From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 531: : Will of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 532 The Will of Heaven and Earth

Tang Yuehua and Xuedi were the first to reach the realm of the Nine Star Fighting Saints, and they knew how difficult it was to break through.

Bo Saixi then made a breakthrough, and he knew how difficult it was to break through this realm.

So hearing Ye Han's words, she could only smile bitterly at the moment.

"In the past, you wanted to break through the natural difficulties, but now it's different, because you have me, and I have this heaven and earth, the universe is invincible, madly cool and dazzling husband, don't worry! Your breakthrough is all on me. , as long as you break through alone, Yuehua and the others will be able to come out."

Ye Han patted his chest and expressed his pride.

Bo Saixi looked at the seemingly unreliable man in front of him, but his eyes were full of love.

She definitely wouldn't believe what others said, but no matter what Ye Han said, she believed it.

A ball of golden silk thread appeared in Ye Han's hand.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing should be the origin of the earth in this world, that is, the origin of the Emperor Dou. It is the key to the realm of Emperor Dou. With it, I believe you will soon be able to break through."

"Because of my relationship, some of this kind of thing may have already fallen into the hands of those who have the resources to fight emperors. So, now, let's give you a try first." Ye Han said.

"I thought you really loved me and loved me, but I didn't expect you to treat me like a little white rabbit." Bo Saixi's expression changed, and he said with an aggrieved expression.

"Where is it?" Ye Han was flustered by Bo Saixi's expression, so he quickly hugged him and comforted him.


Po Saisi smiled instantly.

She was just joking with Ye Han. In the world of cultivation, she was naturally eager for strength. Just being with Ye Han, the sense of security he brought made all women who follow him unconsciously forget their strength. importance.

"Okay you! How dare you lie to me." After Po Saixi laughed, Ye Han instantly realized that he had been deceived. After saying something vicious, he put his hands directly towards the woman's armpits.


"I, I was wrong."

"I don't dare any more."

"I, I won't dare again next time."

Bo Saixi's enchanting ketone body twisted in Ye Han's arms, but he couldn't escape Ye Han's control, and he was out of breath with laughter.

"What? There's even a next time."

Ye Hanhu stared and spoke viciously. While speaking, his breathing was a little short and his mouth was dry.

"No, there will be no next time. My husband, I was wrong, please forgive me!" A smile flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes, knowing what Ye Han was thinking, there was a shyness on his face, and he prayed delicately.

"Okay! Be obedient, and I'll spare you if you have served me well."

Ye Han smiled, and then started a set of radio gymnastics...

three months later.

Bo Saixi successfully absorbed the origin of Dou Di and tried to break through.

However, the origin of Emperor Dou is just an introduction, a key to a higher level, but whether she can find the door lock, open the door with that key by the way, and then step into that realm, it all depends on her.

When Bo Saixi was cultivating, Ye Han also entered the practice.

On the surface of his body, golden chains appeared, and as he continued to comprehend, some of the chains were directly broken and absorbed by him.

"It's impossible for you to be so cheap after you've been sleepy for so long. You will be one of the worlds in my body." Ye Han muttered to himself.

He was so daring that he actually wanted to take this opportunity to refine the fragments of the rules of the world, and use them to counter-refine this side of the world.

In that mysterious void space, Ye Han thought of this method.

His way of cultivation is quite special in the first place. He has already walked a path that no one has ever seen before, but this path was temporarily cut off after he came to Douba World.

Now that he has re-opened this path, he is so whimsical that he wants to refine Douba World.

Although it is a bit arrogant and almost impossible to achieve, the blockade of the will of heaven and earth gave him a chance.

The shackles reinforced on Ye Han's body are the guide for him to refine this world.

Once successful, his strength will be immeasurable.

However, as his words came out, as if the heavens and the earth had a feeling, a blast of thunder sounded out of thin air.

There is a **** who raises his head three feet, and he can eat indiscriminately, but he cannot speak indiscriminately.

One after another, thick thunderbolts fell from the sky and hit Ye Han directly.

However, Ye Han at this time has long been different from what it used to be, and it cannot be compared with the same day. Facing the thunder like a mountain, Ye Han directly shot up to the sky, waving an iron fist, and punching it away.

Thunder bursts from the sky, and the roar is endless, as if the sky is falling, as if the end is about to come.

On this day, the wind and clouds were surging, the lightning and thunder were thundering, and all kinds of terrifying punishments were constantly being staged. They collided fiercely with Ye Han and fought continuously.

Ye Han had already used the Indestructible Primordial Spirit, and the Taixuan Sutra was already running wildly, bringing out all the potential of the body to the extreme.

In the fierce collision, Ye Han's body shattered again and again, but every time he collapsed and recovered, not only did he not weaken at all, but he became stronger.

There are thousands of avenues, all the way to the same destination.

Ye Han compares himself to one, the way of yin and yang is two, two begets three, and three beget all things...

At the same time as he was improving, he actually used his own perception and the power of the rules of this world to condense the flames one after another.

In the end, the heavenly punishment that shook the world dissipated.

"Come again!" Ye Han raised his head and looked at the was a little unfulfilled.

If this kind of punishment lasts for a while longer, Ye Han's realm will directly break through and get rid of the suppression of the Dou Qi Continent.

Unfortunately, the will of the world also sensed the crisis, stopped in time and made a counterattack.

At the same time, many places in the Dou Qi Continent rained down from the sky, and the ground swelled with golden lotuses.

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth sensed the crisis, made timely repairs, and did not hesitate to spend the source to achieve the children of destiny.

"Hahaha, this emperor finally broke through."

In the habitation of the Soul Clan, a burst of laughter came from the retreat of the Soul Heaven Emperor.

Soul Tiandi grabbed a piece of Dou Di origin from Tianmu Mountain more than a year ago. After such a long period of hard work and more than a year, he finally successfully broke through and reached the Dou Di realm.

At the same time, under the influence of Emperor Dou's bloodline, many members of the Soul Clan have grown in strength as a result, and some old Soul Clan elders who were originally about to end their lifespan and return to dust and ashes, have been reborn and reappeared in the world.

"Congratulations to the arrival of Emperor Dou."

The entire Soul Clan benefited, and countless people fell to the ground one after another, kowtowing to the place where the Soul Heaven Emperor was.

Since the last time I got the source of the earth in Tianmu Mountain, the Emperor Huntian has retreated to the present, and he has made a breakthrough, and the whole world has congratulated him.

At almost the same time, in a majestic bronze hall in the ancient world of the ancient clan, a vast aura like abyss emanated, and Gu Yuan also broke through.

(End of this chapter)

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