Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 24 Eagle's Nest

Arrive at the Gates of the Moon under the Giant's Spear and look up at the steep rock walls.

The winding path, along the skyline above the rock wall, and the stairs one after another are simply a nightmare for those who are afraid of heights.

If you raise your head, you can see the "Dangerous Rock Castle". If you raise your forehead again, you will find another fortress called "Snow Mountain Castle". If you look closely, there is also "Changtian Castle". The last white rock tower is the Eagle's Nest City.

Night had fallen, and the little devil immediately said that he would not go up in the dark even if he died. Cole also had the same idea. If he walked on this dangerous and unfamiliar road in the dark, he would have to "learn to fly" if he was not careful.

"We'll spend the night here tonight." Sir Blackfish's words were like a sea needle that stabilized the restless people.

Stationed at the Gates of the Moon is Ser Nestor of the Royce family, who is also the High Steward of the Vale of Arryn. Cole remembers that the unlucky guy who was killed by the White Walkers at the beginning of the theater, 'Sir Waymar Royce' People from this family.

Lady Catelyn's sister seemed anxious to summon her and send her up to the Eyrie overnight.

Tyrion and Cole were imprisoned in a room, and their things were confiscated again.

The two of them sat on the ground with only straw and stared at each other. Tyrion finally asked what he had been swallowing in his heart, "Did you dream about it all? I always thought that the legend of Dreamwalker was as much a lie as the White Walkers." of."

"I really should have listened to you." He was very regretful. He obviously didn't have to suffer such a disaster, but in the end, because of his greed for pleasure, two loyal attendants died and his few friends were also implicated.

"Actually, you can stay out of it like Yoren. The only person she wants to catch is me." Tyrion said.

"Your commission hasn't been paid yet. It's twice as much as promised. It's hard to find such a generous employer." Cole said nonchalantly. "And I don't think you are wrong. You obviously made a saddle for the child."

Tyrion was a little touched. He always felt that he was a hard-hearted person, just like the White Walkers, who could neither love nor care about anyone, just like his nickname "Little Devil".

"No need to worry about those mountain people anymore, I can finally have a good sleep." Cole was lying on the haystack. He had been under terrible pressure in the past few days. Watching the people around him fall one after another, Cole never He felt that death was so close to him.

He had never imagined that a few lines in that book could be so dangerous.

Tyrion also lay down, not knowing whether to comfort Cole or himself, "Brother will definitely come to save me."

"Can the Lannister army attack the Eagle's Nest?" Cole asked.

"There is no impenetrable castle, but my father will definitely not lead an army here. He would never dream of killing me." Tyrion said with great disdain.

"I heard that Lord Tywin Lannister was a very capable man. At least when he served as Hand of the King, the kingdom was safe."

Tyrion rested his hands on his hands and closed his eyes. "Yes, then he killed his king and let his dogs rape the princess."

Well, talking to this kid about his father just makes him unhappy. Cole can only change the subject, "Have you ever thought about what will happen?"

"Did you dream about something again?" Tyrion opened his big eyes, "They certainly wouldn't dare to kill me anyway."

"Don't be so confident. The people who rule Erin Valley now are a woman and a child. They may not be able to reason with you."

Tyrion instantly thought of his sister who thought he was the queen. Apart from her face, she was too stupid to look like a Lannister.

"If I die, you will definitely not be able to escape." Tyrion opened his hands and looked resigned, "Anyway, you heard it, that Stark woman called you 'the lackey of the Lannister family'."

Both of them were exhausted along the way, and Tyrion suffered a physical disadvantage, so he fell asleep unknowingly until he was rudely awakened the next day.

Outside the door, Bronn and the singer Marillion. Bronn greeted jokingly, "I wonder if Lord Lannister had a good dream."

"I dreamed that I would be dragged up by a bad old man in the morning." Tyrion seemed very dissatisfied with being woken up.

"Watch your words, dwarf. This is not your Casterly Rock." Sir Blackfish said expressionlessly.

The knights of the Gates of the Moon received orders to escort the imp up.

Blackfish suddenly said to Cole: "Do you want to come together? My child."

Cole looked at him in confusion and saw Blackfish forcing a smile, "Little Kate asked me to take care of the child who came with Tyrion. I think it's you."

"I don't quite understand, Ser Tully."

"She said that you have contributed the most to this journey. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be here. She also asked me to tell you, 'You are still young, don't make the mistake of yourself and associate with the devil.'"

"I think you must have misunderstood something."

"Give this kid his stuff." He pointed to a soldier, then turned to Cole and said, "If you want to follow, come on."

Tyrion's big head is full of question marks, which means he is the only criminal, right?

Cole shrugged at him, as if to say: I don't know why this is happening.

In fact, it was Caitlin's compassion under the brilliance of motherhood. She couldn't bear to let a child as old as Robb end his life early. You must know that noble criminals have certain immunity, and Cole is obviously not a noble, and he himself admits that he is not. 'knight'.

Thinking of the child who had saved her from the mountain people several times, Catelyn felt more and more that she had to do something, which led to the current scene.

Call her stupid, she really loves her child, and is even willing to travel thousands of miles to King's Landing, and has the courage to tie up Tyrion. She is tough and compassionate, and knows gratitude, and is smarter than ordinary noble women, but she is ultimately limited by her vision and growth.

Compared with people like Cersei who are motivated to control power, Catelyn is indeed far inferior, and even her husband Eddard Stark is not as good as Queen Cersei.

Although Catelyn played a role in pushing back and resisting Lan in the outbreak of the conflict between the lion and the wolf, maybe Cole could call her a "fool" when reading the book, but on second thought, she is just a woman who wants to save her husband and children. What else can you expect a woman to do in this era? Plan and win thousands of miles away?

As a player of the Game of Thrones, Catelyn is not qualified. She just wants to live her life in peace. Little does she know that the continent is already turbulent and no one can stay out of it, not to mention her prominent family. But as a mother, she is indeed worthy of respect. Orphans like Cole, who have been orphaned for two lifetimes, have never known what maternal love is.

Cole followed the team and went straight up along the "ladder". The road between the three fortresses in front can still be walked by donkeys, but the road behind is too narrow and can only be walked on foot. When approaching the peak, the whistling wind is like a knife, like the howling of the devil. Tyrion's legs are even trembling, and I don't know if he has cramps again.

Although the size of the top of the mountain limits the size of the Eyrie, and the seven white towers are closely connected, it is still no problem to accommodate hundreds of people. But when Cole and his team walked into the castle, they found that it was a desolate place, and there was no one in sight.

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