Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1427 The Bearers 2 (Part 2)


On top of the cylindrical black base is a 1-meter-long, 1-meter-high glass cylindrical container. At a glance, all the containers contain identical pig legs, with each pig leg having a protruding cross-section. A small black tube with a suction cup is connected to the bones. There are a total of 1,000 such pork leg culture tanks in the entire room.

The No. 198 breeding room uses the latest biological cell proliferation technology to cultivate edible parts of animals. The weight of a pig leg is about 10 to 10.5KG. The cultivation is completed in 8 hours. Only 3,000 pig legs can be produced in a day. 30 Tons of meat.

This is the maximum amount that can be produced without harming the human body. The liquid in the culture tube contains all the nutrients needed for the growth of pig legs. Producing meat requires the consumption of crops, vegetables, etc. Manufacture of biological nutrient solutions.

This is a meat protein production base located 50 meters deep under the crop fields to the east of the 12th dormitory. At this time, the room door opened, and Larry led the people in and walked straight to a huge pillar in the middle. There is a light and shadow screen on the top, which shows that there are 2 hours left in the ripening time.

After Larry looked around, he walked directly to the pillar. At this time, as a beam of light shot out, an incorporeal member of Department 12 stood in front of Larry and bowed.

"AI6, record the recent decrease in the meat outbound categories."

This place is a fully automated production underground workshop. Mature pig legs will fall directly onto the conveyor belt below and be directly transported to the food warehouse located to the west of the 12th Section dormitory for sealing, processing and boxing. Before the food is shipped out of the warehouse, 12 Branch will carefully count the weight of the goods and put them on the truck. The truck will transport it directly to the trading station. The merchants will come to pick up the food they purchased at the food exchange, and then the mountain workers will transport it back, or to a nearby place. For logistics transportation in various districts, most of them will only choose mountain workers, because logistics is very expensive if the volume is not large.

Larry gave AI6 a list of foods to reduce the amount of food shipped out of the warehouse. AI6 quickly received the data. Larry turned around and was about to leave, but at this time AI6 moved in front of Larry.

"Sir Larry, according to my research and calculations, the four major meats of chicken, beef, mutton, and pork can use new multiplication technology to shorten the cultivation cycle, which can increase the production of major meat supplies in the city by 30%."

Larry was a little confused. AI6 immediately raised his hand, and as a beam of light shot out, a large amount of simulation research data on the proliferation of new cell combinations of meat protein items appeared on a light and shadow screen.

After Larry looked at it seriously for a while, he became a little tempted. He looked at the pig leg next to him. This kind of pig leg can be completely formed into bones, blood and flesh in 8 hours. It only takes 4 hours. The time is directly shortened by half. It used to be a day. 3,000. If this evolutionary new breeding technology is used, 6,000 can be produced in one day.

Let’s look at pork tenderloin again. A 5KG piece takes 6 hours, but now it only takes 4 hours. There are other mutton, beef, and chicken, which are similar. The final calculation conclusion is that it can increase meat production by 30%.

"You can experiment first, Sir Larry."

AI6 continued, but Larry immediately smiled and shook his head.

"Go back and continue working on AI6."

AI6 bowed and turned into dissipated light. Larry continued to walk. He had no way to decide on such an important matter. He could only wait for the section chief Ye Chunwang to come back. The focus now is on the employment matters starting tomorrow at the grain base. , everything must be arranged tonight.

Workers who were recruited from the lower-class areas at night continued to move in. After their monthly wages were doubled, the recruitment process was carried out extremely quickly. Nearly 10,000 lower-class citizens had been transported here.

1,000 yuan is twice the average income of the bottom class, which is the direct reason for the high mood of most people.

After arriving at the research room on the ground, Larry sat in his office. The board members were all busy dealing with tomorrow's affairs. Larry took a look at the remaining funds in the department, which was nearly 2 billion. , but most of them are research funds. I just had a phone call with Song Xuan. Section 11 will bear 40% of the salary increase for workers during this emergency, and Section 12 will bear the rest.

Larry was relieved. Even though the section chief often told Larry to make his own decisions, Larry was still a little timid about many things and could not make decisions. He and Qin Dong had talked about this before, and both of them were I feel it deeply.

Especially the recent issue of whether to use new cold-resistant rice has made Larry very entangled. Section Chief Ye Chunwang has always said that Larry should make the decision. He is about to retire.

Once it is really put into use, it will not stop. As long as there is food output, regardless of whether it is safe or not, the volume will continue to rise due to demand.

Larry feels a little heavy when he thinks of these things. The work of Section 12 seems to be leisurely, but in fact it is not easy, because food is related to the life problems of the whole city. The crisis caused by food this time is still unknown so far.

“Whether it works or not, land recovery can begin soon.”

A few days ago, an unexpected discovery in the barrier area allowed Section 12 to obtain a new soil structure map. A suitable sample was found in a windy and sandy area to the north opposite the southern guard station. Recovery will begin from that land.

