Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1420 Crossroads (Part 2)

A violent light blue beam rose into the sky, instantly lighting up the nearby night sky. At this time, Team 156, who was about to move forward, stopped. The team leader confirmed that the military exercise was over, and quickly assembled to where Team 134 was. Location action orders.

"Military exercises are cancelled, quickly gather at location S387."

As the captain spoke, the team members behind him began to move quickly, moving quickly towards the location of the blue flare that could still be seen in the distance.

At this time, many teams on the march and still within the signal range received the same order to cancel the military exercise and began to quickly gather towards the location of the blue signal flare.

"I said Captain, what happened?"

The captain of a rapidly running team looked at the blue flare in front of him and replied.

"Don't you see something unusual? Something should have happened in the barrier area now. End the march early and wait for orders. Don't worry about anything and move quickly."

At this time, as a gathering place, the members of a team that fired a blue rally flare seemed to be having a carnival, releasing their heavy backpacks, and many team members hugged each other happily.

"Don't get too happy too early. Even if this time is canceled, it will still be the same at the end of the year or the beginning of next year, and you will still come."

"Let's talk about next year, captain. To be honest, I feel too uncomfortable. I need to clean my lungs when I go back."

Zhang Jin, who was already squatting on a mountain and preparing to snipe Team 6, stood up and looked at the blue flares rising in the distance. Team 6 began to turn back.

"Why is this happening?"

With the takeoffs and landings whizzing by, Zhang Jin quickly fell into invisibility, planning to create some scars on his body and then run to the blue signal location.

"Ah? You want us to provide 100 transport lifts immediately, don't be ridiculous, Section Chief Tianhen."

Noah immediately waved his hand. At this time, in the entire conference room, the section chiefs were arranging things for their departments, and Niya was still arguing with Deguna.

"That's it, Niya."

"Revealing the truth, that's the only thing we can do now."

Niya pounded the table angrily, and Deguna sneered and shook her head.

"If you want to add tons of pressure to Section 5, you can try this."

"Are you kidding me Niya? If the truth is revealed, the city will fall into chaos in an instant."

Jewell drags Niya.

"It's not a one-time announcement, but a gradual announcement. Many reporters are already investigating. If such a big thing is announced at that time, it will be more harmful to the city as a whole."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Don't worry, Niya. I have arrested all the reporters who investigated many similar cases in the city recently. This matter must not be exposed. We can only find a solution in secret until all the problems are solved. Finally, it won’t be too late to announce it decades later.”

Heathcote wiped his sweat, the situation would get worse and worse, and things would become more and more out of control.

"Tianhen, why do you want to cancel the military exercise!"

Deguna stood up and walked towards Tianhen. Tianhen was in contact with the directors from various places and urgently removed the troops from Section 3 to the barrier area to assist Xima in carrying out stability maintenance tasks and food distribution.

Large quantities of liquid food and water were transported to the four warning stations. These liquid foods from a storage company owned by the Su family can completely alleviate the food crisis caused by toxic food, as well as the food distribution next month. Su Li's asking price was not high, a can of liquid food only cost 50 cents. Tianhen and Su Li purchased 500 million cans at one time, and Xingyuan had already paid.

"I don't know about this. Hima is solely responsible for this military exercise."

Deguna grabbed Tianhen's phone directly and pressed the number 000301.

"Section Chief, I hope you will coordinate with Section 10 as soon as possible and let them produce the lift."

"I am not Tianhen, Secretary Xima, I am the Purple God!"

Seema on the other side of the phone was a little flustered for a moment, but she still spoke.

"Lord Purple God."

"Please give me a reason. A military exercise in the barrier zone, from organization to screening to formal marching, requires huge expenses and the use of manpower and material resources. Hasn't the situation in the barrier zone stabilized? Why was the march cancelled? "

Tianhen stared at Deguna sideways. Xima on the other side of the phone was silent for a while. After a while, a light and shadow screen popped up. On it was a report that two signal towers were destroyed, and the weapons that destroyed the signal towers were all long-range weapons from Section 3. Sniper rifle, maximum range is 2.4 kilometers.

"It's just that two signal stations were destroyed. What's all the fuss about? Just find the location of the accident and directly send troops to clean up the local militants. There is no need to cancel it. Secretary Hima, this is no reason! If it's just If you are afraid that some soldiers will be killed in the conflict with the rioters, you should come back and calm down first. The position of secretary is not suitable for you!"

"Lord Purple God, I suspect that there are rioters in the city in the marching team of Section 3."

Deguna laughed.

"If it's just suspicion, it doesn't constitute a reason for cancellation."

"Currently, a team sent a report. Four members of the 104 team were shot dead. One of the team members was missing. The traces of the scene were suspected to have been looted by local armed men. The 71 team fired a rescue flare. Two team members Members had their throats slit.”

