Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1421 Crossroads (Part 2)

A list of dead personnel has just been compiled. Xima quietly stared at the names of the recruits on the light and shadow screen. Currently, there are 29 people in the 1st Team, 23 people in the 13th Team, 2 people in the 71st Team, and 4 people in the 104th Team. , including Luo Zhenzhen, who died first, the total number is 59.

Just after 11 o'clock, there was still an hour before the next day's march would begin. The reason why Hima ordered the cancellation of the military exercise was that he issued the order when 6 people died abnormally.

Just a few minutes ago, Xima, who thought she would be able to feel at ease, received a report from Kamei, the captain of the Special Forces Crow, and her feelings came true. In the days before the military exercise began, Xima had been feeling uneasy.

The man named Zhang Jin in the information entered the city 30 years ago. At that time, because the ravines had not yet been fully formed, many people who were expelled entered the city through the ravine areas, including many children. Zhang Jin was born in an orphanage in District 67 and had no name before.

Because of his good appearance, he was adopted after the orphanage closed down. His adoptive parents had died of illness a few years ago.

"The massacre at Alataanulla!"

Xima looked at all Zhang Jin's information with a solemn expression. This was the only corresponding time point she could think of. There was a massacre of three subjects 30 years ago. It was not a purge, but a carpet massacre.

Yincai and Tianhen did not participate at that time, because they were both new recruits, and there was a bloody suppression of the barrier area at that time.

After the expulsion began more than 50 years ago, within 20 years, the barrier area established a base along the mountain based on the mines in the Alatan Ula Mountains. The huge mountain range to the north contains amazing mineral reserves.

After Xima became a secretary, she read the information about this massacre. At that time, there were nearly 500,000 people near the mine, and it continued to develop steadily. Some simple equipment was even made out of metal. The most common conveniences were It was fluorescent lamps, and then plantations were even established in the mountains.

By using fluorescent lamps to illuminate vegetatively reproduced crops, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, they can actually become partially self-sufficient, although these crops cannot receive sufficient sunlight, resulting in extremely unstable yields.

There was an extremely rampant force in the city at that time, Hydera. They secretly provided some mechanical equipment to the armed forces near the Alatan Ula Mountains. They even built a thermal power plant.

Finally, there is the weapons factory. Several special inspectors from Section 3 got in, but nothing happened in the end. They even brutally tortured these special inspectors to death and hung them on a nearby pole as a threat. Acting Department.

A large number of criminals swarmed in, and the situation in the city at that time was extremely chaotic. After experiencing the incident where the wise men controlled the lower levels, the administrative department was temporarily unable to pay attention to these forces in the northern barrier area.

The wise man had also provided them with a lot of assistance, completely treating that place as his own retreat. When the wise man seized control of the artificial sun, these armed forces that he relied on as his retreat betrayed their faith and did not do anything to the city. Launch an attack.

It was Jean who went to negotiate with this armed force at that time. After fending off thousands of armed men, they became honest. After accepting some supplies, they left the wise men behind.

After the wise man's criminal empire was dismantled, all the criminals who survived the bloodbath that night were expelled, and they went directly to the Alataan Ula Mountains. In just a few years, the population near the mountains was close to 1 million.

A force had formed that would threaten the city at any time, but the city was developing at that time, and the large and small power groups that sprung up like mushrooms after the fall of the wise men at the bottom also needed to be dealt with.

The acting department is too busy to deal with the armed forces near the Alatan Ula Mountains, and more and more people are approaching there.

The Operations Department had no choice but to send out special inspectors, but the result was disappointing. Most of the special inspectors who went sent no news after sending their reports. In the end, in desperation, the best hunting dog from the 2nd Department, C received Got this mission.

C is indeed very good. She lived alone in the barrier area for several months, completely transforming herself into the same existence as the people in the barrier area. She sneaked in easily, and she was also accused of multiple murders. The Internet at that time was not as highly confidential as it is today. In addition, after Tamai was arrested and resigned, the phenomenon of corruption in Section 5 became even more serious.

The forces in the barrier area relied on ore trading to establish contact with some criminals in the city. They provided information on most of the criminals. In the end, the operations department found this line, but hundreds of special inspectors have died in the barrier. district.

The armed forces in the barrier area are very smart and can obtain the information of any criminal. Once a person enters the barrier area and does not have the information, they will be closely monitored and even killed as soon as they pass by.

