From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1224: they never understand

 Chapter 1224 They will never understand

Dorian's words stunned Qiao Jia for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that since the Telos system spread out in his hands, his sensitivity to advanced equipment had been declining rapidly.

 At this time, Dorian reminded him that when Qiao Jia went to look at the two corpses that were obviously scouts, he discovered something different.

 Each country’s elite troops will gradually develop unique preparation habits due to limitations in weapons and equipment.

For example, the position of the pistol, the number of magazines carried, the position of the radio, and the pocket structure of the waistband will all become different due to the usage habits of the troops.

The position of the equipment on these two soldiers is obviously British style and is in the same vein as the SAS.

Chaojia has not conducted detailed research on this aspect, so he certainly cannot assume that they are British soldiers. The most important thing is that the equipment on these two black soldiers is, to be honest, better than the genuine SAS.

The night vision device is made in the United States, the scope on the precision rifle is Leupold's top model, and the multifunctional telescope is also very advanced.

There are also anti-infrared cloaks specially designed to deal with unmanned airships. Although the equipment on these two soldiers is obviously second-hand, its value is still very high.

 This discovery made Boss Qiao frown, because at this stage, no big country should be targeting him...

So where did these elite soldiers come from?

“Which country do you think they are soldiers? Which country will cooperate with a group of wizards to target me?

How bad does one have to be to let these elite soldiers die? "

Kaman squatted next to a corpse, lifted up the corpse's sleeves, pointed to the tattoos on it, and some food in the girdle and said: "These two are the same as the one I killed before. They are both Hausa tribesmen in Nigeria. They were supposed to be Boko Haram soldiers.

 There must be someone helping Boko Haram train soldiers, and someone providing them with very advanced equipment. "

As he spoke, Kaman rolled up his sleeves, revealing a white mark on his forearm. After wiping it hard a few times, he said: "Boss, the wizard before was deliberately exposed to attract me to find him. He was on me." I left a wizard's mark, are these hyenas coming for me?

The Abelly family has very strong financial resources. They have gathered many wizards who have been driven away by us and have no place to hide. This is definitely just the beginning, and there will definitely be more to come!

 boss, I'm going to save Muto, but you will all be in danger with me...

 I suggest we go separately! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hands decisively and said: "Are you kidding? How could I let you take risks alone?

I still have some use for your old bones. My precious son still needs your help to take care of me. You don’t have to fight the drug-addicted hyenas..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked to the east with a sneer and said, "I guess those people don't dare to prepare in Central Africa. Their camps are most likely in South SD.

 We didn’t pay attention to them before, but now the situation has changed…

It won’t be a big deal to take off an additional unmanned airship. We can head towards the border while waiting for the technical department to find the right location, and then go straight to Huanglong. "

Kaman knew that he would definitely not be able to convince his boss to let him act alone, let alone sit in the rear...

After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly pulled out the hunting knife and peeled off the skin stained with white marks on his forearm...

 “FUCK, what are you doing?”

Qiaojia looked at Kaman's merciless attack on him and said in surprise: "If you want to kill the Aberly family, why are you cutting yourself?"

Carman did not answer Qiao Jia's question, but stuffed the **** skin into the spider's hand, then looked at the two old monsters and said: "That wizard made me the target of the crazy hyena beast!

This is the secret of the curse!

I don’t know the means by which those people made Centulu drunk to death, and I don’t think you can survive to this day, so I have never mentioned it to you.

 Are you still afraid of them now? "

The spider grinned and shook his head and said: "We are not even afraid of death, how can we be afraid of them?

 You don’t know how many big figures in Afika have surrendered to them. What we are worried about is the boss..."

As he spoke, the spider put Kaman's skin to his nose, sniffed it, and said, "It seems to be the smell of a female hyena, mixed with some other herbs...

 What do you want us to do? "

Kaman glanced at Qiao Jia, and then said in a deep voice: "I want you to take it forward and find a suitable place to set up a trap.

  The wizard before deliberately informed me of Muto’s news, just because he wanted me to rescue Muto, so that I would encounter a group of crazy beasts and these elites of Boko Haram on the road.

 The situation just now is actually a bit dangerous. If the group of crazy beasts is large enough and the abilities of these soldiers are strong enough, it is hard to say what will happen once we encounter them on the road.