Tian Hen stood up in an instant, with a chill on his face. Deguna glanced at Tian Hen with a smile. The section chiefs in the conference room didn't look good. Ye Chunwang doubtfully called out the message sent by Xima. Report.

"Isn't it enough to just let the army go over and conduct a blanket search to find the armed forces in the barrier area that looted the team members? Or are you just judging based on your intuition and canceled the military exercise that has been prepared for more than five months? ?Please answer me, Secretary Hima.”

"It's intuition!"

Deguna laughed, but there was no smile on her face at all. Just when she was about to say something, Niya suddenly snatched the phone from Deguna's hand.

"Xima, just get it done as soon as possible. There will be no problem here."

After saying that, Niya hung up the phone. Deguna glared at Niya angrily. Tianhen was a little surprised. He was just thinking about how to persuade Deguna, but he didn't expect Xima to cancel the military exercise directly.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"If it were me, I would choose the same approach. As long as there is any doubt, we will directly cancel the military exercise. When we issue an order, we need to be responsible for the lives of soldiers. Even if some materials and money are wasted, but But it can prevent the lives of soldiers from being threatened. In addition, a large-scale disease has broken out in the barrier area. God knows what people who are suffering from illness will do. One team has already paid a heavy price. Isn't it enough? Degu Na."

Niya said and looked at Noah, walked over directly, and grabbed his collar.

"If you have anything to say, talk to Niya. Let go. I understand. I will let Guoguo do it. 100 lifts can be done in about half an hour. Tianhen, please arrange some manpower to go to Section 10. I will give you permission. , let them drive the lift to the four guard stations."

"I have contacted the director of the Eastern Guard Station."

Deguna sat back on the chair and looked at Tianhen with her hands on her chin.

"This loss will be dealt with by your three departments. Don't think about asking Congress for military spending in advance. Congress will not approve it this time."

Tianhen frowned slightly, suddenly thought of something, and looked at King Xue.

King Xue smiled gently and adjusted his glasses.

"If things go as Secretary Xima expects, I will provide you, Section Chief Tianhen, with some financial assistance."

Locke sighed, feeling one head and two older. Michelle probably didn't know anything yet, but she was the examiner of the mutant examination, so it was impossible for her to come back to the General Affairs Department, and she was also transferred when she went there. A group of people from the General Affairs Department came over.

"If you're sleepy, you can sleep for a while and I'll help you deal with it."

Ivy looked at Leona who looked tired. She had just switched with Noah to handle matters in Area 79, and was directly called to the General Affairs Department.

The section chiefs of each department directly communicate with each other in the General Affairs Department, which saves a lot of unnecessary trouble. This is the way to deal with major crises in the city.

Mo Xiaolan was still on the phone with Lilian, arranging a monitoring mission. If anyone was found investigating the toxic food crisis, he would be arrested immediately.

"I know the section chief, the people from the Food Association have already arrested him."

Lilian in front of the camera waved to Mo Xiaolan, and behind her were a bunch of people from the Food Association, Chen Qiao was among them, but none of them were handcuffed, and Congressman Wu Qun was also among them.

At Mo Xiaolan's signal, Lilian put the screen in front of Wu Qun, and Wu Qun said with a smile on his face.

"It's okay if I come with you, Section Chief Mo Xiaolan."

"Of course, we are just doing a routine investigation. Councilor Wu Qun hopes that you can persuade them and tell them everything you know so that they can go home and sleep peacefully. After all, the city still needs them to help with construction, and we will not do it for the time being. Touch them, tell them not to shrug their heads, no one has done anything wrong, don't you think so!"

Wu Qun nodded.

"Of course, after all, such a big thing is happening now, so let's work together to deal with this crisis."

After the call ended, Mo Xiaolan rubbed his head and then chuckled.

"I can't control this matter, Deguna. Let whoever can solve it solve it. The only thing I can do is to keep the problem from being exposed to the sun. I will go to sleep for a while."

"Me too."

Leona said as she walked over and picked up Mo Xiaolan. The two of them went up to the platform, and Leona directly called up a light and shadow compartment.

Deguna put her hand on her forehead. She didn't know if the other six guys had developed any effective method to combat hemangioma and this chemical gene.

"Everyone, please stay in the General Affairs Department these days and take advantage of this mutant exam to solve all the problems. I believe in your ability."

"Focus on the investigation of these 31 teams outside the signal area, and send troops to take them directly back to the guard station for independent questioning. I have asked experts from Section 2 to wait at the eastern guard station."

The governing officers gathered around looked at each other. Basically, there would be no big flaws in the personnel review. Many governing officers were a little helpless about Xima's decision. They would doubt their own people for no reason. If they were judged by the people below in the future. If you know, the impact will be bad.

"Here's the crow!"

At this time, on a light and shadow screen, the sound waves began to shake, and a female voice came.

"Please report the situation over there."

"We found a place that had been blasted by military landmines. The bodies of 31 militants and the bodies of 29 members of Team 1 were suspected of being tortured and killed. Most of the bodies had been burned!"

