Cole and Bronn were placed together. There were many empty rooms in the tower of the Eagle's Nest, and there were not many people in the guest rooms.

Because of their status, they were placed in the lowest guest accommodation. On the other side was the residence of the servants, which was much more lively.

Looking out from the window, there is a courtyard surrounded by seven towers in the center. On one side of the courtyard is a training ground, where knights can occasionally be seen training.

The Eagle's Nest City is like a palace on the sea of ​​clouds, and its walls are also pure white. When you wake up in the morning, you only feel that you are in a world of steaming clouds and mist. At any time, you can fly and ride on the wind, or leave the world and become an immortal independently.

Of course, this kind of comfort is something that Tyrion cannot feel. He is sadly imprisoned in an area called the "Dungeon". The dungeon in the Eagle's Nest City is very interesting. The ground is semi-sloping, and a hole is cut directly between the cliffs. The slope There is an endless cliff at the end, and the prisoner only needs to roll a few times to fly.

Marillion, the "snowy" bard, obviously disdained the company of Cole and Bronn, two rough men, so they just wandered around the castle.

"Are you from Dorne?" Bronn looked around contentedly, reaching out to touch the wall from time to time. "Your hair and face have Dornish features, but they don't look much like him."

Cole never thought about his identity, and he didn't care. "Maybe, I haven't met my parents anyway."

"Martial arts are a bit aristocratic. I thought you were a servant of Lannister, but I have never seen a servant talking to his master like you." Bronn saw that there was no fear of the nobles in his eyes. It's quite similar to him.

"He's my friend."

"Friends?" Bronn's tone was a bit disdainful, "Being friends with a dwarf is not a good choice."

"Who makes Lannister rich? Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms is willing to be friends with Lannister." Talking about friendship and honor with people like Bronn is nonsense. It's better to flirt with him about women, but Tyrion is obviously better at this area.

"The golden dragon is a good thing. There are women from the seven kingdoms for you to choose from."

I happened to pass by the martial arts arena, but it was empty and there was no one around.

"Would you like to go down there and give it a try?" Cole suggested.

"I don't want to eat in a sweat," Bronn refused.

Cole had no choice but to walk down the spiral staircase alone. There were only wooden swords and bows hanging on the racks in the martial arts arena.

He took a short bow and tried to pull the bow string. He also captured one in the hands of a mountain man, but the string made of plant ropes was completely incomparable with the one in his hand.

Bronn continued his exploration, and the martial arts arena became eerily silent for a moment, accompanied by the whistling wind. He pulled out an arrow from the quiver on the side, then drew the bow, filled the string directly, and turned the crosshair to the target. .

He shot several arrows in succession, which was much harder than slashing someone with a sword. Only one arrow hit the target.

Thinking that his Eye of Time could function as a telescope, he silently shrank his pupils, and the shooting range instantly came into his eyes, as if he was right in front of him.

As if adjusting the focus, he moved his eyes to control the distance, and shot another arrow straight into the target.

Through the Eye of Time, his accuracy has improved a lot, at least he no longer misses the target.

He concentrated on practicing archery, but he didn't know that someone had already stood on the spiral staircase of the martial arts arena.

Continuously stringing the strings made his arms feel a little sore, and a big red mark appeared on the tiger's mouth.

"You don't need to rely on brute force to set up the bow, and you don't need to pull the string too full. It will be more comfortable to pull the arrow with your middle finger." Sir Blackfish's voice sounded.

Brynden Tully walked down the spiral staircase and came to the martial arts arena. He picked up a short bow and said, "Watch it, boy. Your posture looks like a woman drawing a needle and thread."

He showed Cole the standard way to hold a bow, and his arrow hit the target.

Cole imitated the posture, and saw Sir Blackfish swipe his arm with his bow, "Lower."

Another slap on his waist, "Stand up."

Cole tightened his abdomen and drew his bow, but his thigh was slapped again, "Don't move your legs."

After being whipped five or six times, Cole finally managed to figure out the correct way to draw the bow.

"Yes, much smarter than those idiots in the castle." He picked up an arrow and handed it to Cole, "Try it."

Put the arrow on the string, the bow resembles the arc of the moon, and the black fish reminds you on the side, "Follow your eyes."

In an instant, time began to slow down, and the bright red of the bull's eye shrank to a point in the pupils. He opened his arms and the arrow penetrated the strong wind like a straight line, hitting the target without any hit on the target.

Sir Blackfish nodded. He was able to reach such a level with just a few finger corrections, which showed that his talent was quite good. How did he know that Cole was cheating with the Eye of Time.

"Boy, come here and play with the sword a few times with me." He threw the iron sword over.

Cole looked at the training wooden sword on the shelf and heard Sir Blackfish say: "The wooden sword is only used by children."

Cole could only salute him with his iron sword, "I'm sorry, Sir."

Unexpectedly, this old man attacked directly with a sword, showing no trace of the knight's demeanor. "Didn't anyone tell you that these complicated things are useless on the battlefield?"

Cole thought of Ser Alliser, the trainer of the Night's Watch. Although he hated it, it had to be said that what he taught was true talent.

Blackfish's reputation in the Seven Kingdoms is not good because he rarely participates in martial arts tournaments, so naturally he doesn't value the knight's false etiquette. His fame came from his actual battle in the Nine Copper King Battle, so he prefers something practical.

Cole waved his sword to block, and the two exchanged swords. Blackfish's attack was extremely tricky, showing murderous intent everywhere. If Cole hadn't kept the Eye of Time open, he really couldn't handle it.

At this time, some knights also came to the training ground. Seeing someone fighting with Blackfish below, they couldn't help but stop and watch. You know, they have seen how powerful Blackfish is.

Someone asked: "Who is this person? He can hold on for so long under the hands of Lord Blackfish."

"I haven't seen him. Judging from his appearance, he may be a new knight. Maybe Blackfish is assessing whether he is qualified to join the Blood Guard."

Just as they were talking, the situation of the battle below suddenly changed. Cole got the upper hand. He was strong and flexible. Although Blackfish could catch his loopholes every time, he just couldn't hit him.

On the contrary, as long as Blackfish showed a little weakness, Cole would attack in that direction.

The knights present couldn't help but stare. This man was actually chasing Blackfish and fighting. It seemed that an incredible guy had come to the Eagle's Nest.

A sword pointed directly at Blackfish's throat, "Sir Tully, thank you."

A look of loneliness flashed in Blackfish's eyes. He had to admit that this kid was very good. He sighed silently in his heart: This world still belongs to young people after all. If he was a dozen years younger, he would have to play another game.

"Sir Tully." Blackfish chuckled, "No one has called me like this for a long time. I almost forgot my last name. Compared with your archery, your sword is quite useful. If it was a few years earlier, you wouldn't have won so easily."

He seemed to be very generous about his failure.

In the next few days, Cole would practice bows and arrows every morning, and Blackfish also came every day. He didn't seem to be stingy with his guidance. With his help, Cole's bows became more and more standardized. It seems that he is really talented.

The two of them became familiar with each other through chatting. Cole wanted to tell the two ladies of the Tully family through Blackfish that Tyrion had nothing to do with those crimes, so he talked a lot.

After listening to everything, Blackfish showed admiration. People who can risk their lives for their friends are always admired. At least the child in front of them is a person who understands honor and disgrace.

When the two of them were resting, the servants of the castle suddenly came to the training ground, "Knights, Lady Lysa summoned everyone to the hall."

PS: I really don't know how to name the chapter, so just read it, ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. It's cold, so wear more clothes.

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