From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 530: : Dou Di is not easy

Chapter 531 Fighting the Emperor is Not Easy

If Bo Saixi could put it another way, Ye Han might have really taken his word for it. Sealing the cultivation base, like an ordinary person, he is indeed very tired.

But, how can a man admit that he can't?

"Am I very heavy!" Bo Saixi continued to speak, looking at Ye Han who was gnashing his teeth to protect the dignity of a man, the smile in his eyes was almost unbearable.

"How is that possible? My wife is so beautiful and has such a good figure. How can she be heavy, not heavy at all." Ye Han opened his mouth, sweating constantly on both sides of his cheeks, but he pretended to be nonchalant. While speaking, he pretended to be With ease, he turned Po Saixi's body upside down and helped him up.

"Hehe! Not only is it not tiring, but it also has benefits! I am so blessed, I am afraid that other men would never dream of having it?" Ye Han laughed.


When Bo Saixi heard the words, he secretly spit, and his cheeks were slightly red, how could he not know what this man was talking about.

The hands that had tightly wrapped around Ye Han's neck loosened. Her slender, jade-like palms gently clasped Ye Han's shoulders, and the body that was tightly attached to Ye Han's back slowly left.

A slyness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Am I really not heavy?" Bo Saixi asked.

"It's not heavy, but it's a pity that the benefits are gone." Ye Han gasped.

"Then the welfare is coming, you have to pick it up!" Bo Saixi opened his mouth, lowered his head and gently blew a breath of warm air into Ye Han's ear.

The sudden provocation made Ye Han's body tremble violently, and his already flushed face was instantly congested with blood.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han felt his body sink suddenly.

"You, you are lying." Ye Han said with difficulty.

"What's wrong with me? If you can't do it, just say it. I can come down and go by myself." Bo Saixi looked blank, with an unconcealed joke in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a simple weight? Have you ever heard of a standing tree? I'll show you today." Ye Han quietly released his own seal.

"Yeah! You're lying." Bo Saixi has a keen sense of perception, and since his cultivation has reached a nine-star fighting saint, which is higher than Ye Han's level, he naturally discovered Ye Han's body changes in an instant.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't." Ye Han said.


Bo Saixi snorted coldly, and at the same time unsealed himself, and then, Ye Han's relaxed body sank suddenly and almost fell to the ground.

"I'll wipe, this woman is here for real."

Ye Han clenched his teeth and quickened his pace, wanting to rush to the top of the mountain in an instant.

However, his movements could not hide the perception of the person on his back. The moment he wanted to speed up, his body sank again...

Ye Han "..."

I'm so special!

Who did I provoke?

With tears in his eyes, Ye Han gritted his teeth and walked step by step, not only to bear the unbearable weight, but also to prevent the mountains under his feet from being trampled.

And admit defeat, it is absolutely impossible to admit defeat, impossible in this life.

The two secretly competed, and in the end, after Ye Han's unremitting efforts, at dusk, they finally fulfilled their promise and took Bo Saixi up the hill.

Bang! ~

"Made, I'm exhausted."

Just stepping on the top of the mountain, Ye Han instantly revealed his true form, and all the camouflage was abandoned at this moment.

He directly threw Po Saixi away, and sat on the hillside with his buttocks.

"Hee hee! Wouldn't it be better to admit defeat earlier? If you have to hold on, you deserve it." Po Saixi said with a smile.

As she spoke, she stretched out her green palms and held a handkerchief to help Ye Han wipe the sweat off her face.

Ye Han gasped for breath and didn't have time to answer at all.

As a Dou Sheng powerhouse, being able to make him so exhausted is enough to see Bo Saixi's strength, but it's just that he recovers quickly from physical exhaustion.

In just a few minutes, Ye Han regained his radiance and instantly became alive.

As he stretched out his hand, Bo Saixi was hugged by his waist.

"It's cool to bully me! Now it's my turn." With a wicked smile, Ye Han directly stretched his sinful hands to Bo Saixi's armpits.

"Hahaha, I, I was wrong, I, I don't dare anymore." Bo Saixi twisted his body, but he couldn't get rid of Ye Han's claws at all, he could only laugh and beg for mercy.

"Haha! Now beg for mercy, it's too late."

Ye Leng smiled and refused to give up.

Bo Saixi was unable to resist being scratched. In the end, he could only hug Ye Han tightly, and then offered his red lips, and then he escaped from the devil's claws.

At dusk and dusk, the sunset is intoxicating and picturesque.

Under the setting sun, the red clothes are bright, the beauty is like jade, enchanting and charming.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the woman's shatterable skin, adding a sense of transparency to the red and bright face, like jelly, making people want to hug and nibble.

The beauty is admiring the sunset, but the man is admiring her...

For a year, Ye Han accompanied Bo Saixi to the north and south, and sometimes sealed the cultivation base. Just like ordinary people, the appreciators were completely different from Douluo Continent's customs.

"Ye Han!"

In the early morning, the woman opened her blue eyes, stretched out her lotus root-like arm from the quilt, and gently held the handsome face in front of her, saying, "We should go to Big Sister and the others."

"You can remember the promise you made to me, it means that you really have me in your heart and that you can stay with me for so many days, that's enough, I'm satisfied, now let's go to them!"

Ye Han looked at the beautiful face of the woman, was silent for a second or two, then nodded with a said, "Yes, but your cultivation needs to be improved, I can feel it. The great change in the world is coming, and the strength of the Nine Star Dousheng is still a little weaker."

"But it's not easy to be promoted to the realm of Dou Di. The eldest sister's talent is unparalleled, and Yuehua is amazing, but she has been trapped in the realm of the Nine Star Dou Sheng for many years and can't go further. I am more talented than the two of them. After all, there is still a slight difference." Bo Saixi said in distress.

The outside world has been around for more than ten years. In fact, Bo Saixi and the others have been passing through the training space Ye Han prepared for them for more than ten years.

At the beginning, almost all of their cultivation resources were invested in Tang Yuehua. Tang Yuehua lived up to expectations. In just five years, they made breakthroughs one after another and reached the realm of fighting saints.

After that, she turned on the power of time and learned the method Ye Han used at the beginning to give everyone time to speed up.

In this way, in seven or eight years, the time that everyone cultivated in that practice space has almost reached 50 years.

In 50 years, there has been a marked difference in the qualifications of all people.

Tang Yuehua and Xuedi reached the realm of the Nine Star Fighting Saints one after another, followed by Qian Renxue, Bo Saixi and Gu Yuena, but the others were a lot worse than these people.

When Emperor Xue left, on the one hand, he missed Ye Han, and on the other hand, he wanted to come out early to help him relieve the pressure.

So this time, it was their strongest people who came out this time.

And Tang Yuehua can only stay, because he has to give others time to speed up and let them grow up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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