything, but Qin Dong couldn't make a decision. This was a dilemma. Detaining these When does a person become the leader, and what excuses and reasons should be used to convince these people? Coercion and inducement are obviously the best method.

Lilian also said that she would let herself handle these arrested people, but she must not let them spread their words at will, at least until the matter is resolved, they must not be allowed to speak at will.

The only choice is silence!

Qin Dong stood up and pressed his nose. He planned to go to the prison below to explain in person.

Two directors from Division 2 followed Qin Dong down.

Meiling huddled quietly in the corner, looking at the reporters in front of her who were in the same situation as herself. Outside the fence, people from the 5th department were standing. No one was whispering. Everyone's eyes were frightened. Most of them were Section 2 arrested him, but he was finally sent here.

Many people know what will happen to them next. The worst case scenario is imprisonment. At this time, Mei Ling is extremely frightened. After she investigated and sorted out a series of things, she originally wanted to collect these materials. , submitted to Le Xiao, secretary of Section 13.

But she was arrested before she could hand it over. What puzzled Mei Ling the most was why Le Xiao, as a secretary, would buy low-price liquid food through the Internet, and it was poisonous liquid food.

Originally, Meiling wanted to give up the investigation because her sister was half-dead in the hospital. People from Department 4 had even said that she should keep quiet and they would find a way to cure her sister. But after seeing her sister's miserable condition tonight, Meiling The heart is broken.

After the investigation only lasted for a while, Meiling stopped. However, after Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, suddenly came to power, Meiling opened the initial investigation records. After many interviews and verifications, it was finally determined that this The person named Le Xiao who purchased the poisonous liquid food is the same person as Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13.

This shocked Meiling extremely. At that time, Meiling's immediate reaction was to continue investigating why a person of this level would buy such poisonous liquid food. Thinking about it, it should be for the purpose of conducting a follow-up secret investigation.

Section 13 was originally a relatively mysterious department in the eyes of everyone. Although it claimed to be a miscellaneous department that solved the problems left by each subject, many things in the city were actually secretly led by Gene, the chief of Section 13. Under investigation.

This gave Meiling a glimmer of hope, so she conducted the investigation as usual, planning to hand it over to Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, after the investigation information was complete. Then Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, surprised Meiling. She became more determined to investigate everything clearly in her heart.

But now everything is over, and she has fallen into the hands of Section 2, but at this time, Mei Ling still has a glimmer of hope in her heart, because Lexiao's purchase of a large amount of toxic liquid food is definitely not an accident, it must be her intention Find something.

At this time, the door into the prison opened, and many people who were still sleeping woke up. Everyone looked at the people who came down. They were Qin Dong, secretary of Section 5, and two directors of Section 2.

"Please wait patiently!"

Qin Dong spoke, and the people in the prison stood up one after another and looked at Secretary Qin Dong outside. Everyone was silent, and Meiling leaned closer.

"Can I...ask a question!"

Qin Dong nodded, and for a while many people looked at Meiling worriedly. Meiling stood at the railing.

"What did we do wrong!"

For a moment, Qin Dong's eyes moved slightly. He had no answer and could not answer anything. He could only look blankly at the woman with the injury on her face, her eyes still shining with perseverance.

"Excuse me, Le Xiao, secretary of Section 13, do you know?"

Meiling changed the question, and for a while the people in the prison began to murmur in low voices.

"She already knows!"

Meiling swallowed, and strong hope burst out in her eyes. Qin Dong was a little unexpected. Many of the people arrested were from the bottom, and Le Xiao's series of actions in the past few days allowed these people to see What.

Qin Dong was still hesitating, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. The two Section 2 council officers next to him looked solemn at this time, and his shoulders seemed to have tons of things pressing on them.

"If you really can't help it, just find an excuse and comfort yourself. After all, you have been hesitant before."

Xima's words emerged in Qin Dong's mind.

"This matter has been handed over to the secretary of Section 13, Le Xiao! Please trust her!"

Qin Dong turned around and lowered his head. For a moment, it seemed that the pressure on his shoulders was much lessened and his body relaxed a lot. At this time, the voices of the people in the prison suddenly became louder. Meiling covered her mouth. Thinking about it carefully, so For big things, if the acting department didn't want the truth to be revealed, they would definitely be taken to the 2nd department, but in the end everyone was transferred to the 5th department.

"Master Qin Dong, this."

The moment he walked out of the cell, a female director from Division 2 said with a solemn expression. Qin Dong nodded.

"Do you think they did anything wrong?"

Everyone in the long and narrow corridor was silent because there was no answer. The people in the prison were just a group of ordinary citizens.

Don’t think about anything, don’t do anything!

Ye Jiao sat quietly on the table at the top of the conference hall, processing the documents at hand, warning herself over and over again in her head. At this time, Ye Jiao's eyes were a little dazed.

"Is it really okay? If you do this."

"Lao Ye, you are such an idiot, don't think about anything, don't do anything, it'll be okay, nothing will happen."

In the living room at home, the young Ye Jiao was sitting on the floor, painting with a paintbrush. The man in the living room that Ye Jiao hated a little came again. She only saw her father's face with a sad face, but the man kept saying He said it was okay and comforted his father.

"Everyone is doing this, it's hard to survive alone! We are old friends, it's okay, Lao Ye."

"Is it really okay?"

In Ye Jiao's memory, her father asked him several times throughout the night, but the results he got were always OK.

In order for the new type of candy to enter the low-end market, the father of the sales department manager of M.K Candy Company gave the nod.


Ye Jiao woke up and a director came up.

"Master Ye Jiao, I see you don't look well. Is that okay? Why don't you go and take a rest."

Ye Jiao shook her head and took another look at the order document sent by the General Affairs Department on how to handle tomorrow's incident.

Don't think about anything! Don't do anything!


The candies in the candy shop fell to the ground in Ye Jiao's mind again.

"I didn't do anything. Why did you arrest me? I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything!"

The candies on the ground were clattering, and the last thing I saw was my father being pinned to the ground by officers and handcuffed.

"It's okay, Jiaojiao, don't think about anything, don't do anything. If you feel uncomfortable, arrange the candies neatly and put them in the right place."


Ye Jiao's fist hit the table, and all the directors raised their heads. Seeing Ye Jiao's angry face, several female directors hurriedly ran up.

"I'm not going anywhere, not anywhere!"

Ye Jiao pressed her forehead. In her memory, she was going to be taken away and sent to an orphanage because her father committed suicide. People said that his father used toxic materials to make candies and sold them on a large scale. But Ye Jiao knew that her father committed suicide. Didn't do that at all.

After Ye Jiao grew up, she figured out the reason. Everyone was using it, but her father was different. He didn't listen to the guy who came that night, a friend of his father's named Gao, so in the end everyone pointed the finger at his father.


Ye Jiao stood up, turned around and walked away, followed by several female council officers.

"Don't follow me!"

The first time, I don't know why, I just wanted to cry, but Ye Jiao never cried out. Her eyes were red, and she took the elevator all the way to the roof.

"When you feel frustrated, just go to the rooftop and enjoy some fresh air. When the sun comes out early tomorrow morning, everything will be fine."

Ye Jiao sat quietly on the edge of the rooftop, looking at the dark city in the distance. Although she was already in such a position, she still couldn't do anything.

"Lies always come with a price!"

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