From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 497: : God has the virtue of good life

From the beginning of alchemy to now, seven days have passed.

The thunderclouds disperse!

The Heavenly Sabre has disappeared!

The moon is out!

The stars came out!

Ye Han's clothes are ragged, his hair is loose, and his whole body is covered with dense scars, which are injured by the Dao, and it is impossible to heal easily.

After the self-sealing, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth refused to let him go. After a lot of searching, he was finally locked in as a heretic.

Dense chains poured in from all directions, directly tying him up like a zongzi...

With the shackles attached, Ye Han didn't resist at all, and he didn't have time for him to resist, but the seals in his hand kept hitting one after another.

Using the last strength to set up the formation, this move Ye Han learned from Bibi Dong. It can be said that he has learned it now and sold it.

After his last Yin Jue hit the ground, the chains were completely blurred and entered Ye Han's body one by one.

The Inextinguishable Primordial Spirit was once again completely sealed, but fortunately, the power he cultivated in this world is still there.

Ye Han fell to the ground, and with a wave of his arm, the means he had just arranged rose up in an instant, and a yin and yang gossip array flashed away on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han's figure fell into the formation and disappeared completely.

"How is it? My lord, am I majestic?"

Keeping his feet on the ground, Ye Han looked at the lady in red standing in front of him, and couldn't help but comprehend.

Queen Medusa originally looked at Ye Han with worry in her eyes. She was worried about his injury, but when she heard his words, she couldn't help laughing for a while.

When is this all? Still in the mood to play tricks.

"Yeah! Prestige, looking down on the world, full of domineering." Queen Medusa naturally knew what Ye Han liked to listen to. Although she couldn't laugh or cry, she still gave a thumbs up and praised, and then she said with a hint of concern, "Your injury. ?"

"This injury can't help me, but if I want to recover, I need your help." Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa and said.

"Do you still need to use the word "help" between you and me?" Queen Medusa rolled her eyes and asked.


Ye Han nodded, then looked at Queen Medusa, with a trace of apology on his face, "I promised you, if I didn't surpass your strength, I wouldn't touch you. Now it seems that I'm going to break my promise."

"What do you mean?" Queen Medusa heard the words, her pretty face couldn't help but blushed slightly, and she probably guessed how Ye Han needed her help. Although she already recognized Ye Han in her heart, she really wanted to do that. She felt shy.

"Looks like you've guessed it."

Ye Han nodded, and then the apology on his face was deeper, and he said, "I really like you, I don't want you to leave any regrets or flaws in my relationship. Originally I didn't want to do this, I'm afraid it will make you feel that I am with you. There are any benefits and uses of the combination, but now..."

Ye Han glanced at the strong men outside who had recovered from their shock and were just about to move.

"Don't say it, I will."

Queen Medusa's eyes were shy, with a seductive crimson on her face, and she said shyly and timidly, "We had a promise that you have the strength to defeat me, but there is another one, you can really make my heart move. , Now, I tell you clearly, I don't know why, and I don't know when it started, you are already in my heart."

After she finished speaking, Queen Medusa glanced around and determined that she could only see the outside, but couldn't see what was inside. She gently raised her slender hand, and then, the clothes slipped off one by one...

Gudu! ~

Even though Ye Han was well-informed, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva in the face of the beauty in front of him.

Queen Medusa is slim and slim, her white jade body exudes an attractive luster like porcelain, and her translucent skin is really like warm suet jade, looking tender and smooth, especially now, she is protecting her **** with one hand and drooping with the other. , shy and timid, and the appearance of wanting to refuse and welcome is really fascinating.

Ye Hanqing couldn't help but stepped forward and gently embraced the beautiful woman in his arms. The delicate skin where he started made his eyes instantly become hot.

One palm raised Queen Medusa's drooping cheek, looking at the misty and beautiful eyes in front of her, who didn't dare to match her, Ye Han almost lost his mind.

Fortunately, he still knows the business.

With a stroke of his palm, nine dazzling golden pills appeared in his palm, each of them full of spiritual energy, really like the scorching sun of the nine heavens, extremely splendid.

After being caught by Ye Han, the nine medicinal pills were like a frightened school of fish, instantly bursting into the pot, bursting out with terrifying power, and quickly scurrying around, as if they knew what they were about to face, and suddenly struggled violently. Get up, trying to escape from his hands.


Ye Han snorted coldly, and stomped the ground with the soles of his feet.

With a loud bang, the Yin-Yang Taiji Bagua Formation that had just been arranged was fully activated, exuding terrifying power, directly blessing Ye Han, helping Ye Han to suppress all the power that erupted from the nine medicinal herbs.

"It's just an elixir, it can actually give birth to a spiritual, interesting world. Unfortunately, after all, it's just a newborn baby, and it doesn't know how to practice. Even if you have the power of a fighting saint, you can't use one ten thousandth of it."

Ye Han sighed as he looked at the medicinal pill that was still struggling slightly in his hand and did not want to accept his fate.

Then he pondered for a while and said, "Although you were originally the medicinal pills that I refined, but since you have nurtured spiritual wisdom, you are equivalent to a living being, and everything can't be too absolute. The Great Dao is fifty, and one of them is a chance to survive. People often say that God has the virtue of good life, and since this is the case, I will leave a seed for you! Whether you can survive or not depends on your personal destiny.”

With a flick of the finger, one of the nine medicinal pills rushed out of the formation like a shooting star, pierced through the world, and quickly disappeared.

Outside the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Gossip Formation, Emperor Soul Tian and Gu Yuan looked at each other, then at Zhu Kun, and finally Gu Yuan nodded to the people around him, and then the three of them turned into a streamer and quickly moved towards the swiftly fleeing man. Jiuzhuan Jindan chased after him.

Soul Tiandi and Zhu Kun's eyes flashed slightly, and their faces were a little gloomy, but in the end they didn't chase, but locked their eyes firmly in the formation.

Even if one of the nine pills escaped, there are still eight pills left. Besides, there are more people here who can refine that kind of pill. Only a fool would care about one and the other and choose sesame instead of watermelon.

Outside, there were bursts of light. Except for a few people around Gu Yuan who left, most of the people who gathered outside chose the one that escaped.

No one who can appear here is an is very clear about his own position, continue to stay here, facing the three peerless powerhouses and those old monsters, the possibility of getting a chance is not small. Said, it is very likely that he will give his own life here.

They couldn't enjoy the watermelon, but if they could get sesame seeds, it would be a happy event.

Ye Han didn't care about the outside world. He looked at the eight medicinal pills for a while. With a wave of Ye Han's hands, he threw the five medicinal pills to Di Tian, ​​Xiong Jun and other five people at the periphery of the Yin-Yang Bagua Array.

"Refining the golden elixir on your own to improve your cultivation."

After a casual explanation, Ye Han looked at the little woman in his arms.

Leng Yan, arrogant, fierce and mighty Her Majesty the Queen, after she truly fell in love with a person, she is indeed so fascinated by such a small bird.

"Ah!~" Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa, opened his mouth like a child, and dragged his long tail.

Queen Medusa's pretty face was blushing, and she was hugged by Ye Han, making Her Majesty the Queen extremely shy, but seeing Ye Han's coaxing child, she couldn't help rolling her eyes, but Still very obedient and obedient, opened her seductive red lips.

In the eyes of Ye Han, the current Her Majesty the Queen is so cute no matter what he does, full of seductive breath, every move, every smile, every gesture, all exudes infinite charm.

A pill was gently put into the Queen's mouth, and the wonderful touch between the rosy lips and fingers made Ye Han's heart sway, and he couldn't bear it any longer...

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