In order to complete the task well, C even underwent sterilization surgery before going out, thoroughly investigated everything about Alatan Ula, and sent the information back to the city.

Negotiations were no longer possible. When everything in the city began to develop steadily, Section 3 dispatched 30,000 troops with a large amount of weapons and equipment. After carpet bombing by bombers, they directly surrounded the mountains.

The protracted war started in the barrier area. Anyone who was in the barrier area was shot directly without any hesitation or mercy. Some of the veteran officers who are still in the 3rd department have participated in this massacre. But no one wants to mention it.

This massacre authorized by six gods lasted for a whole month. Under the brutal bombing every day and the large-scale firepower from the outside, the entire Altan Ula Mountains was almost flattened.

Many people fled, and most of the people who stayed died in the massacre. Xima and Tianhen later went to that place as a backup force, and their main job was to deal with the corpses.

She threw the corpses into the burning pit day and night. Xima still clearly remembers that she was almost numb at that time. After she came back, she was silent for a long time, unable to let go.

The reason why the forces in the north hate Xingke so much stems from the large-scale Alataan Ula massacre 30 years ago.

The only thing that can be determined now is that Zhang Jin is a survivor of the Alatan Ula massacre. The special nature of this incident is that Xima was finally able to use the secretary's authority to view it with the authorization of Tianhen.

Although there have been occasional conflicts and casualties in military exercises in recent years, the death toll of 59 people this year is the highest number of deaths during military exercises in the past ten years. And it was only a short day. It was the highest number of deaths in the past ten years. More than 5 times.

At this time, a message from the General Affairs Department popped up along with a burst of orange light.

No matter what the cost, find out those involved!

There was a purple thumbprint on the document. Xima stood up. After receiving the first death report, he had already contacted Section 2 and dispatched experts in human behavior to the Eastern Security Station.

There are still some teams that have not returned to the signal area, and they will be taken away once they come back, but as long as they see the assembled blue flares, most of the teams will probably rush in the direction of the blue flares.

Several teams have been brought back now, and a total of 18 teams are outside the signal area. Fortunately, there are no problems with these teams that have returned. If any team comes back and something like a member goes missing, it will It is certain that there are rioters lurking in the team.

Only one team outside the signal area fired a red signal flare for help, and they have now been taken to the eastern guard station.

Except for the Vultures, which are still performing tasks in Area 118, the six special forces teams have arrived at the barrier area and have begun to search for those teams outside the signal area.

If another day had passed, the casualties in this military exercise would have been even more serious.

"Death serves as a warning to the living, no matter what time it is!"

Xima still remembers what Tianhen said to herself when dealing with those corpses more than 30 years ago.

At this time, a director came in.

"Will you contact the family of the deceased now, Lord Hima?"

Xima hesitated for a few seconds and then shook her head.

"Wait until the mutant promotion exam is over! Give the family members of each deceased a basic salary for 50 years, and a monthly pension of 300 yuan per person based on the number of family members for 30 consecutive years."

Xima said, the director nodded, turned on the light and shadow screen, and began to make notes, a basic salary of 1.2 million yuan for 50 years, and a monthly pension of 300 yuan for each family member of the deceased.

"After the families of these deceased people know about it, I will explain it to them personally and hold a briefing meeting for the family members of the deceased."

Xima said and walked towards the door, then turned her head.

"If the deceased has a younger brother or sister, or children, if you take the business examination in the future, you only need to take 3 subjects, and you will get an unconditional bonus of 10 points."

The director recorded them one by one, his face a little solemn, and the same goes for everyone else in the room. Everyone has not encountered such a thing for many years. The reports of Team 1 are still being sent back gradually, one after another shocking. photo.

"Lord Xima, it has been sent to Section Chief Tianhen."

Xima hummed, walked out of the room, took out a cigarette, put it sideways to her mouth, lit it and took a puff, looking into the distance with a deep and distant look.

"Perhaps we took the wrong path from the beginning! Everything that happened today, and everything that may happen in the future!"

"We took the wrong path from the beginning! I told you this a long time ago, Lord Deguna!"

Ye Chunwang, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

Didi didi

Tianhen quietly looked at the information about the pension for deceased persons sent by Xima. He stood up, walked to Mo Xiaolan, who had just gotten up, and put the light and shadow screen in front of her.


"Look at it!"

Mo Xiaolan took a look and laughed.

