Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1428 Destroyers (Part 1)

Late at night, Frye Mental Hospital still makes hair-raising screams from time to time.

As if shrouded in a huge fog, the mental hospital standing in the dim light exudes a terrifying aura.

Clone Frye sat quietly at his desk. Standing in front of him was a man with fair skin, a man with a polite look and a crazy look on his face, Dr. Marcus.

Clone Fry tried his best to look dazed, with no expression on his face. Lolita had just left when the door to the room was knocked open.

"Doctor, the movement of the soldiers is already halfway through. I think it would be best for you to hurry over and help."

"Minister, you have gained a lot of weight recently."

Heimo walked in disapprovingly with a big belly and winked at clone Frye. Clone Frye closed his eyes and fell on the table. He looked as if he died suddenly. It was very natural. It's more like a robot that suddenly has no power supply.

At this time, there were traces of cyan particles floating in the corner of the room. Marcus continued to look at Frye for a while. The cadres all knew that this was the AI ​​Frye provided by the AI ​​side, and the structure inside was a robot.

However, Marcus still felt suspicious, because he always felt that this Fry didn't look like a robot, but he couldn't tell for a while.

Heimo said, Marcus turned around, and the two closed the door. At this time, they were going to move the Nether Soldiers located inside the foundation of the eight pillars to Warehouse No. 5, and seal them temporarily. The Business Department would definitely It was only a matter of time before I noticed this. I had never been able to find the opportunity before, but I don’t know what happened tonight. The business department seemed to be very busy, and people were under martial law everywhere.

A total of 100 Nether soldiers, most of them have been carried over. Hemio and Marcus were talking, and the two of them passed through the destination. At this time, at the middle two towers of the eight towers, a mutant The cadres came up from below carrying a huge mechanical coffin, which contained the Netherworld soldiers.

These extremely low-temperature polymers that can appear in a superfluid state can pass through the walls and floors of the human body in an instant, really like ghosts. This is an important product of Dr. Archimi's bio-nanotechnology. It was just completed two years ago and has yet to be completed. Improvement, because the distance cannot be too far, but for the most powerful soldiers, they are very powerful soldiers. In the future, raids on Section 10 will rely on these soldiers.

At this time, another female cadre wearing a white mask came back. She laughed and looked at Marcus and Heimo.

"What are you two insidious guys planning?"

"Lady Crystal!"

Marcus bowed as he spoke, and Heimo looked at this woman. The goods she trained could no longer be supplied to the upper levels, and some of the black market merchants on the upper levels who were responsible for receiving the goods were now in Jie Of the bombings Lin caused, only one survived, but after inhaling the nerve gas, it was basically disabled and the entire line had been severed.

The consignees at the upper level always thought that Jie Lin was Mrs. Crystal, but the real Mrs. Crystal was at the bottom. This was a double guarantee to prevent the matter from being exposed. The only person those black market merchants could provide was Jie Lin, and Mrs. Crystal can continue to work comfortably at the bottom.

Heimo heard Frye mention that this Lady Crystal was his classmate and the former No. 2 figure in Frye Mental Hospital. However, more than 20 years ago, Lady Crystal went to the bottom to train some people full-time. Mental methods and hypnosis methods are used to continuously create all time bombs that can trigger events.

There is only one kind of person chosen by Madam Crystal, a person with double Y chromosomes, a person with XYY chromosomes who is born with more violent traits. Such people are born with flaws in their character, are abnormally angry, and have a crime rate that is nearly 10 times higher than that of ordinary people. times.

"It would be better for you to run your business well. Madam Crystal, you have to go to the bottom floor to check the goods next month. I will give you a personal suggestion. Give up the goods on the bottom floor, open up another place, and search directly from the barrier area. Although it still takes some time to cultivate, it is relatively safe.”

Mrs. Crystal carried the coffin, ignored Heimo's reminder, got up and jumped to a window.

"Minister, do you need me to make you a wife that meets your inner expectations and beautiful fantasies? Really, your disgusting bad taste is really disgusting!"

Heimo shouted with a sneer.

"You're not much better!"

Madam Crystal has left, and now the creators are making preparations. Finally, everyone reached a certain consensus with Marcus. We will first see how the interference plan turns out, and then follow up on the response of the business department. A step-by-step strategic plan to interfere with the lurkers in Section 3 of the plan. Relying on Madam Crystal's hypnotherapy and some special treatments from Dean Frye, they successfully transformed into ordinary people. After many years of hard work, they entered Being professional, they have one thing in common: they are all orphans, and they are all survivors of the Alata'ura massacre.

"I think there may be something wrong with the barrier area. Minister, what do you think?"

While they were talking, another large take-off and landing aircraft whizzed past the two of them, instantly streaking across the sky like a red meteor and disappearing in the dark night sky.

"No matter what happens over there, it is of no use to us anymore. Doctor, your werewolf soldiers performed really well. Can you..."

Heimao did not continue speaking. A cadre came up from below. Tang Ye was carrying a coffin and stared at the two of them coldly.

"I remember that your father seemed to be the boss of Hydera Company. He was later affected and there was no news."

