From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 498: : Refinement 9 to Jindan

Chapter 499

Jiuzhuan Jindan entered the abdomen, like a torrent of steel, scorching hot.

The surging energy turned into a violent dragon, ramming through the body, breaking through many barriers, fierce and ruthless.

Jindan nine turns, the first turn is a major barrier, nine bends and eighteen bends, ruthlessly pass through, destroying everything.

The golden energy is scorching hot and firm, widening the meridians and opening the pass. Although it tortures people to the point of death, in the pain, it can make people experience the feeling of flying, that is the strength is improving, the soul is sublimating, Physical transformation in all directions.

The nine golden pills and one Hongfei are missing, and I don't know if they can still be found. Originally, the three giants outside were still looking forward to the eight pills.

But it was only for a moment. Outside the formation, they saw five golden streamers flashing from the center of the formation, flying into five directions, and then disappearing.

Although it is not clear what happened, these people outside are also anxious.

They looked at each other, then stepped out together, walking towards the formation arranged by Ye Han.

These people are extremely powerful, and in a single step, they are so close to the horizon, and in an instant they enter the formation arranged by Ye Han.

After these three powerhouses, the other seven or eight-star Dou Sheng's eyes flickered slightly, then became firm, and then stepped into the formation.

The place that comes into view is gray and white, accompanied by loneliness and despair, boundless, one step and two steps, ten steps and twenty steps...

In the trance, it seems like a thousand years at a glance, living in this black and white world, even if the hearts of these Dousheng level powerhouses have been polished for a long time, they have become extremely tough and peaceful, and they have enjoyed a long time of loneliness. , but also a little disturbed at this time.

These people found something wrong, like a fantasy, but not...

In the end, they found in horror that there are a lot of time rules in this formation. If they can't get out of trouble as soon as possible, some people may die in this formation.

It's a pity, no matter how awesome these people are, after entering the formation, they always feel that they have nowhere to use it, and they feel like a tiger can't bite the sky.

Violent bombardment, useless, looking for a life door, useless, here as if everything is useless, everything is nothing, and their existence is like heresy and alternative in this world, this world is slowly and silently assimilate them.

Walking along, some people were shocked to find that some people fell down, and the figure was extremely familiar.

In the course of the years, those fallen figures, those powerful fighting saints slowly become gray and dull, their clothes, their hair, their skin, their bones... this A little bit of gray-white powder dissipated in this world.

At the last moment, these people's eyes widened, and they finally saw their true colors.

That's them, they're the future ones.

They who were alive witnessed the scene of their future death with their own eyes.

"No! I don't believe that the past has become a cloud of the past, and it cannot be changed, and I don't want to think about it. The road ahead is at my feet. I only believe in the present, the future is just a deception, and everything in front of me is nothing but an illusion. How can you shake my heart?"

Someone roared, and the sound moved for nine days, in order to strengthen their Taoism.

However, the roar at this time often represents a guilty conscience.

As his voice fell, he suddenly seemed to feel something in his heart. Looking back at night, a golden lightning was like a heavenly knife, like a heavenly punishment, indifferent and ruthless, directly slashing a young man behind him into coke... …

And that boy is also himself.

Following his own death when he was young, he was horrified to discover that his body was turning into ashes for no reason, being assimilated and swallowed by this world, without pain, as if he should not belong to this world in the first place.

"According to the state of mind, obliterating across time, such a clever method, such a powerful method, such a ruthless person, that's just my youth!"

With a lingering voice, with a little sigh and enlightenment, he completely disappeared from this world and will never exist again.

And there are more than one person like him. There are nearly a hundred people who have entered this formation, but nearly half of those who cannot pass this level.

Nearly a hundred people, less than half of them died, it doesn't seem like a lot.

However, you must know that those who dare to rush into the battle have at least the strength of five or six-star fighting saints. None of such people are ordinary people. When they are young, they are all leaders in the field. It took time to get to this point.

However, now, one by one, they have fallen silently here, which is unbelievable.

Dao creates two, two creates three, and three creates all things. The two refers to yin and yang.

The way of yin and yang is broad and profound. Based on this, Ye Han used previous methods and the power of heaven and earth to make his subordinates such a great formation. Naturally, it was to buy himself time.

The external disturbance has nothing to do with Ye Han and Queen Medusa, and the two of them forgot their self-cultivation.

The undead swallowing python has a unique physique and strong endurance, which complements Ye Han's cultivation.

The scorching medicinal power is like the Yangtze River and the sea, rolling torrents, rushing endlessly, making the body temperature of the two continue to rise, and the blood boils, as if it will explode in the next moment.

At first, Queen Medusa was still able to resist, and even gave a certain counterattack, but as time passed, she was exhausted and could not continue to exercise, and everything could only be left to Ye Han to lead.

Ye Han was extremely fierce at the moment, facing the flaming medicinal power in his body, it was as if he had seen the enemy who killed his father.

Unprecedented concentration of mental power, condensed the strength of the whole body, turned into a big gun, stabbed fiercely, defeated the surging medicinal power, guided it strongly, and the last medicinal power spurted out...

Ye Han gritted his teeth and relied on his strong willpower to withstand the impact of this medicinal power, and then he was extremely strong and defeated him again, and then his spirit relaxed. The weak have a solid foundation. After a short rest, they will gather their strength again and regroup to fight against the rampant medicinal power...

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

With the unremitting efforts of Ye Han and Queen Medusa, the medicinal power of Jiuzhuan Jindan was finally subdued.

The nine-turn golden pill takes the fortune of heaven and earth. It has the function of recasting the foundation and greatly improving the strength.

Ye Han and Queen Medusa refined the nine-turn golden elixir. Due to Ye Han's special practice and the help of Queen Meidousha, a nine-turn gold elixir directly pushed him to the peak of Dou Zun, and then stepped over the door. Going out, going straight to Qingyun, at this moment is already a one-star fighting saint.

There is no doubt that the improvement this time is huge. With his current strength and his previous methods, Ye Han is enough to protect himself and step into the threshold of the real powerhouse in the Don't be too afraid.

Compared with him, Queen Medusa's improvement is even greater, and this is because Queen Medusa's original strength has surpassed that of Samsung Dou Zun.

Shuangxiu was originally a mutual benefit. When dealing with other women, the first time Ye Han basically used the method of plunder to benefit himself first, and then feed it back to others.

But Queen Medusa is different. This is a real double cultivation, the communication of the soul and the fusion of the body. The two benefit from each other and improve together. Not only did they quickly refine the medicinal power of the 9-turn Jindan, but they also made breakthroughs. Having reached the realm of the Fighting Saint, and Queen Medusa's previous cultivation was stronger, she has now reached the level of a three-star Fighting Saint. With such an improvement, she can only sigh that she is so terrifying.

The realm of Dou Zun is different from other realms. Compared with other realms, this realm is more difficult to improve. Because there is a saying that Dou Zun nine turns, each star needs one turn, which is equivalent to cultivating from scratch to this realm and then cultivating again. Once, once at a time, it takes a lot of time.

Queen Medusa was able to cultivate to the realm of the three-star Dou Zun in a short period of time, that is because her current talent and bloodline are too strong, she can be called a pervert, and the undead swallowing python is unique. Your Excellency, it has not yet reached the level of rank nine and 3 stars. To complete the rank of 9 stars and 9 stars, even if Queen Medusa's talent does not have twenty or thirty years, I am afraid it will not be possible to complete it.

But now, with Ye Han's pill, all the problems have been solved.

And it took her to a whole new level.

End of this chapter

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