From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 499: : 3 great patriarchs

The sky is the quilt and the ground is the bed, and a leather blanket is the bridal chamber.

On the soft leather blanket, Ye Han hugged Queen Medusa's soft and delicate body, lying on the ground, watching the scorching sun in the sky.

Queen Medusa, on the other hand, leaned her body tightly into Ye Han's arms, buried her cheeks on his chest, listened to his strong heartbeat, and enjoyed an unprecedented feeling of peace of mind. .

After a long time, Ye Han lowered his head and gently kissed Her Majesty's forehead.

Then he smiled and said, "How's your recovery going?"


Queen Medusa didn't speak, she made a soft nasal sound, like a lazy kitten, arching her head in Ye Han's arms, the delicate skin rubbed against Ye Han's chest, like a blue orchid. His breath was like a feather, ignoring the barrier of his chest, and directly poking his heart.

The Adam's apple rolled slightly, Ye Han turned around and hugged Her Majesty's slender waist, then moved his palm down and patted it lightly.

"Little lazy cat, now is not the time to be coquettish. If you don't get up again, I'm afraid others will see you and me like this." Ye Han said with a smile.

When Queen Medusa heard the words, she couldn't help but raised her head, turning her little head, looking like she was sneaky and guilty, she looked very cute.

Ye Han couldn't help being dumbfounded, and was amused by Her Majesty's small appearance.

Seeing the smile on Ye Han's face, Queen Medusa blushed, and felt shy about what she looked like just now, then lowered her head and bit Ye Han's shoulder mercilessly.

Ye Han grinned, but he could only bear it.

"Humph! I saw it when I saw it, and it wasn't me who lost it anyway." Queen Medusa raised her head and looked at Ye Han's face, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, she said arrogantly.

Ye Han's expression froze for a moment, then he reacted and understood what Her Majesty the Queen meant.

I'm your woman now. Others see me like this, and it's you who loses, not me.


Ye Han was speechless and could only say with a serious face, "Those people are really coming, hurry up."

"Come here, what am I afraid of?" Queen Medusa looked at Ye Han and hugged Ye Han tightly like an octopus while talking.


The perfect touch made Ye Han couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, but Queen Medusa was satisfied with his response, with a smile in her eyes, and a look on her face, please come and beg me.

"This fairy!"

Ye Han couldn't help but let out a scolding in his heart. If it wasn't for the conditions, he really wanted to use the demon-suppressing method to subdue this goblin on the spot.

And the only plan for now is to make excuses, with a dog-legged smile on his face, and said, "My wife is good, obedient, get up and get dressed, it's really not good for us to be seen by others like this."

In fact, Queen Medusa was also afraid, so when she saw Ye Han behave like this, she borrowed the donkey and said, "Okay, Xiao Ye's performance is good, come on, help this king to get up and change his clothes."

Ye Han "..."

How could I, a dignified hero, give in just like this.

Today, the big deal...

But looking at the exquisite jade body that appeared in front of him, the heroic spirit just now disappeared instantly.

Emma! Really fragrant.

Ye Han moved his hands upside down...

Queen Medusa's long eyelashes quivered, gently fluttering like a fan, her red face was filled with anger and shyness. Looking at the man with open arms, Queen Medusa bit her rosy lips, and then felt a little uncomfortable. She willingly helped Ye Han get dressed.

"Hehe! My wife is so good, come and reward one."

Ye Han smiled and took Queen Medusa, who was helping him tidy up her clothes, into his arms, and kissed him fiercely on the face, leaving behind a lot of sparkling saliva.

"Oh! It's dirty."

Queen Medusa quickly wiped it off, then gave Ye Han a fierce look.

"How do you say it? This king is completely clean, and his treasured body has already been completed. The world cannot be dirty, so how can it be dirty?" Ye Han argued with reason.

"Anyway, it's dirty." Queen Medusa brought out a woman's nature to the fullest this time, that is, unreasonable.

I say dirty is dirty, even if it is white, if I say it is black, it is black.

Ye Han was speechless. Following the principle of a gentleman, he moved his mouth and took a bite on Queen Medusa's red lips.


"Is it dirty?"

"Um, dirty, woo!~"

"What about now? Is it still dirty?"



"No, woo!~"

"I said, woo!~"

"Wow, oh, am I wrong?"


"Sample, I can't cure you yet."

After some playfulness, Ye Han looked at Queen Medusa who was slumped in his arms, exhaling like a blue, and couldn't help showing a complacent smile on his face.

Queen Medusa came back to her senses and looked at the man who just conquered her but seemed to have won a battle, pouted, and muttered to herself, "Men's bad taste."

"How is your body, are you okay?" Ye Han smiled, looking at Queen Medusa with distressed eyes.

