Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1422 The Bearers 1 (Part 1)

Once the gears start moving, every part will start moving!

Eager shouts came one after another. In the examination room No. 6, Le Xiao was still working hard to cheer for the two candidates on the court, shouting desperately, and her shiny face looked full of energy.

It's already 11:20. This is the last exam today. Some exam rooms have ended and it will still be very lively tomorrow.

This was the first time that she had watched the mutant promotion exam at such a close distance. Le Xiao felt the enthusiasm from their battle, and she always felt the blood in her body swelling. When she first participated in such a report, she always felt that such an approach might be possible. It wasn't okay, but it was different now.

Only such a feast and a fair duel might be able to make most people in the city temporarily forget some of their worries and just immerse themselves in the visual impact, with happy expressions on everyone's faces.

However, what Le Xiao didn't know was that throughout the night, more than 20 bookmakers announced that they would suspend trading after she changed her scores after taking the exam.

Le Xiao looked at the evenly matched battle in front of her with blazing eyes. The two of them had no intention of retreating at all, and were still desperately trying to knock each other down.

Michelle, who was on the sidelines at this time, looked solemn, and a large amount of information was constantly coming from the glasses she was wearing. In just one day, such a big thing happened, and just now, Shen Degu, who was on duty, Na issued a series of repressive orders.


Michelle stood up, turned around and walked away. Some reporters immediately gathered around and planned to interview her. Michelle could only deal with it casually for a while and then said she wanted to watch some test videos, so she directly Walked out of the examination room.

"I leave this to you Wu Lei. If you have any questions, please report to me directly."

Wu Lei smiled and nodded, and Michelle immediately ran quickly. Holding the phone, she notified a director of Section 5 to prepare the takeoff and landing. She needed to return to the General Affairs Section immediately.

Watching Michelle rush to the headquarters of Section 5, she jumped up and quickly went directly to the top floor. In less than a minute, a lift was glowing with red light and flew into the distance instantly.

"Is something serious going on? The secretary-general looks very bad."

A director of the General Affairs Section said, Wu Lei smiled and nodded.

"We should find out later."

Qin Dong sat in the living room at home and watched the mutant test that had just ended. Sure enough, Le Xiao changed some of the scores after the scores appeared.

“It’s really unexpected.”

Qin Dong smiled, picked up a can of beer, took a big sip, and put some peanuts in his mouth. Qin Dong spent his single life like this, and there were only a few cans of beer left in the box. Qin Dong burped and walked to the refrigerator. When he opened it, there was a full refrigerator of beer, and there were snacks in the cabinet next to him.

After a long two-day break, Qin Dong originally wanted to go see that boy Cheng Chen, but Niya said no. The boy was in good spirits these days, very happy, and busy in District 118. , do some favors to the people there.

Qin Dong also felt a little more at ease. The day after tomorrow was the day when those who caused trouble last time in Cocos Polyester were expelled. Although it was a bit sad, it was the only way to do it.

Qin Dong lives in an apartment complex 5 kilometers away from the headquarters of Section 5. The large apartment of 120 square meters is a bit too spacious for a single man like him, so Qin Dong bought as much furniture as possible. , the house is full after returning home.

Since Qin Dong became a secretary, he feels that the world has completely changed. The relationship between superiors and subordinates in the administrative department is very strict. He only gets together with some directors on weekdays, but now most of the directors are busy. .

"It's okay. You can rest if I ask you to. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Qin Dong pouted. For Niya, his immediate boss, Qin Dong respected him very much, but it would be nice if she could be gentler. Qin Dong immediately patted his head.

After resting all day, Qin Dong felt uncomfortable all over.

"This is the flywheel effect!"

After a year and a half of vacation, Qin Dong decided to let it go and just stay at home. Because of his status as secretary, whenever he went out, no matter where he went, there were people who wanted to get close to him. He went to the supermarket to buy something. Not only did the boss come to receive him in person, but if Qin Dong hadn't insisted on paying him, the boss would have let Qin Dong pick whatever he wanted. He could have asked someone to deliver it to his door in person.

