When Cole came to the hall, it was already crowded.

Sir Blackfish left at the door and didn't know where he was going. After seeing Bronn in the hall, Cole walked towards him. He was lying under a pillar with a lazy expression.

The hall was brightly lit, with torches shining with blazing flames. Lady Lysa, who was in a high position, was dressed in a black gauze dress. She summoned the knights and nobles to publicly hear the little devil's confession.

With a bang, the valve was pushed open, and several knights escorted Tyrion in.

"It feels like something is going to happen to your dwarf friend," Bronn said to him.

Cole turned his eyes to Tyrion, who happened to be looking too, and nodded in this direction.

The knight pushed Tyrion toward the center of the hall, then retreated to the sides.

He staggered a few steps, stabilized his body, and saluted upward.

Lady Catelyn Stark asked directly, "I heard that you intend to plead guilty?"

"Yes, ma'am," Tyrion answered.

Lysa Arryn smiled at her sister, with some pride in her eyes. Her dungeon could make anyone surrender, even the legendary little devil.

"Say it," Lady Lysa ordered to Tyrion.

Unexpectedly, Tyrion slapped her in the face next, and he said: "Where should I start? I admit that I am a little villain."

He looked like he was pretending to be crazy, talking about some insignificant crimes, and his tone was humorous. It didn't look like he was confessing, but rather like he was mocking himself.

That funny look made the hall burst into laughter.

"Shut up!" Lysa Arryn was angered by his appearance.

"Well, I'm pleading guilty, ma'am."

"You are accused of sending men to assassinate my bedridden son Bran, and of conspiring to kill the king's hand, Lord Jon Arryn."

Tyrion shrugged, "I'm afraid I can't admit to these crimes."

Lady Lysa stood up from her throne angrily and quickly asked the knights of Arryn Valley to take the little devil back to the dungeon.

What no one expected at this time was that Tyrion suddenly roared loudly: "Is there any justice in Arryn Valley? Isn't there even a little honor in the Blood Gate? You accuse me and I deny it, so you just Should I be thrown into Jintian Prison to starve and freeze?”

He raised his head and said, "Where is the king's justice? You said someone accused me of a crime. Well, I demand a fair trial! Let the gods in heaven and the people on earth decide the authenticity of my words."

Lysa Airy smiled disdainfully, "Fair trial, that's good. This is the Vale of Arryn, and the judge is his son Robert Arryn."

She ordered her attendants to open the moon door. This was the way the Eyrie City executed criminals, allowing the prisoner to feel soaring and then smashed into a pulp.

Tyrion sneered in his heart and glanced under a pillar in the hall, "Dear lady, I think there is no need to disturb Lord Robert. The gods in the sky will restore my innocence, and I am willing to let them make a decision. I demand trial by combat! "

There was a burst of laughter in an instant, and everyone was amused by his actions. Only Caitlin and Sir Blackfish did not laugh. They couldn't help but look at the child under the pillar.

Caitlin frowned and was about to turn around to remind her sister, but our Lady Lysa Arryn just said with a surprised look on her face: "Of course you have this right."

In an instant, more than a dozen knights volunteered. There were not many opportunities like this. Not only could they curry favor with the Arryn family, but if they used their heroic demeanor to humiliate Lady Lysa's heart, they would not only win the beauty back home, but also take over the Arryn Valley.

Lysa did not accept anyone. Instead, she called Ser Vardis Egan, who was the captain of the guard of the "former" Lord Prime Minister Jon Arryn. Yes, our bastard son Jon was named after this. Jon Duke Ern is the adoptive father of Eddard Stark, Duke of the North.

So Duke Eddard wanted to call Lysa both sister-in-law and "adoptive mother." Hey, hey, look at this messy relationship.

"Please give this responsibility to someone else. I really have no intention of going to war. This man is not a warrior." Vardis pointed at Tyrion, "Look at him, he is a dwarf, only half as tall as me."

"I think my brother would be happy to fight for me."

"Your great regicide is a hundred miles away," Lysa snapped. "You will have to duel Ser Vardis tomorrow."

Tyrion turned back to the singer Marillion and asked him to make a song about Lysa not allowing him to find a deputy knight.

Lysa was angered and said, "I'm not right. Little devil, if you have the ability, just pick an acting knight."

"Ser Cole, your employer needs help now." Tyrion called towards the pillar.

Lesa was stunned for a moment, a little dumbfounded. She followed Tyrion's gaze and saw a young man standing upright. He was not small, not too strong, but had a handsome face, and he didn't look too old.

"Are you going to fight for the little devil?" Lysa asked. He just thought the child looked like a harmless bard.

Cole bowed slightly, "Yes, ma'am. I am willing to fight in Tyrion Lannister's place."

"You know what you're doing?" she threatened.

"Of course. How can I stand by and watch when my friend is in trouble?" He answered without fear.

She was still looking at this unfamiliar knight, but her sister Caitlin suddenly said loudly: "This kid is not a knight at all."

Cole was shocked for a moment. He just felt how similar it was. Is the identity of a knight really so important that he is not even qualified for trial by combat?

No one will tell him that the identity of a knight is not important, there are knights everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms. But here, knights are very important.

Lysa looked at her sister and saw that she was staring at her with dissatisfaction. She suddenly smiled, "Little Devil, is this the acting knight you are looking for? Did you appoint him personally? He has no right to act as an agent for others."

Tyrion was also stunned. He seemed not to have thought about this problem. He could only say stubbornly, "Everyone is equal under the gods."

"If you can't find a knight to fight for you, then fight yourself tomorrow, Little Devil. I have given you a chance."

"I wonder which kind knight can appoint this child. You will definitely be proud of it." Tyrion looked around and his eyes looked at Bronn. This guy is definitely a knight, but he has no title. Only knights can appoint knights.

The whole audience was silent, and no one spoke.

Bronn narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. He raised his foot, but someone spoke first, "Let me do it."

The voice was deep and steady. Everyone looked at it. It was Blackfish "Brandon Tully".

"Uncle, what are you doing!" Lysa's face finally showed a trace of ferocity. She couldn't understand why her uncle did this.

Sir Blackfish walked down the stand, "The trial must be fair and just. This child is willing to fight for his friends. I approve of his behavior. He is like a knight."

Blackfish walked in front of Cole and drew his sword, "Kneel down, child."

Cole looked at him gratefully, and then knelt on one knee.

"In the name of a warrior, I command you to be brave; in the name of the Father, I command you to be fair; in the name of the Virgin, I command you to be merciful; in the name of a maiden, I command you to be kind; in the name of a blacksmith, I command you to be hardworking; in the name of an old woman, I command you to be rational; in the name of a stranger, I command you to be spiritual.

The seven gods bless you, Cole, the knight of the seven kingdoms.

Please stand up."

He tapped Cole's shoulders one by one with his sword.

PS: I really like this original text, which is why I set up this plot, so I quoted it a lot. Well, I copied a paragraph, but it was also changed a little. The protagonist finally became a dignified knight.

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