Xima stood up, clenched her fists, and trembled slightly.

"Search all suspicious persons nearby, check for all traces, and stand by there. I will ask the elite of the forensic team from Section 4 to come over."

"Yes, Lord Hima!"

At this time, at a destroyed stronghold under a mountain wall, a woman who had taken off her helmet, with long hair fluttering in the breeze, was smoking silently, looking at the half-burned body of a female section officer in front of her. , his hands were brutally stapled into the wall, and there were many scratches on his body. He seemed to be still being humiliated before his death.

"Captain Kamei, who do you think did this? It's really cruel."

The 30 special forces members of the Crow Squad were still cleaning up the entire collapsed area, and it was already certain that the attack occurred half an hour ago.

Kamei held his right elbow with his left hand, put the cigarette to his mouth, and looked at everything in front of him with a sad look in his eyes.

"Fortunately, the military exercise was terminated. The bodies of the militants had their heads twisted off. There were several mutants among them. It can be judged that the ones who killed them were at least A-level mutants."

Kamei looked at the corpses on the ground. Most of the men were killed by one blow, while the women were more miserable.

Kamei stretched his muscles and bones. The last time he fought all night in Area 79, his body had not fully recovered, and some bones were still aching.

Kamei suddenly leaned back, her long hair shaking violently in the strong wind. A bullet passed by her eyes and stayed in the air in an instant. There was a burst of gunshots in the wind.

"The bullet trajectory is about 1.5 kilometers away."

Following Kamei's voice, the five members of the special forces next to him instantly activated their flying equipment, with a red halo behind their backs, and flew towards the mountain wall in the distance.

Kamei grabbed the bullet and turned his head. He squatted next to the dead female staff member and put his hand on her forehead. In an instant, the person was ejected, followed by several special operations team members. back.

"Encircle a 5-kilometer radius."

Zhang Jin had discarded his sniper rifle, fell into stealth, and quickly slid down the mountain wall. He was frightened in his heart at this time. Such an accurate sniper was directly avoided by the captain of the crow in an instant.

The rapidly approaching red circle in the distance had already passed over Zhang Jin's head. He had already landed at the foot of the mountain and started running wildly. He originally just wanted to investigate, but the moment he saw these special forces members, Zhang Jin saw one of the men. He could never forget that night when the guys who cleaned up his place were among them. This man who was now in the special team Crow was among them.

"Where are you going?"

Zhang Jin's eyes widened, and a scarlet particle floated in front of him. In an instant, Zhang Jin protected himself in front of him, and a slender leg in the cold wind kicked over like a whip.


Zhang Jin flew out in an instant, and with bursts of noise, members of the special forces were already in place.

"Finally someone is here, me"

Zhang Jin put on an innocent face, but what he didn't expect was that the angry woman in front of him had already arrived in front of him. A fist as fast as lightning fell on his cheek, and she flew out again with her mouth vomiting blood. , and then he was grabbed by Kamei, pinched his neck and pulled him up.

"I have nothing to ask about a scum like you. If I could, I would torture you to death."

Fists instantly fell on Zhang Jin's cheek like raindrops, and two male special operations team members hurriedly came over and grabbed Kamei.

"Captain, that's enough. If we beat this kid to death, the clue will be cut off."

Kamei let go of his hand, and the man in front of him collapsed on the ground. A special operations team member searched his identity certificate. A recruit from the 1st team, named Zhang Jin, entered Section 3 on December 11 last year. .

Just after finding this destroyed gathering place, the special forces team members began to check the surrounding traces. It was certain that Team 1 entered this place safely and planned to rest for a night before leaving. The number of armed forces is simply not enough to wipe out a squad.

The captain of Team 1 was tortured and killed. Many traces showed that the team members were subdued while they were sleeping. The armed forces in this place should not have the courage to attack this team.

The most important thing is that they caught two armed elements who were driving back with supplies. They were two women. They clearly told Kamei that they learned through the radio that there was a food distribution place nearby. Then he left first.

Zhang Jin was lying on the ground silently at this time. He failed. He was eager to kill the people in Section 3, so he decided to try and see if he could kill a member of the special forces team. What would happen to this time? The plan should be more helpful, so he took the risk and carried out a sniper attack.

This woman is obviously in a very relaxed state, but why would she notice it?

"You are very surprised that the speed of such a large-caliber sniper rifle has exceeded 1000M/s. Why can I notice it? It is a pity that our training methods are different from yours. I could catch such a long-range sniper 20 years ago ."

Zhang Jin roared violently and rolled up.

"You butchers, especially you, do you remember what you did before!"

Zhang Jin pointed at a special operations team member, who took off his mask.

"I see, you are a survivor of the massacre. If you remember my words, it means you were just a child at the time. It would be better for you to tell the truth."

Kamei walked quickly to the distance and started sending reports to Hima.

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