I can't let the boss take risks with me, so I need you to take it forward. When you find something, set up traps in advance to eliminate those crazy beasts and soldiers. "

 Spider frowned and looked at Kaman, nodded slightly and said: "This is not difficult for us, but what should you do?

 Just a few of you heading to the border?

 We know nothing about the location of their camp or the number of men inside it.

Dragon Lizard, those people are wizards, and their camp must have some strange settings..."

Kaman glanced at the boss whose face was full of curiosity. He shook his head helplessly and said: "We can take a helicopter directly to the border, and then wait for the unmanned airship to provide intelligence.

The number of people involved in the operation does not need to be too large. Our main goal this time is to rescue Muto, and we will not confront them head-on... As long as Muto is out of danger, our air force can carry out the bombing. "

 As he spoke, Kaman shook his head in discomfort and said, "The people of the Abelli family don't understand at all, what are they going to face?

 Afika taught them cruelty, but Europe only taught them comfort and stupidity!

Some people never understand what kind of blow they will get if they mess with the wrong person! "

 In fact, old monsters like spiders have never fully adapted to P·B’s style...

 In fact, with complete air cover, it really does not require too many manpower to attack the target.

 Sometimes when there are too many people, various unexpected situations will occur, making it difficult to control the situation.

Just when Qiao Jia wanted to make a final decision, the voice of the owl Antar came from the radio...

“Boss, I sent you the photos of Ndele East. The situation is not good...”

 Qiao Jia frowned and opened the tactical computer, swiped the photos on it and looked at them carefully, and then said with a smile: "These people are really spending money. How many ferocious beasts are there?"

Dorian stretched his head and glanced at the computer, and found that it was an overhead shot of a grassland...

 On the lush grassland, a large number of crazy beasts were scattered among them, heading in one direction.

Dorian looked at it and said in surprise: "Where did they find so many hyenas and lions?

 There must be hundreds of them...

Now in Afika, who can get so many beasts at once?

 The hunting guide company has so many resorts and protected areas, and the boss has basically monopolized the hunting quota in the central and eastern parts of the country. How did these people bypass our control?

 Poaching? impossible…"

Kaman stretched out his hand to enlarge the picture, shook his head and said: "They don't need to poach, as long as they have enough money, they can buy old lions and worthless hyenas from zoos everywhere.

The mad lion that fought Arthur before was not a wild lion..."

Qiao Jia pouted, pressed the communicator, and said: "Owl, let people keep an eye on the path of these crazy beasts, mark all the crazy beasts, and make sure that no one slips through the net.

  Release a new unmanned airship to go near the border and look through all the suspicious places. I want to find the people behind it.

Those people kidnapped Muto, we are going to rescue him..."

After Antar listened, he was silent for a moment and then said: "Boss, I have bad news..."


Antal said helplessly: “I activated the GPS on the three Reed family members this morning and found that they were moving in the south SD direction.

I used an unmanned airship to search for them, but could not find any trace of them. I only found a wild camping spot on the GPS track, but there is no one there now...

The three of them were not moving at the speed of victims at all. I suspect that they were also kidnapped. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia rubbed his temples with a headache...

He also didn’t expect that he gave Grace a chance to vent her anger, and that it would end up in such a mess.

Boss Qiao doesn’t care about the life or death of the three Reed family members!

But Boss Joe needs to respect Tom Reed’s wishes, and it doesn’t matter if he punishes or even abuses Tom Reed’s son.

But it is unreasonable to go beyond a father to trick his own son to death.

Thinking about whether the sudden trouble was his own fault, Qiao Jia shook his head helplessly and said: "Keep an eye on the GPS. If the Reed family is really kidnapped, then their destination is... It's probably the wizard family's camp.

 Determine the general direction and your workload will be reduced a lot!

 Help me notify Ronnie and Rhino, and then call the Demoman Pliers, and ask them to come to me in a helicopter.

Let's see if we can stop the Reeds on the road and capture them alive to find out their address. "

Antal listened, thought for a moment, and said: "I understand, boss, the helicopter will take off in 40 minutes...

I will notify the two L-159 jet fighters in the base to be on standby, and at the same time dispatch 4 Griffin-1s to Ndele to take off regularly every day for combat duty. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "The L-159's bomb load is too small. Let's prepare two Su-25s. Their electronic equipment has been modified and let them mount 4 Griffin heavy cruise missiles. At the same time, Bring your rocket nest and be ready...

I want to see if those wizards are really brave! "

 (End of this chapter)

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