Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1429 Destroyers (Part 2)

The future is a world of human beings, clones and intelligent systems. If human beings want to surpass the current level of technology, they can only try endlessly. Trying requires paying the price of blood. Prosperity is built on the ruins of life.

——BY: Destroyer of Worlds


Ran Zai turned the pages quietly. In a room full of books, the books were stacked to the point where he could no longer stand. There was a specially treated book wrapped in a sheepskin shell, which was nearly 50 centimeters long. Ran Zai continued to look through it.

This underground library located under a cemetery has been Ran Zai's paradise since childhood. The air is filled with the smell of dust and the smell of books. This is Ran Zai's favorite smell, the smell of books.

There are not many places where you can find physical books in the city. There are only some in the Art District, but most of them are books that can only be sold after strict review by the Business Department. However, paper books are far more expensive than virtual e-books. There are so many books that most people buy a physical book to take home and use it as a decoration.

destroyer of worlds

Ran Zai flipped through this book, which recorded many warning words. There were many famous quotes said by thinkers, writers, and powerful people, but Ran Zai's favorite was the words of the Destroyer of the World. After all, he Who he is, Ran Zai doesn't know, but he is more like a prophet and a vigilant.

Most of the World Destroyer's remarks are about the future, resources, environment, universe, etc., as well as the fundamental evil nature of human beings.

Everything is just as the World Destroyer said. In the future, if humans want to break through the current technological level, they will definitely try to enter the taboo areas of life, cloning and AI. Human thoughts will be in an era when the social structure has reached its peak. A drastic transformation occurs.

Nowadays, the social structure of Brilliant City has reached the pinnacle of human society's technology, and it is difficult to make great progress. The domino effect and butterfly effect caused by the application of a technology are unpredictable.

Ran Zai suspected that this large-scale disease was caused by AIs, but he could not find any evidence.

Picking up the wine glass on the book next to him, Ran Zai took a sip and shook the ice cubes in the glass. He liked the feeling of spending some time in this sea of ​​accumulated trees.

"Perhaps chaos will come before we leave the city."

Ran Zai put down his wine glass, knowing very well that this disease cannot be solved by the current medical level of human beings, and only AI can do this, but how on earth did they do it.

After closing the book and drinking the wine in the glass, Ran Zai got up. At 3 a.m., after finding a corner to sleep, he pulled a blanket over himself and turned off the light.


Several directors of Section 3 stood quietly in a room. More than 30 top human behaviorists from Section 2 were looking at Zhang Jin who was tied to a chair through interrogation surveillance. Several special agents were standing around him. A member of the team, Kamei, was sitting cross-legged in the corner with a cigarette in his mouth.

In several other interrogation rooms, the team members retrieved from outside the signal area were undergoing the first round of examination one by one. Most of them did not understand what was going on. The current death toll totaled 75 people.

Team 144 has not been found yet. Zhang Jin said nothing. According to age calculations, he is currently at least in his 40s, but his citizenship is only 28 years old.

It had been two hours, and no matter how the interrogator from Section 2 asked, Zhang Jin remained silent.

"This kind of person will never open his mouth no matter what he asks."

A director from Section 3 said, and an expert from Section 2 smiled.

"Because he was prepared to die, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of anything. If he didn't shoot, he wouldn't necessarily be arrested."

Everyone was very anxious. As long as they could learn something from Zhang Jin, the whole city would be able to arrest and search immediately, and pull out some rioters in one fell swoop.

At this time, Zhang Jin had already figured out that no matter what means the other party used, he could not find anything related to the creator from his head.

Zhang Jin's memory is forever fixed on the day when the massacre began. At that time, Zhang Jin was just 12 years old. As a member of the boy soldiers, his parents were the leaders of one of the nearby armed forces, and he also had a younger brother and a younger sister.

Since the day he was born, Zhang Jin has only seen gray and white. He has asked his parents countless times what is the place that is far away from them but can be seen every day.

His parents just told Zhang Jin that that place was where his parents were born, but they were kicked out for some reasons.

As Zhang Jin grew up day by day, he gradually realized that all the people in the barrier area were like garbage in the city, being thrown away casually.

From time to time, you can see some people from the city's business affairs department coming over, as well as those members of the business affairs department who have sneaked into the Alatan Ula Mountains. Every time Zhang Jin sees these people, he feels angry.

Zhang Jin didn't understand why, he hated it deep down in his heart. When he was a child, he saw the lights coming out of the city, which he looked forward to. But after that, these lights were a bit annoying and very dazzling. Every time he saw them, he would feel the anger of separation.

On the day of the massacre, everything started with the explosion of the thermal power plant. Zhang Jin never thought that it would come so suddenly, with the protracted bombing, and countless large-scale explosions roaring in his ears. People near the Alatan Ula Mountains, He died without even fighting back, and Zhang Jin and his parents hid in an underground facility.