When Queen Medusa heard the words, she shook her head gently, then buried her body in Ye Han's arms and hugged his waist tightly, as if she wanted to completely integrate herself into Ye Han's body.

Ye Han returned his hand and hugged Queen Medusa's waist as well. At this moment, feeling each other's heartbeats, silence is better than sound.

The feeling of peace of mind, warmth, comfort, and happiness filled the hearts of the two of them, making people feel at ease like never before, and they were unwilling to let go of each other.

This kind of feeling has never been experienced before. The so-called newlyweds may be like this!

However, the atmosphere of tranquility is often short-lived.

"Papapa! Mr. is really a good trick!" Accompanied by loud applause, an elegant middle-aged man in his thirties or forties appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes.

This person is Gu Yuan, and he speaks words of appreciation, but his eyes are unprecedentedly gloomy.

The reason for all this is obviously that some of his clan members died, and they were unable to step out of the great formation arranged by Ye Han, and stayed here completely.

At almost the same time when Gu Yuan appeared, two people appeared on both sides of Ye Han's body.

A tall and burly person, with short purple hair standing up like steel needles, thick eyebrows and big eyes, not angry and arrogant, fierce, domineering and noble.

"Warcraft!" Ye Han whispered softly.

After feeling the imposing manner of this middle-aged man, he immediately guessed the identity of the other party, and then a flaming golden light erupted in his eyes, and then a huge purple dragon appeared in Ye Han's line of sight.

For a moment, the identity of this person is self-evident.

He is the long-lost patriarch Zhu Kun of the Taixu ancient dragon clan.

His eyes flashed, and after a quick balance in his heart, Ye Han gave up his plan to give Zi Yan to the other party immediately.

I'm not afraid of ten thousand, but I'm afraid if a little girl comes out and tells this old dragon that she is forcing her to call her master.

With the strength of this old dragon, he was afraid that he would not be able to fight with himself.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ye Han looked at the last of the three. This man was dressed in black robes, tall and straight, young and handsome. Well, he was half as sloppy as me, not bad.

This person has white hair, Zhou Shen's aura is like a sea of ​​smoke, making people feel incomprehensible and full of mysterious flavor.

Among the three, Ye Han only confirmed the identity of one of them, the other two did not know.

However, relying on foresight and understanding of Dou Po Cangqiong, Ye Han can also infer the identities of these two people.

After all, there are only a few people who can stand on an equal footing with Lao Long and advance and retreat together, and there are only two who are alive and complete.

One is Gu Yuan of the ancient clan, and the other is naturally the Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Soul Clan.

The elegant-looking middle-aged man, although restrained in his aura, had a scorching aura that permeated faintly, giving him a domineering feeling.

There is no doubt that this person is definitely Xiao Xun'er's father.

Ye Han couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of that silly girl who was as elegant as a lotus.

"In Xia Yehan, I met the patriarch of the ancient clan."

Ye Hanqiang held back his laughter, bowed his hands to Gu Yuan, and almost couldn't help calling out his father-in-law.

Then he looked at Zhu Kun of the Taixu Gulong Clan, and the Soul Heaven Emperor of the Soul Clan, and he also bowed his hands and said hello.

The three powerhouses couldn't help frowning together, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes. Do you know this guy in front of you?

I searched my memory and racked my and finally came up with the answer.

But looking at the appearance of this guy, he seems to be very familiar with himself and others, which makes the big patriarchs who have always been scheming and made plans feel extremely uncomfortable in their hearts, and even have a slight uneasiness. Others seem to know them well, but They know nothing about others.

"No need to worry about the ancient patriarch. The reason why I know you all is that Xun'er's girl told me." Ye Han smiled and poured dirty water on Xiao Xun'er without hesitation.

"Patriarch Gu, your daughter is really knowledgeable!" The Soul Heaven Emperor of the Soul Clan looked at Gu Yuan and couldn't help sneering.

Although the ancients are powerful, they are low-key and never reveal their secrets to outsiders, but Xiao Xun'er is better. He directly told outsiders about the big bosses of several major families, which would naturally lead to the dissatisfaction of the Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Soul Clan.

But when Gu Yuan heard Ye Han's words, he couldn't help frowning.

"With Xun'er's age, it may be possible to know the Soul Heavenly Emperor of the Soul Clan, but how could it be possible to know about you, Zhu Kun?" Gu Yuan said lightly.

"Oh! Xun'er didn't tell me about this dragon strongman, but I saw it myself." Ye Han said, the golden light reappeared in his pupils, and the strange pupils appeared again, which directly shocked a group of turtles.

"I already know the intentions of several of you, but now there is only one pill left. It is not appropriate to give it to anyone, and it is not appropriate to give it to anyone. I've gathered enough herbs, I will make one for each of you." The image in his eyes gradually disappeared, Ye Han said lightly.

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