"I have no father, minister, or mother. The only thing I have is my sister."

Heimao bowed hurriedly and apologized. Tang Ye put on a white mask, jumped up, and disappeared into the night sky.

"Dr. Marcus, can you help me? The transportation will be completed as soon as possible. The ground below will be completely filled and closed."

Lolita came up carrying a coffin, and Heimo waved his hands feebly. He was just an ordinary person, not a mutant. At this time, Marcus nodded and walked away.

The 100 coffins were all carried by the cadres themselves. Along the route, the AI ​​​​had already monitored the coffins to ensure nothing went wrong.

Hemio looked at a handle protruding from the ground on one side. As long as the underground storage cabin is emptied later, if he pulls the handle, the decades of soil that has been prepared will pour in, directly removing the uncarved ground below. The natural stone cave was buried and everything was destroyed.

Everyone knows that they will only have a lot of room for movement when the administrative department is busy with other things. As long as they are not careful, once they are caught by the administrative department, they will even start a war in advance before they are ready. When it's good, the whole army is wiped out.

The way the Executive Section dealt with Hydra is still fresh in Heimao's memory. Mo Xiaolan, who had just become the section chief at that time, showed extremely tough methods. After investigating all the members, he instantly issued an order to kill them all. , all those involved will be expelled.

Since then, Section 2 has had the right to directly override the law. This is why their plans over the years have been difficult to progress. Section 2's methods are too cruel, and they will do whatever it takes to find them out.

They had been preparing for that riot for 10 years, but it still did not cause much damage. More than 200,000 people who participated in the riots were directly expelled from the two regions, and the remaining 780,000 to 80,000 were merged into the surrounding districts. .

But what Heimo couldn't understand was who betrayed the end of the season. Their most important chess piece was directly exposed. Originally, relying on the end of the season, their future plans would be smoother, but It was revealed at the end of the season.

After being exposed, the cadres immediately discussed the results and directly used Ji Mo's death to let the entire society know the cruelty of the acting department. However, the plan failed. The usually submissive Ji Mo finally showed his strength. It's amazing, it's already the strength of the section chief. No one among the creators can be his opponent, let alone those half-baked reformers who are used as abandoned ones.

At this time Marcus came up carrying the coffin, Lolita also left, and Heimo walked over.

"Doctor, what are you planning?"

Marcus adjusted his monocle.

"Minister, what are you planning? I have already explained that this kind of human-wolf gene was not given to Ji Mo intentionally by me, but for a certain purpose, it could only be given to Ji Mo through a mysterious middleman."

"The key is the middleman, who is it?"

Heimo asked and Marcus shook his head.

"It's a very powerful character."

After Marcus left, Heimo walked into Tower 6. After taking a breath, he climbed to the top of the building and stared at the dazzling Capitol Hill in the distance, where was Section 10.

"I don't know what's going on with that Guoguo guy recently. If I have a chance, I really want to meet her and thank her very much!"

In the cold wind, there was a trace of sadness in Heimiao's eyes. Everything in front of him was not the result he wanted. Why can't humans fall in love with robots? Why should AI be dead and lifeless? Heimiao just wanted to I have to continue my research, and I finally see some light. My wife has a certain degree of human emotions, and I am almost done.

The data has been cleared. The current AI12 is just a human simulated emotion system. Those things that have been painstakingly studied for many years were burned to the ground. When he escaped with his wife, the gods cruelly deprived his wife of her only life. A little emotion.

"A machine is a machine, and it cannot become a human being no matter what."

Heimiao still remembered what Guoguo told him. He smiled helplessly, his cheeks twitching slightly, and there was a look of madness on his face. For a moment, Heimiao could not control himself and began to move around. His pronunciation also became a little weird, drool was drooling from the corner of his mouth, his body jumped involuntarily, and the expression on his face became more and more weird. He roared in pain, as if he was crying, and he seemed to be laughing.

"The minister is sick again."

Following a burst of sound, in less than a few seconds, a cadre wearing a white mask jumped up and hurriedly used telekinesis to hold down Heimou. At this time, Heimou was like a rambunctious child. Keep rolling.

The cadre took a spray and sprayed it on Heimo. He quickly fell asleep. After a while, several cadres hurriedly came up and started testing using instruments.

"The minister's brain waves are starting to go haywire. He needs to be taken in for treatment. It would be terrible if he doesn't wake up."

"Let me come."

At this time, accompanied by a soft and dry voice, a white-haired old man wearing a striped plaid suit and round glasses came up. There was a gentleman's demeanor in his behavior. He always had one hand behind his back and the other hand. It was strangely placed under the ears and scratched. The old man had a calm face and a curly white beard around his mouth.

"Doctor Akimi."

A cadre shouted, and Akimi directly raised a finger and pressed it on Heimo's head.

"It's 37.8 degrees. I'm starting to have a fever. It looks like the only option is surgery."

As Akimi said, the hand that was pressing on his ear suddenly dropped, and light and shadow scalpels instantly appeared in his sleeves.

"Want to be here?"

Akimi nodded.