They originally wanted to evacuate, but those who retreated found that they had already been surrounded. The troops from the acting department were constantly searching the encirclement network and massacred them like a carpet.

His father, mother, younger brothers and sisters died one after another. This massacre caused Zhang Jin to lose everything. He was left with endless fear and darkness. He originally thought that as long as he had a gun in his hand, he could fight back until the business department came over.

All was in vain, even those who begged for mercy were shot.

What did we do wrong!

Zhang Jin has been thinking about this question all the time, but unfortunately there is no answer. Maybe it was birth, maybe not. He finally saw some hope. The days near the Alatan Ula Mountains were the happiest times for Zhang Jin, looking at a piece of Crops were grown on the revived land, and the people around it were full of hope.

Zhang Jin heard rumbling sounds, a lot of footsteps, cries, and gunshots from time to time. The underground facility where he and more than a dozen children were hiding was finally discovered.

"Sorry! Stay quiet and don't say anything."

In the end, the underground facility was discovered, but a member of Section 3 who opened the facility announced that there was nothing inside.

With a loud bang, the house was blown up and the exit was blocked.

One day, two days, three days

Zhang Jin began to wait for death, without hatred or sadness. Death is the final destination for people in the barrier zone.

However, with a rumble, the entrance was opened, and a hand with only three fingers stretched out.

"Is anyone still alive?"

The man's voice sounded a little eager, with a hint of unwillingness and sadness. Zhang Jin only remembered that he raised his hand slightly at that time.

The man who rescued them was named Frye, who was the director of a mental hospital in the city. Afterwards, they were secretly brought into the city. Zhang Jin finally saw that this city shrouded in light was really beautiful.

"Dean, what should I do?"

"I don't know whether to choose to give up hatred and live a good life, or choose to pick up hatred. If you think clearly one day, come to Frye Mental Hospital."

Zhang Jin entered an orphanage. This was the only place that could take them in without being discovered. It seemed that no one was willing to take care of the orphanage's affairs.

The director is a very kind person and treats all the children well. New children are constantly being picked up. Zhang Jin spends a happy time in this orphanage again.

Gradually, Zhang Jin discovered that this place was no different from the barrier area where he lived. The same thing, even if he could bathe in the sun, he would not be able to get it.

Birth determines everything, and the same applies to people around here. Happy life is always short-lived. The orphanage closed down, and the children were either picked up by some childless people in the middle class, or they continued to stay. Zhang Jin was born with the appearance of He was pretty good-looking, and he was lucky enough to be picked up by a middle-class couple.

At that time, there were only a dozen people left in the orphanage. On the day before he left, Zhang Jin hoped that the couple who picked him up would help other people. The ones that impressed him most were a little girl who was older than him, and a boy.

Zhang Jin didn't know the name of the little girl. He only knew that her name was a colorful musical note, and the boy always had a gloomy look. However, both of them were good people and did not discriminate against him because he came from the barrier area. .

Zhang Jin originally wanted to make some money as soon as possible, go back to the orphanage, and help the dean and others. However, before Zhang Jin could enter the school, the dean committed suicide, and all the children in the orphanage left. .

The adoptive parents were very good people and the family was relatively wealthy, but they had no children. After they let Zhang Jin stay at home for many years, the legal procedures were finally completed. Zhang Jin also got a name, a new identity, and started going to school.

During those years, Zhang Jin would go back to the orphanage from time to time to visit and inquire about it, but there was no news about those children.

As he continues to grow, Zhang Jin no longer thinks about the past. He has accepted his new self and letting go of hatred and prejudice may be the best thing to do.

One day, a girl found Zhang Jin and asked Zhang Jin for help as soon as she opened her mouth. Because this girl was also from the barrier area, her eyes always had anger in her eyes. Zhang Jin hesitated and helped the girl.

Once there was a second time, Zhang Jin was a little scared because what the girl did was very dangerous, but this innocent and optimistic girl never felt that there was anything wrong with what she did.

After helping the girl many times, Zhang Jin learned that they were a group of anti-social elements. Many of them were seriously ill, and the girl was no exception. One of them, Zhao Zhen, was the most radical.

At that time, medicine was monopolized by medical associations. The medical market in the city was in chaos. There were constant demonstrations in the society. Most of the people in this organization were people with no tomorrow. They just wanted to cause a major accident and force the medical industry to Make health care reform.

Gradually, Zhang Jin found that he fell in love with this girl, but her body was getting thinner day by day and she would die soon. Expensive medical treatment was unaffordable for many people.

Finally on the day of the operation, the girl kissed Zhang Jin goodbye. Zhang Jin was still a little worried and went to the scene of a large medical seminar. Their purpose was to hijack businessmen and people from the medical association.

The operation went smoothly, but with the intrusion of the administrative department, the plan failed. Zhang Jin saw the girl lying in a pool of blood with his own eyes, and everyone involved in the operation died.