In the end, the boss insisted on giving Qin Dong a 10% discount. Qin Dong had no choice but to come back. It was the same everywhere around here. The status of secretary was a bit restrictive for Qin Dong now.

I haven’t had a girlfriend for a long time. It’s really difficult to find a suitable partner at higher levels in the industry. Qin Dong sighed, opened the photo, and took a look at a little girl working in a cake shop. , looks very sweet and cute. Qin Dong had made an appointment with that little girl before. Although she came, she was very reserved. At the end, before leaving, she hesitated to say that she had a boyfriend.

Qin Dong could only apologize to the other party constantly. Thinking of what happened in the past few years, Qin Dong could only smile bitterly. Although there are many female secretaries in the administrative department, those strong women who are independent and hold up half of the city's sky, Not within his scope of consideration.

"Why don't you ask Larry to go have a drink somewhere?"

Qin Dong drank a can of beer and stood up. Thinking of the secretaries' battle at the end of the year, Qin Dong shuddered. His opponent this year was Zi Yu'er. If he lost on purpose, he would definitely be defeated by Niya. He was dragged into sparring. If he tried his best, Qin Dong had no chance of beating Zi Yu'er.

The only way was to discuss it with Larry.

Didi didi

Just as Qin Dong was about to go out, the secretary's phone at home rang. After hesitation, Qin Dong walked over and saw the number 0005 as soon as he picked it up.

"Lady Nia!"

"The vacation is over. I will send you everything you need to do later, and you will be responsible for convening all the regional section officers and conducting remote video conferences. I am currently in the General Affairs Section and it is impossible to leave in the short term. Yes, if you have any situation, report it directly to me, and I will leave it to you to handle this matter with full authority!"

Qin Dong stood up straight with a solemn expression and hummed.

"Do it according to your own wishes. No matter what you do, I will help you carry it!"

For a moment, Qin Dong wanted to ask something, but the call hung up. Qin Dong immediately held up the light and shadow bracelet, put on his uniform, combed his hair, opened the door and took the elevator directly to the top floor.

"What the hell happened!"

Under the dark night sky, with the brightly lit city below him, and with the whistling wind in his ears, Qin Dong's body was flashing with red particles, and he rushed towards the headquarters of Section 5.


An empty cup was placed on the table, and the music was playing. He seemed to be in a good mood, but there was a sense of helplessness in his eyes. People on the street were still watching TV programs, and the music was mixed with the crowd. , sitting at a street stall.

"Boss, let's have another drink!"

But Yincai looked over, but the boss looked like he didn't dare to come over. At this time, Yincai discovered that many of the guests around him had left, and further away, dozens of people from Section 5 were waiting. Even several regional section officers from District 67 were there.

"I told you not to be so troublesome."

At this time, accompanied by a burst of exclamation, Yincai looked over. A woman was holding a child, and she was panicking for help from members of Section 5 on the street. Yincai picked up the small cloth bag, held it in her hand, and rushed over quickly. .

"Lord Yincai!"

Yincai took the child who was clutching his chest in pain, took off the child's clothes, and examined him directly.

"There have been quite a few such unexplained faintings recently."

"Yes, my husband did the same. He was working hard on the construction site and then he collapsed. He is still in the hospital!"

Yincai calmly took out the medical kit and observed the little boy's condition. He kept shouting that his whole body hurt and his eyes were a little unclear.

"I'll just send him there. It'll be faster."

Saying that, Yincai picked up the child and jumped directly to the roof. Several regional officers also hurriedly followed.

In less than 3 minutes, Yincai had already arrived at the hospital with her child in her arms. At this time, there were still people queuing up in the hospital hall, waiting for diagnosis.

The dean came down directly and said immediately after seeing the child's condition.

"Send it to the underground clinic."

Yincai did not hand over the child to anyone in Section 4.

"What is going on? There should be seriously ill patients in the underground clinic."

The dean was a little embarrassed to speak.

"Master Yincai, you will know when you come down with me."