"The pension for 59 people is 70.8 million, plus the monthly pension for each subsequent family member of the deceased multiplied by 300. I can't afford this money."

Tianhen said with a cold smile.

"Our department can't get this money. Whoever is the culprit will take it. If it weren't for those merchants who put poisonous food in the barrier area, there would be a lot of poisonous food in various parts of the barrier area. In the conflict, we can only leave the signal area and go around, and there won't be so many deaths, so who do you think should pay for this money?"

Mo Xiaolan understood instantly and immediately started to giggle.

"Don't worry, I will tell Lillian later and ask her to help you get the money from those guys."

Deguna stood by the bay window and stared quietly at the reddish areas to the east. That was the food base, because a certain amount of light was needed at night to allow the crops to grow better.

"Xiaoye, there is nothing we can do about this. If they continue to grow, they will be a big threat to the city."

As Deguna said, the section chiefs in the room all looked at each other. The section chiefs present all knew about the Alatan Ula massacre. This was a massive massacre that lasted for a whole month. There were several opponents at the time. Locke was the first to object, Ye Chunwang was also one of them, and the last one was Gene.

However, the opposition of the last three people was ineffective, the situation had reached an uncontrollable point, and negotiations were almost hopeless.

"Even if negotiations were not possible at the time, such bloody methods should not have been used. As a result, part of the land that had been restored through more than 20 years of hard work by the people in the barrier area was destroyed by artillery fire. The agricultural base in the barrier area could obviously be restored in 30 It was established years ago.”

Deguna smiled coldly, raised one hand and clenched it into a fist, and put the other hand behind her back.

"Only power can bring stability. Everyone who is doing this should know it. I just hope that you will deal with the matters within your respective departments as soon as possible. The city is about to turn a new page. Just bury everything in the past. Nothing will never fall. There are no castles in the air that appear out of thin air. The current stability and prosperity are built on the dead bones of the past. And the dead bones of the past are now rising, so our only way is to let them continue to lie down! Dispatch the Blue Whale Noah, let Noah lead the team himself, and don’t make the same mistake as last time. If it happens again, tell Noah that I will blow his head off when we go back."

Noah smiled happily, stood up, bowed and nodded.

Among the section chiefs present, only Locke Jiahui knew, as well as Niya and Tianhen, who had met that night, and King Xue. The other section chiefs did not know.

"What on earth is it!"

"Robot soldiers who have been biochemically modified using powerful mutants as materials!"

Ye Chunwang stood up.

"Lord Deguna, please tell me what you plan to do!"

Deguna turned around, her eyes were cold and completely inhuman, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"Once a larger-scale disease breaks out in the barrier area, if some militants are dishonest, they will be cleaned up directly. This time, no one is needed, and no one is needed to carry these things. The soldiers are also tired, Tianhen !”

Tianhen stood up, stood up straight, bowed down, and put one hand in front of him.

"I want you to deploy troops in the city. If you can't find a way to contain the hemangioma, it will be a matter of time before the problem breaks out. Once it breaks out, you know what to do. You are fully responsible! Niya."

At this time, Niya's eyes widened, and her fist had already hit the table. In an instant, the wooden table was smashed into pieces.

"It's useless for you to be angry, Niya. Let the people from the 5th Department patrol the streets 24 hours a day. From now on, no one from the 5th Department will be allowed to have a day off until the problem is completely solved. Once they encounter a patient, they will be immediately Send it to Section 4, block the news, and arrest anyone who disobeys! King Xue!"

The smile on King Xue's face also became a little frozen, and he stood up.

"You, Section 1, will assist Section 5, and keep an eye on all movements secretly, Mo Xiaolan!"

Mo Xiaolan raised one hand.

"Strictly monitor the Internet. If anyone is found to dare to make inappropriate or defamatory remarks during this period, he will be directly and secretly arrested."

Ye Chunwang looked at Deguna who turned around with a solemn expression.

"Xiaoye, slow down the movement of food out of the warehouse. As for the reason, the people are now pointing the finger at the merchants. If there is a problem, Mo Xiaolan, you know what to do!"

Mo Xiaolan hummed and said with a giggle.

"Directly expose the fact that Section 2 arrested the businessmen, and then let them bear all the responsibilities."

"Please wait, Lord Deguna."

At this time, Heathcote, who had not spoken until now, stood up and bowed.

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