The news was immediately blocked, and Zhang Jin was taken to Section 2 and signed a confidentiality contract.

Medical reform has finally arrived, but what about the people who died before the reform? What did they do wrong? They just wanted cheaper drugs so that they could afford medical treatment when they got sick. They were not wrong.

"What did we do wrong? We did nothing wrong!"

Zhang Jin raised his head and stared at the interrogator in front of him with a pair of fiery eyes.

"You killed 29 people!"

There was no hesitation in the interrogator's eyes, which were cold and ruthless.

"You can do whatever you want, it doesn't matter anymore. My life will not deviate in any way because of your so-called law and order, and nothing I do will be wrong because of your definitions."

"So you can kill the other innocent people in the squad?"

Zhang Jin shook his head.

"Then you can hold up your guns and trample on innocent lives?"

The interrogator stood up, walked aside, opened a tool bag, put on a pair of boxing gloves, soaked them in a jar of liquid for a while, and then walked up to Zhang Jin.

"Tonight will be long, and so will your life from now on."


Blood spattered, Zhang Jin raised his head, and scenes emerged in his mind. His life was spinning rapidly like a revolving lantern.

"Dean, what did we do wrong?"

"I can't answer this question for you, because there must be right and wrong, and right and wrong are often determined by stance, victory, defeat, and strength. This is how the world is, and the weak will be trampled and squeezed. , you have done nothing wrong, and they have done nothing wrong, because everyone feels that they are right, and only their own actions are correct."

Zhang Jin screamed at the severe pain all over his body. His body was constantly being hit with fists. Every time the needle penetrated his body, he became more awake and angry.

Just like in the past, no one will feel pity for his own cries. The same goes for those who died, and he will die too.


The first round of torture ended. In just 3 minutes, Zhang Jin's whole body was trembling, blood was seeping out of his capillaries, and the skin all over his body was burning like flames. The interrogator injected him with some body-enhancing drugs. After taking the functional medicine, he temporarily exited the room.

"It looks like he doesn't know what to say, what should I do?"

The interrogator said as soon as he came in. The experts in the room were all the same. Fear of pain was meaningless to Zhang Jin.

"We can only temporarily check on other suspected lurking rioters."

"Please tell me earlier, boy, no matter what reason you have, since you have done it, you are our enemy!"

Kamei threw away the cigarette butt and walked in front of Zhang Jin. At this time, a special operations team member in the corner came to Zhang Jin with evasive eyes.

"What I say to you now will not help. If you want to survive, tell everything you know."

Zhang Jin froze slightly, stared sideways at the member of the special forces team behind him, and then lowered his head.

At this time, a Section 2 director in the monitoring room saw a document and stood up with a confused look on his face.

"Master Yincai is also from the Luqi Orphanage."

The discussion in the room stopped for a while, and everyone gathered together and looked at Yincai's information. According to the external information, Yincai was just born at the bottom of the family, and there was no mention of her being from a black background.

"what to do?"

Many people in the room were hesitating. At this time, the director of Section 3 took out his phone.

"I will explain to Lord Xima that we are not qualified to let Lord Yincai come directly in terms of authority."

Xima, who was directing food distribution in the barrier area, received a call from a director.

"What happened? Is there any result?"

Xima held a cigarette in her mouth and her face became a little serious. After a while, she nodded. She held the phone and looked at the light and shadow screen. She hesitated and pressed the number 0006.

"What's wrong, Secretary Xima, is there something that needs to be handed over?"

There was a chaotic sound on the other side of the phone. Section 6 must be very busy. Xima hesitated for a while and then said.

"We captured a rioter who infiltrated Section 3. Because of his relationship, 29 people died. Like you, he was from the Luqi Orphanage."


Xima said the name, but Yincai said she didn't recognize it.

"I've checked with his adoptive parents. He was in the orphanage before and everyone called him Black Spot Face."

"I'll go over and take a look."

Xima was a little surprised, but still hummed.


Yincai, who was in Hospital 118, hung up the phone. Her mood was extremely complicated for a moment. She had just seen Allen yesterday, but today she heard about the black-spotted face. Pressing her pounding heart, Yincai stood up. Come, summoned several directors to come over, and after explaining some things, they directly requisitioned a Section 4 takeoff and landing aircraft.

A series of things emerged in Yincai's mind. Yesterday, Allen said that the dean was not dead, and today the black-spotted face did such a thing. Yincai couldn't understand it, as well as the abandoned things under the Luqi Orphanage. What's going on with the weapons and ammunition that are some years old and stored in the facility?

"What kind of mood should I have when facing my former friends?"

"The Barrier Zone is not a good place, but it's not much better here."

In the memory, Yincai asked Heizan Lian some things about the barrier area, and Hei Zanlian would say the same thing every time. As soon as he asked, Yincai felt that Hei Zanlian's tone became a little sad.

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