"Intracranial decompression surgery is necessary. The minister seems to be under too much mental stress recently."

As he said that the scalpels of light and shadow had already been pierced into Heimo's head, several cadres hurriedly made preparations.

"First use a cleaning robot to relieve the high density of cerebral fluid caused by squeezing the nerves in the minister's head."

As Akimi said, he took off his glove with the other hand behind his back, and placed his fingertips on Heimo's ear. A small black line appeared. These are nanorobots.

At this time, Heimo's twisted cheeks relaxed a little, and Akimi nodded.

"The blood pressure is normal."

"The next step is to extract the necrotic cells and get the brain gene complement."

At this time, clone Frye came to his senses. After seeing Heimo fall, he immediately got up. At this time, clone Frye felt an unusual sense of crisis.

He and Heim'o couldn't find a way to prevent a large number of his own clones from abnormality, but then Heim'o told him something. Marcus may have some technology in his hands, but that guy is also relatively weak among creators. A maverick existence, many times do not directly participate in the actions of the creators, but just study something independently.

Clone Frye got up and came to the dark and silent corridor. After feeling a pair of strange eyes, Frye looked over. AI12 was standing in the distance. The Heimo used AI12 to build a soft humanoid body. of robots.

"Come and talk."

AI12 said in a cold voice, clone Frye walked over, and the two walked along the bottom of the corridor. Clone Frye, who originally looked relaxed, was shocked. After reaching the bottom, he listened to AI12's story The current process of further accidents caused by the previous poisonous food, and now the barrier area has been completely plunged into a disease outbreak.

"Why are you telling me this?"

AI12 turned around.

"We need you to do something for us, and we have a way to solve your physical condition."

Clone Fry looked at AI12 in surprise. At this time, a beam of light appeared in AI12's eyes. When projected on the wall, it was a photo of Gu Ningning, secretary of Section 4.

"Contact this woman and help us obtain her personality, as well as all the pharmacological and genetic technologies she has mastered. According to our calculations, you are the most advantageous candidate because you were once an excellent pharmacologist. Now that such a big problem has broken out in the city, you can easily come into contact with people from Section 4."

After Clone Fry thought for a long time, he immediately refused.

"I only retain part of Fry's memory, and many things are unclear."

"That's enough. You should still have some of Fry's pharmacological knowledge and unique insights in your head. That's enough."

Clone Frye did not agree to AI12. At this time, AI12 suddenly turned around and started running.

"somebody is coming."

Clone Fry pressed his chest and jumped back into the room with a look of discomfort on his face. He lay directly on the workbench and fell into a state of suspended animation again. After a while, two cadres came in, directly on the floor tiles under the desk. He took out two gene complementing agents and left quickly.


Clone Frye stood up again. He looked at the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. His body was about to fail again. Because he had extracted genes for cloning experiments, every time he used his power, the damage to his body would increase.

It has to be said that the conditions offered by AI12 are very tempting, but clone Frye knows very well that those cold-blooded guys may have something to do with the poisonous food issue.

Late at night, Leng Rui had just finished drinking with Billy. It was after 2 o'clock in the morning, and the streets were still hot.

"Xiao Leng, you need to feel better. Drink less. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed."

Yu Fangfang stood up tiredly. She had been reading a book recently. Leng Rui looked at Yu Fangfang's back going upstairs and felt itchy for a moment.

"My innocent little place, no, it has already been forcibly accessed."

Leng Rui's eyes widened immediately. Prometheus was swaying as if dancing. Today, he helped all the women in the district win money without any risk, and Ada also ordered that the women should never mention it. , otherwise there will be no money to be made tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"Xiao Leng, I've always been curious why this thing, like a human being, is obviously just a bunch of data."

Doctor Billy looked at Leng Rui who was playing with Prometheus very strangely.

"It's nothing. I used to work to support my sister and didn't have time to take care of her, so I wanted to make a language program and let it take care of my sister. Later, I thought I could add some things, and slowly this The guy would also talk to me and joke with me. I teach him what this kind of thing is like every day, but it took a long time for this idiot to finally understand part of it."

"Xiao Leng, let me tell you secretly that I saw Fangfang alone in the room."

Leng Rui's eyes widened.

"Studying alone in your room, what are you thinking about!"

Leng Rui finally couldn't bear it any longer and turned off his phone. The sound of Prometheus came from the screen from time to time.

"I'm not going to tease you anymore, Xiao Leng, let me out."

However, in a room at this time, Hathaway watched a person climb out of bed with cold eyes. The clone Leng Rui, who had only one arm, screamed in horror, and Hathaway walked up.

"Stop screaming, Leng Rui!"

The clone Leng Rui looked at everything about him in horror, and his memory was a little confusing. He only remembered that he was pressed on the bed by a woman, and then the rest of the matter became a little blurry.

"You are not the original body, just a clone Leng Rui. I need you to do something for us now."

Leng Rui nodded immediately, with fear in his eyes.

"An unidentified AI was recently detected. Was it developed by you?"

Clone Leng Rui shook his head.

"Can not remember!"

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