Yincai followed the director and took the elevator directly to the third underground floor. Once inside, Yincai saw some patients lying on the hospital beds inside the bacterial membranes. Many of the patients seemed to be unable to see clearly. He raised his hands and waved them in front of his eyes.

As Yincai walked along, some patients with tubes inserted looked very uncomfortable and kept coughing, while some patients seemed to be unable to hear sounds and were pulling their ears in pain.

There are nearly 500 beds on the third floor, almost all of which are full. More than 20 people from the 5th department wearing white isolation suits are taking care of these nearly 500 patients. The symptoms of these patients are all different, either deaf or deaf. They were blind, and some had swollen bodies that looked painful.

"Go and tell the child's mother that her child's medical expenses will be borne by Department 4, but she must sign a confidentiality agreement."

Yincai grabbed a team leader who was about to turn around and go out.

"What happened?"

"Master Yincai, you shouldn't know that you are on vacation. You should know it when you turn on your phone."

Yincai shook her head. Although she didn't know what was going on, she already had some answers in her heart. The child who was sent had already lost his sight under the mechanical test.

At this time, the phone rang in the bag that Yincai was carrying. When she took it out, it was the section chief Leona calling.

"Hello, hello, cutie, are you having fun?"

"Can you please stop being so disgusting, Section Chief, there are still people here!"

Yincai said with some embarrassment, and the dean hurriedly retreated to a distance with several staff.

However, after a few minutes, Yincai's eyes widened.

"What do you mean section chief?"

"After the vacation is over, you have to lead people from the 6 departments to the hospital where patients who have suffered from physical illnesses due to long-term consumption of poisonous food are collected. They collect all the information, including the date of onset, similar statistics on the onset of illness, and whether they have improved after taking medication. Wait, although the workload is a bit heavy, I believe in you Yincai. I am in the General Affairs Department now and will not be able to go back in a short time. I will leave this matter to you."

Yincai knows what Leona is talking about. She collects all relevant information about the patients and provides effective and accurate figures for subsequent medical treatment. This kind of work is done two or three times a year. What Yincai wants to ask is whether poisonous food causes What's going on!

"Oh, don't ask. My head is going to explode. You can just read the documents later."

Yincai's face darkened and she looked at the nearly 500 patients in the room. At this time, the dean also received a message from his secretary Gu Ningning and hurriedly came over.

"Why don't you go to the intensive care unit at the bottom first to collect statistics on Master Yincai? All the medical data is there, and we will also arrange for personnel to introduce the situation to Master Yincai."

On the 5th floor underground, in each room, there are patients whose bodies are bent to varying degrees, like sculptures. Their bodies are covered with a large number of pustules. A series of light and shadow surgical machines are constantly removing the patients. Surgery for tumors that have grown on the body.

"Section Chief, we should go to Section 4 as soon as possible to count the number of victims after eating poisonous food, so that we can issue patient subsidies."

"Let's wait for the final confirmation from Department 4, and first conduct this quarter's health inspection."

In Yincai's mind, she recalled that on the night when the riot ended, she had already asked the section chief Leona about it. She only heard that these seriously ill patients were very scary. However, when she saw it with her own eyes, Yincai felt that they already dead.

"How many people do you have here?"

Yincai asked, and the dean wiped his sweat.

"There are 187 severe patients and 488 patients with other similar diseases. Some patients with mild symptoms cannot be counted at present."

Yincai walked to the door of the room, brought up the light and shadow screen of the clinic, turned on the mobile phone, and directly started to connect the corresponding data. After the data is collected, it will be automatically classified and stored, and the job of Section 6 is to be responsible for There will not be much error in these statistical data on site and in records, and then stored in the database of Section 6 headquarters.

"Why did this happen."

"Everyone! This is the time when all the members of our 1st Section are put to use. Please let your section members work seriously in the next time. If the 5th Section is not handled properly, our 1st Section will block it. This loophole!"

Zi Yuer quietly looked at the 118 light and shadow screens in front of her. All the regional officers clenched their right fists on their chests and bowed.