Once the food pressure is relieved, the industrial output value in the city will also increase, the number of jobs will skyrocket, and the income of the bottom class will also increase. At that time, whether Section 12 will continue to use manual planting and harvesting or directly transform into full mechanization will depend on each other. How many people’s work problems can be solved by the output value of time?

At this time, a director came over.

"Sir Larry, the third protest petition from the businessmen has been submitted. There are 386 more people than the second time. This time there are 905 people."

Larry took a look and saw that some merchants with food wholesale licenses were already making a fuss. Because of the shopping rush the night before, most of the merchants were in urgent need of replenishing their goods. They could not ship in large quantities at this juncture, otherwise they would impact the market. .

"Keep pressing!"


There was a knock on the door of Song Xuan's room. She stood up irritably and opened the door. A director stood at the door. At this time, Song Xuan heard a knocking sound.

"Sir Song Xuan, the prisoners are making trouble, mainly the light-duty prisoners on floors 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. They are clamoring to get out."

Song Xuan frowned slightly. The prisoners on these five floors had their turn to go out to work this month. The monthly rotation system was the only opportunity for the prisoners to enjoy the sunshine, but now it has been cancelled.

Song Xuan went directly to the hall on the fifth floor, which is the control room. There are a total of 6 lifts going up to the prisoner cages above. This is a giant prison with a height of 400 meters. Ordinary prisoners are in cells of 50 meters to 150 meters. These criminals They are all incarcerated for a short period of time, and further up there are some murderers and mutant prisoners, but they only reach LV2, and LV1 is in the bottomless underground. LV2 and LV1 will alternately carry out tunnel digging operations once every three months. .

Both types of criminals have life sentences. The outer walls are smooth metal prison towers. Even if they can be broken, there is no place to stand. It is like a castle in the air. There were prisoners above who could not bear it anymore, broke the walls and fell down. He was shattered into pieces.

Song Xuan stood at the command podium and held a microphone with one hand. At this time, all the cells became quiet. The prisoners looked at Song Xuan. After a short period of silence, the prisoners began to shout again. .

"Go to sleep now or I'll release the nerve pain spray and then some sleep spray for you."

For a moment, the prisoners in the light and shadow screens showed their middle fingers to Song Xuan, shouting that this was their right. Song Xuan did not hesitate and directly activated the nerve pain spray.

Instantly, with the smoke spraying out of the room, each prisoner screamed like a ghost and rolled on the ground. All the prisoners began to beg for mercy and lay on the bed in pain. After a while, hundreds of prisoners on the fifth floor were It got quiet.

"I'm warning you one last time. If you make trouble again, I won't be polite. In prison, you are just criminals and have no rights. If anyone doesn't want to stay, just apply for a deportation order. I will sign it immediately. If you like freedom , the barrier area is suitable for you."

Some patients in the cells began to sob, and everything calmed down. Song Xuan stared at them coldly, then turned around and continued to plan to go back to sleep. There were still important things to do tomorrow.

"Lord Song Xuan, the excavation progress of the underground tunnel has slowed down since those guys left. The progress is getting slower and slower."

A director said, Song Xuan took a look at the amount of earth and rock excavated in the past few days, and it was indeed getting less and less. In his memory, he often saw that Quasimodo had to submit more than 50 tons of earth and rock every day. Now the progress has been slow. If this situation continues, there will be no way to explain it to Congress.

Although the underground tunnels are claimed to be for investigation outside the barrier, they are actually just underground facilities for ordinary residents of Brilliant City to take refuge.

"I'll go down in person tomorrow. If they continue to mess around, I'll let them taste what it's like to go hungry."

At this time, in the tunnel of the underground excavation site, in a large cave previously used by Quasimodo and the others, dozens of prisoners were quietly inside. A lamp for lighting had been brought in, and the prisoners had expressions on their faces. Dignified, but quiet, no one spoke.

When the Wise Man and the others were here, Leng Rui was smart enough to disable the recording function of the collars around their necks. Although there was no signal here, everything they said would be recorded by the collars. As long as they went to change food Wherever they go, the recordings from their collars will be transmitted to the guards’ surveillance equipment.

In the past, the entire bottom tunnel was decided by the Wise Man and his group, and everyone lived quite comfortably here. However, since the Wise Man and his group left, there have been several fights here. Now everyone refuses to obey anyone and has started to form gangs.

According to my calculations, there is a way to go up to the elevator on the ground.

A thin man wrote some words on the wall with gleaming eyes, and at this time a big mutant man walked over.

If it fails we all die.

Rather than waiting to die here, it's better to run out.

It's too dangerous.

No one is a fool. If you want to try it, whoever comes up with the idea will do it.

The prisoners nodded one after another. At this time, the thin prisoner looked at the group of prisoners in front of him and wrote.

I said that we can only escape if there is a problem within the city. When I went up to take a shower today, the prisoners were not allowed to step out of the prison tower, and I heard that there was an outbreak of an infectious disease.

The prisoner erased the writing on the wall and wrote again.

