Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1430 Destroyers (Part 2)

Frye stood quietly by the window, with only the left half of his body exposed, watching the whole Jizhigla burning in flames, with long lines lined up on the street, everyone waiting to receive supplies.

Some information was obtained through the nano bug installed in the special inspector's communicator, and the military exercise of Section 3 was cancelled.

"It should have been exposed by now, Dean."

Frye nodded. He had never been able to analyze the chemical genetic material in these poisonous foods.

"Contact the director in the city and ask everyone to evacuate the hospital immediately and wait in the underground warehouse. Zhang Jin knows your identity, maybe now."

Fry laughed.

"Even if he dies, he won't let Xingke know everything. What do you think is the most miserable thing in this world as a human being?"

After hesitating for a while, Jie Lin lowered her head and said.

"Watching the one you love leave before your eyes."

"Zhang Jin's parents, younger brothers and sisters died in front of his eyes. The last person who brought him some relief was the director of the Luqi Orphanage. Some of the children in the orphanage, as well as his adoptive parents, once The light he finally gained was extinguished once again because of a woman who was born in the barrier area, and he finally found me with determination."

Fry pressed one hand on the window sill, with a cold look in his eyes.

"I once told him that the choice is his own business, and if he chooses, I will do my best to help him. He is free to do whatever he wants to do next."

Jie Lin seemed to remember something.

"She must be one of Zhao Zhen's subordinates in the failed plan of the organization before. I remember the woman's name was"

"There is no need to mention the past. Your choice has been decided from the beginning. It is only the final hesitation that makes the choice. When a person's hard-earned hope is extinguished again, he will only choose to sink into the darkness without hesitation. "

Jie Lin smiled bitterly.

"Where should we go next? Dean, have you made any preparations?"

Frye nodded.

"Of the people sent to Department 3, only Zhang Jin knew my identity, but when he came to see me, he also agreed to Dr. Akimi's condition."

Frye said, pointing to his head.

"Implant nano-blasting robots in the language center. Once he wants to say something, these nano-robots, which have been floating in the blood vessels of his language center, and use human body heat as the energy source, will explode."

Frye turned around and walked towards Jaylin, pulling up the coat on the side to cover the right half of his cheek.

"His choice was made from the beginning. No one can endure the departure of the one they love over and over again."

Jie Lin also wrapped herself in a thick piece of clothing, and the two left the room. After going downstairs, they quickly blended into the crowd. At this time, the people around were waiting to receive food, and their faces were full of joy.

The valley in front of us makes it hard to tell where to go, because no matter which way you go, it's almost exactly the same.

Hu Xue held the gun, and Yu Tong was silent next to them. They were looking for the exit. The road shown by the goggles was wrong. The wind and sand were very strong, and many roads in the valley were disordered.

The short-range communication signals between the team members were also blocked by these rock walls. Everyone was very tired and seemed to be spinning in the same place.

The team that was scouting the road ahead had not seen it yet. They could only see the fluorescent signs that the team had painted outside the entrances to the narrow valleys that looked the same.

"We're lost."

A leading team member stopped in front of them, and a total of 12 team members stopped. Looking at the fluorescent sign at an entrance in front of them, they came back.

When they entered the mountain valley, they saw the assembly flare in the distance and returned the same way. However, when they went back, they followed the fluorescent signs that were put down when they came, and they couldn't find the exit for several hours.

In desperation, Captain Kakuri tried rock climbing, but found that the rocks here were very fragile and the climbing equipment was simply not enough to reach the top of the mountain. This valley with a vertical distance of more than 2,000 meters was difficult to climb.

Captain Kakuri still wanted to find the exit by himself from beginning to end and did not use rescue flares. At this time, the team members began to complain.

Captain Kakuri is very concerned about face. Everyone knows that if he is rescued like this, he will definitely become the laughing stock of the 3rd department. He led the team members into the mountains, trying to take a shortcut, but ended up getting lost.

"It's Sun Lu's fault."

Hu Xue said, and Yu Tong next to her pulled her.

"She has been walking in front. It is impossible for her to do anything. Stop talking about it."

The team members stopped completely. It is best not to wander around when you are lost, especially because the rocks here are severely weathered and there are signs of collapse. When they came in, everyone said it was too dangerous, but Kakuri still insisted on going his own way. walked in because of his good face.

Everyone was discussing, tied themselves up with climbing ropes, and began to explore the way. They had to find the captain and the others. Someone had already fired, but it was difficult to hear the whimpering sound of such a fierce wind passing through the canyon. to the distance.


Yu Tong and Hu Xue, who were walking at the back, turned around and saw that the rocks on the mountain had collapsed again. It was no longer possible for everyone to think about it. They had to find a way out.

Hu Xue suddenly turned around and pointed the gun at nothing.

"What's wrong?"

"I always feel like someone is watching us."

Yu Tong hugged Su Xue and walked towards the team members in front. They all found a spacious place and planned to rest until it got a little brighter before finding a way.

In the darkness, Sun Lu had completely fallen into invisibility. She stared at the team members not far ahead with cold eyes.