"Please remember, colleagues, that we are elites. We must properly handle the tasks you receive. No negligence is allowed. We do not need waste in Section 1. Please keep this in mind and start taking action!"

After Zi Yuer issued the order, the light and shadow screens disappeared. At this time, she was in the large conference room of Section 1 headquarters. Rows of directors began to deal with the matters at hand. Zi Yuer smiled evilly. , sitting in front of the light and shadow screen.

"The guy I'm most worried about is Qin Dong. Some of the other secretaries should be fine, but there are also a few troublesome guys among them."


Accompanied by a burst of shouting, a group of prisoners who were about to go out to do night labor were unhappy and were all shouting and asking why. Song Xuan, who was standing on the stage, sighed, took off his hat, and fanned himself.

"There is no reason. You can only stay in the room for a while."

Song Xuan said, and some wardens immediately urged the prisoners to return to their cells. Just now, Song Xuan was still sleeping when he received Jewell's instructions. In the next few days, if the martial law is not lifted, the prisoners will have unlimited There is no need to work on the farm anymore.

This is to prevent large-scale riots in the city. If the prisoners also follow the riots, the situation will be even worse.

Song Xuan has sent some directors to most of the lower-level districts to directly recruit some labor to fill the manpower problem in the eastern grain base, giving them a monthly salary of 1,000.

Recruitment will continue until there are enough people, and they will be transported directly to the dormitory next to the eastern farm by elevator. They can start working early tomorrow morning. The salary is more than 33 yuan a day, which is better than most people working at the bottom.

Watching the dissatisfied prisoners leave the hall on the first floor one by one, Song Xuan immediately opened the light and shadow screens. At this time, people kept coming for interviews on the street, and they were all screening people with citizen levels 2 to 3, and they must There is strength and no bad records. After all, food is served here.

The lift has already returned. A medium-sized lift can carry more than 200 people. This time more than 10,000 people need to be recruited to fill the vacancies of prisoners.

Many people who were originally punished for minor crimes have developed physical problems and have been sent to the nearest hospital in Department 4. The same goes for some people who work here. Departments 11 and 12 will jointly provide treatment to these people. The salary increase of 500 yuan will temporarily stabilize the situation in the eastern agricultural base.

Although many people have questioned it, the situation has stabilized. Information about an infectious disease of unknown origin has been announced, and people from Section 4 also came over overnight a few hours ago to inject people who were still on the farm, but The injection is a nutritional supplement, not an antibody vaccine.

Song Xuan has received orders from Jewell to assist Section 12 and then closely monitor the prison because there may be rioters in the prison.

At this time, in the canteen, a long line of tired-looking workers were waiting to receive a small tube of vaccine that could be drank directly. Most people believed that there was really an infectious disease outbreak.

"It feels like water!"

A worker said, smacking his lips, and others laughed. A director of Division 4, who was responsible for distributing vaccines, looked at the people in line seriously. What they drank was water, but it was mixed with a little bit of nutritional mixture, and the taste was the same. Water is different.

He pressed his hat, an unspeakable anger steaming in his chest. Looking at this group of low-educated workers who were still chatting and laughing, and really believed that what they were drinking was a vaccine, he felt very uncomfortable. At that time, some ordinary staff members were also drinking.

"But why is no one in your department infected?"

A worker said, and immediately several people in Section 12 started laughing.

"We pay attention to hygiene every day, but you are the ones who are too lazy to take a shower before going to bed if you can."

"Someone was sent to Section 4 as soon as he was discovered."

Immediately the director of Section 4 spoke.

To what extent can it be done!

The director walked out of the cafeteria, holding the brim of his hat, looking down at the ground under his feet. He was speechless for a moment. He wanted to cry. Behind him were the group of workers who were eager to get the vaccine. They were talking and laughing. It was obviously just water, but it was like their life-saving straw. And there is another reason why everyone is happy today. The salary suddenly increased by 500. For most people, this is huge. Good news, many people also expressed that they will work hard tomorrow.

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