We only have one chance. Once the city is in chaos, we can take advantage of the chaos to run out and go directly to the 29th District directly opposite. There is no administrative office over there, just a bunch of bitches.

For a moment the prisoners in the room smiled.

According to my many years of experience as an electrician, the starting circuit of the light-killing weapon and the starting point circuit of the lift are not integrated. We only need to take off the collar, cut off the power source of the light-killing weapon, and use the lift to go up. It is as simple as that. The city is in chaos. We rush to District 29 and prepare everything. We can disappear on the ground floor.

At this time, the thin man showed a cold smile, and his eyes were a little strange. There was a tattoo of Hydra, a string of letters Hydra, and the number 0 on his neck.

For a moment, the prisoners all nodded and began to disperse. The thin man's name was Brad. He was criminal No. LV007. He had been here underground for 30 years. As one of the leaders of Hydera, the bomb riot group that once harmed the city, First, he was originally going to be executed, but in the end he traded with Jean with a list of Hydera members in the potential city, as well as a photoelectric melting technology he had in hand with Section 10, and finally Saved his own life.

Hydera was completely wiped out, more than 1,000 members were directly arrested and executed on the spot, and all those who had provided some funds and supplies to Hydera were expelled.

Under the dim light, Brad showed a cold smile, with a little sadness in it. He originally wanted to spend his old age peacefully like this, but when he saw the wise man, the one who caused far greater harm to the city than himself. After leaving the prison, the dead part of Hydera's heart began to crack again, and the dry heart longing for the outside world began to gush out again.

Brad felt that his life could no longer last until the tunnel was completed and it was time for them to receive amnesty.

Brad would take this path because he was forced by the business department. Brad will never forget that Hydera, the company he worked so hard to run, was originally just a civilian construction explosives company.

One day 40 years ago, Hydera Company received an order from the Business Department, requiring Hydera Company to provide a batch of goods to some armed forces in the barrier area.

Because the order was relatively large, Brad went there in person. When he arrived, he found out that the explosives provided were to blast open the hard mountains of the Alata Ula Mountains for mineral excavation.

At that time, the industry in the city reached its peak. Although there were convenient things like Mimic X, they were not fully invested in the city. For the sake of industrial development, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology took the lead and cooperated with the armed forces near Alatan Ula to carry out mining. Mining.

Over time, Brad also made a lot of money because of this incident. He often ran near the mountains. After getting familiar with the local armed forces, he wanted to make more, so he began to secretly give them some weapons. The armed forces gave him gold as a reward. This kind of metal, which is a relatively good conductor material, was naturally a hot commodity when it came to the city. By trading on some black markets, Brad made a lot of money.

At that time, some officials in the business department knew that they were doing this, but they just turned a blind eye because Brad had given them a lot of benefits.

However, as the acting department dealt with the problem of wise men in the city, those armed elements began to dominate, and Brad became a little panicked. He took the initiative to find the then chief of Section 3 and told him something, because the armed forces had begun to establish own arms factory.

In the end, the massacre broke out in the Altan Ula Mountains. Brad was arrested for providing them with something all year round, and the company was directly investigated. In order to ensure the safety of his family, Brad divorced his wife and asked her to take her 4-year-old child with her. His son Tang Ye left.

The massacre was concealed by the Congress in a clever way. Although the explosion was heard in the city, the Congress only declared that it was at war with the armed forces to prevent them from threatening the security of the city.

Thirty years ago, Mimic X officially swept the city, and minerals no longer had any benefits for businessmen.

Everything changed after that. Although Brad did not go to jail, his life collapsed in an instant. The angry flames in his heart finally began to burn towards the city, and he planned explosions again and again, making Xingke lose face.

Later, after the wise man was arrested, the bottom fell into unprecedented chaos. Brad began to continuously expand Hydra. He had only one idea in his heart, to destroy everything.

Times have changed, and just a few months after he carried out bombing activities, he failed and was arrested during a performance in which he planned to storm the Capitol Hill with a bomb-laden subway as the last carnival in his life.

It was clear that he had a hostage in his hands, but once again he saw clearly the cruelty of the business department, and he did not even let go of the hostages in his hands.

"No one can excuse the sins they have committed, no matter who they are!"

Brad looked at his hands. He stood up quietly. Maybe he went out just to see his wife and children, or something else. In this dark underground, there would never be hope.

Finding a corner, Brad wrapped himself in a blanket, leaned on the cold earth, and stared at the light at the door.

There is no hope, no matter who it is!

There was a rumble, and a helicopter slowly landed on the wall of the eastern guard station. Several people from Section 5 were escorted by people who had been put in collars, their hands and feet were fixed, and their mouths were stuffed. Zhang Jin got the ball.

Several people from Section 2 immediately took over Zhang Jin. At this time, everyone looked at Zhang Jin with cold eyes.

Zhang Jin's face was full of smiles. He knew very well that these people had no right to be angry with him. It was inevitable that he would do all this.

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