There are 12 more people! Who should I start with?

There is a road across the valley, but that road has collapsed. After Sun Lu recovered his memory, he immediately knew that this was the exact news he got two months ago, and what kind of situation there was on each route. , she knew it all.

Because many road maps are not drawn by the special inspectors of Section 3, but by some people in the barrier area, and these people will keep a copy of the road map to some extent. The road map can be bought with food in the barrier area.

There were two other places where Sun Lu could choose to start, but they were both near the signal area. In the end, she chose this place. Captain Kakuli had a very strong character and always felt that he was right and correct.

This rocky canyon facing the south is a natural weathering formation. Sun Lu brought some climbing equipment with hook fist gloves. It would not be difficult for her to leave here, and as an A-level mutant, she would go to the front now. The people who explored the path and left marks were all dead, leaving only these team members. After Sun Lu planned to deal with them, he would go to some places to join others.

Everyone had only one purpose of this trip, which was to intensify the conflict between the barrier area and Section 3. However, Sun Lu was a little surprised by the blue gathering signal flare before.

Sun Lu showed a weird smile. It was no longer necessary now. After she planned to deal with these people, she would run away and use the captain's signal flare to send a rescue message. She would continue to return to the city and lurk. Now a large-scale eruption occurred in the barrier area. disease, conflicts do not need to be intensified at all, but have already broken out.

Sun Lu quietly moved over and saw that a bunch of people had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, all the sleeping team members raised their weapons and pointed them at Sun Long, accompanied by a burst of violent gunfire.

Sun Lu's eyes widened, and light red scabs formed all over his body, and he quickly retreated towards the narrow path behind him.


A small heat-seeking missile hit directly.

Following the violent explosion, the mountain began to collapse on a large scale, and the remaining 12 members of the team began to evacuate.

"It must be Sun Lu!"

Hu Xue gritted her teeth and shouted, but now everyone was busy running for their lives. Hu Xue had smelled the smell of blood in the wind before. She felt that someone was following them, so she asked everyone to put on heat-sensing equipment. Sure enough, everyone saw When a thermoplasm approached, he shot decisively.

With a cry of ouch, the team members bumped into each other in the narrow valley path. At this time, everyone saw the corpses on the ground. These were the team members who went to investigate. They were all dead and fell to the ground. , and Captain Kakuli was also there, with his mouth wide open, one cheek sunken directly, and the blood on his abdomen solidified.

"Don't panic!"

Yu Tong shouted, and immediately spoke clearly, asking team members to wear heat-sensing equipment and guard the entrances of some canyons. They would shoot whenever they saw people. Even if the other party was a mutant, everyone knew that as long as they didn't Give the mutant a chance to get close, and keep it at about 5 meters, which will weaken the mutant's telekinesis. According to the light red scab that just appeared, this guy is just an A-level mutant. Under the fierce firepower, the scab will The object is not hard enough to completely withstand bullets.

However, after Yu Tong checked for a while, he found that there were only 11 corpses here, and the bodies of the remaining 7 team members were missing, and neither the team doctor nor Sun Lu saw them.

Hu Xue trembled slightly. Everyone saw this terrifying scene, but they could only endure the fear and guarded the positions of the five canyons. One looked down and the other looked up with the gun. Everyone was nervous. They were all extremely nervous.

The team members all took out small thermal tracking cannons with powerful firepower. Once they locked on the heat source and fired directly, no one wanted to die in this place. They were well-trained on weekdays and began to fight against mutants according to the tactics they had practiced many times before. After getting ready, some team members went to the valley and deployed thermal response mines and remote-controlled mines. The worst case scenario would be to blow up the mountain wall.

Yu Tong was still nervously searching for the body of captain Kakuli, but could not find it. Even the spare flares were gone, but the weapons and equipment of the dead team members were still there.

In a narrow valley not far from the team members, Yu Tong slipped down the mountain wearing hook-claw gloves for climbing. The area on her shoulders was bloody and bloody. She took out a bottle of hemostatic spray with an expression on her face. Painfully sprayed up.

The fire in her heart completely burst out. Yu Tong did not take away too many weapons, only a small strip of food and water, climbing equipment, and a sniper rifle. The situation was far worse than she thought.

When faced with the choice of continuing to hunt the team members or leaving, Sun Lu decisively chose the former.

"Before you are trained to become cold-blooded butchers, let me deal with you."


Sun Lu took out a sniper rifle and climbed directly up. The annual drills in the recruits' barrier area were what Sun Lu hated the most. In her eyes, all the people in the field were butchers. She had been hating them for decades. Looking at these butchers.

"What did we do wrong!"

Sun Lu still remembers what captain Zhang Jin said in the underground training facility. This is also the voice of everyone from the barrier area. Who should ask such questions? Who should be responsible for everything they have done? There is nothing. .

In order to protect every citizen, military exercises in the barrier zone must be carried out. This is a sentence that Sun Lu has heard as hypocritical.

Although Section 3 is prohibited from talking about some details of the battle in the barrier area, we can still learn some information from the mouths of senior members. The massacre at Alataanulla was just the beginning. Over the years, Section 3’s attitude towards the barrier area has not softened at all. , which is also the city’s attitude towards barrier zones.

Many medical methods in the city are now found on the people in the barrier area. Sun Lu climbed on the mountain wall with a sniper rifle on his back.

The fire in her heart was stimulating Sun Lu's nerves all the time. She had forgotten the pain and was getting closer and closer to the remaining members of the team. Sun Lu found a place where she could barely stand. The wind kept whistling on her back. , Sun Lu held up the sniper rifle, opened the scope, and looked over.

With an equally angry face, Hu Xue, holding a sniper rifle, pulled the trigger first.


Sun Lu let go of her hand and slid down the mountain wall. All of a sudden, grenades came towards her.

Along with the violent explosions, pieces of the mountain walls continued to collapse. Sun Lu did not hesitate after landing, turned around and ejected towards the valley behind.

Hu Xue was panting while holding a sniper rifle, and the team members in the middle also began to hold sniper rifles and look around at the mountain wall.

"It's Sun Lu!"

Hu Xue was trembling, but what was on her face was neither shock nor anger, but excitement. Her eyes were wide open and her whole body was trembling. Yu Tong swallowed. At this time, the members of the team were all angry. They didn't know why Sun Lu wanted to kill them.

"I have long felt that that gloomy guy is abnormal, and I have already reacted to the captain."

Many people started talking about Sun Lu's sudden change, and Hu Xue walked over with a gun and grenades.

"what are you up to?"

Yu Tong stopped Hu Xue, and Hu Xue turned around excitedly.

"She killed Zhenzhen, I want to kill her, kill her!"

The team members looked at the emotional Hu Xue. Several team members in the middle hurriedly came over to stop Hu Xue, but at this time Hu Xue roared loudly.

"If you have the ability, come out, Sun Lu. Come out, I'm going to kill you."


Hu Xue took the grenade launcher and fired it at the place opposite that had collapsed for a large part. With a violent explosion, a red light in the sky stopped in the air for an instant. It was a A landing gear with a falcon logo.

The members of the team all showed happy smiles. At this time, members of the Falcon Special Forces fell from the sky one by one. In less than a few minutes, each team member was picked up on the lift. The Falcon members were looking around. Sun Lu as mentioned by team members.

Hu Xue kept shouting that it was Sun Lu who killed Luo Zhenzhen. She kept crying and refused to put down the weapon in her hand. The members of the lift team looked livid, and a female special force captain came over. , she looked at the excited Hu Xue, wanting to get the equipment and go down to chase Sun Lu.

bang bang

Hu Xue's eyes widened, and just when she was about to resist, Yu Tong behind her struck her neck with a heavy hand knife without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, sir, she just has some..."

The female captain took off her helmet, revealing her curly hair. She patted Yu Tong on the shoulder and glanced at everyone in the team.

"Thank you for your hard work. If something like this happens, you will all be asked a special question after you go back."

For a moment, a male team member broke down and cried, and the sobs began to sound one after another.

News continued to be sent back, but no trace of the attacker Sun Lu was found. Some members of the Falcon Team were disposing of the body, while some had already started searching on the outside of the mountain range. They had already sent messages to the headquarters of Section 3 in the barrier area. information.

A lift was already speeding towards this side and stopped near the mountains, intending to start a blanket search for Sun Lu, the missing team doctor Sophia, and the other five team members.

"Sir, may I ask why she would..."

"You don't need to know. When you go back, please keep your mouth shut and don't announce any details of this incident to the outside world. If someone asks, they will say that they encountered armed forces in the barrier area and a fight broke out, resulting in the death of the team members."

For a moment, all the team members looked at the Falcon captain with solemn expressions. Some people kept wiping tears, and Yu Tong stood up.


"Answer me what you hear."

Each and every faint voice of yes rang out, and Yu Tong finally sat down. For everyone, what they experienced this time would probably be unforgettable in their lifetime, and for Hu Xue, too, looking at Hu Xue who had fallen asleep. Snow, Yu Tong stroked her hair.

"If you want to know what's going on, climb up. That's the only way."

The Falcon team leader said as she walked to the cabin door, the breeze blew in her face, and she clenched her fists.

"I also have a family member, my brother, who also died in an incident without warning."

As he spoke, the captain jumped down, turned on the flight equipment, and disappeared into a streak of red light in the distance.

The takeoff and landing began to return. The moment the cabin door closed, cries echoed in the cabin. Yu Tong leaned quietly against the window, tears rolling down from his eyes.

Following a violent burst of gunfire, Sun Lu had rushed out of the valley and lost her figure in the endless wilderness. She ran angrily. Soon she saw a sunken sand pit and jumped directly into it. In less than a few seconds, a violent whistling sound came from above. Sun Lu trembled and swallowed.

"I can't spare you! Haha."

There was a strange smile on Sun Lu's face in the darkness. This was an underground facility built using biological matter, and it was also their gathering place.

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