From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1223: Coyote Science

Chapter 1223 The Science of Coyote People

 When the hyenas lost the cover of the herd and some were blocked from their positions, their fate was sealed.

Especially when Nice found two groups of hyenas and snipers, but after the formation of the hyena attack was disjointed, Boss Joe and his team's victory was accelerated.

If the fighting in Yemen made Qiao Jia realize the cruelty of modern war and the powerlessness of individuals, then the battle in Afika made Boss Qiao regain his passion.

Being so close that he could smell the stench of the hyenas, the stimulation of using cold weapons and hot weapons alternately, and the large amount of adrenaline secreted put him in an extremely excited state.

Chaojia turned sideways to avoid the attack of a hyena, chopped into the hyena's mouth with his hand ax, dragged it hard to open the hyena's mouth, and then raised his gun and shot at the hyena's head...

The whole set of movements cannot be said to be technical, but it can definitely be said to be smooth and smooth!

When the excited Qiao Jia wanted to find new prey, he found that the gunshots around him stopped...

Looking up, in addition to the lions at the rear, they were still besieging a few crazy beasts who preferred to die rather than surrender. As the beasts moved away, large hyena carcasses were left on the ground.

Arthur raised his head from the neck of a hyena. The Tomica grass component in the hyena's blood made the entire pride of lions extremely excited.

The lion king, who had given up before, didn't know what he was thinking. He walked up to Boss Qiao and looked at him and let out a majestic roar...

It’s a pity that this guy’s twitching nose betrayed its true condition. Qiao Jia, who no longer had any fear of it, grabbed its mane and hit its head...

Obviously he was on the drug, but he was resolutely unable to resist the frightening smell of Boss Qiao. Arthur shook his neck unhappily, broke away from Boss Qiao's restraints, and backed away continuously...

When it saw Mufasa's red eyes and wanted to lead a team to attack several anteaters, Arthur roared and rushed over and hit Mufasa's body hard, and then he put his body across P.B. There was a roar between the man and the lions...


Arthur's strange approach made several anteaters put down their guns, and they began to gather towards the boss...

The medical officer bird limped up to Dorian, touched him, and said: "Do me a favor, my **** is injured..."

 The pants on his legs were also torn in a mess, but Dorian, who was not seriously injured, glanced at Medical Officer Bird's **** with contempt...

 “Che, delta…”

As he spoke, Dorian took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera mode, and then said to Medical Officer Bird: "Find a place to lie down, and I will help you deal with the wound..."

When Medical Officer Bird saw Dorian's posture, he couldn't help but raise his **** and cursed: "FUCKYOU elephant, look at your leg, you are also injured now, do you think a small injury is not a big deal?

 Do you know what rabies is? Do you know the consequences of the disease?

 Do you know the possible consequences of not using the vaccine I have and delaying getting vaccinated for a few hours? "

Dorian decisively put away his cell phone, held Medical Officer Bird's arm, and said with a smile: "Our comrades, how could I laugh at you...

Comeon, let me see your ass, you are the medical officer and you have to take care of all of us..."

Just when the doctor bird was about to sarcastically say something to Dorian, he saw an anteater with his finger bitten off, plucked his finger out of a hyena's mouth, and then casually tried to stuff it into his pocket...

“Hey, don’t mess around, leave it there and let me deal with it, I can take that thing back and pick it up for some use...”

Speaking, Medical Officer Bird limped over and rushed over, snatched three fingers, put them in a sealed bag, and sprayed a large amount of disinfectant into them...

 After packing the bag and stuffing it into the anteater's pocket, the medical officer looked at the young black man who seemed to have no pain, grinned and said, "Put your hand over here, I'll bandage it for you.

I don’t know how good the orthopedic surgery department at Ndele Hospital is, but it would be good to let them practice...

 You look very hard, I guess you don’t mind missing a few fingers. "

The young anteater looked at the approaching Mi-8 hippopotamus. He glanced at the boss's back, lowered his head to the doctor bird with a little regret and said: "Thankyousir!"

Medical Bird didn't know if it was his own illusion. He always felt that these young anteaters always seemed to want to prove something. It seemed that their minor injuries did not get the boss's attention, which made them a little regretful...

Seeing these young people who didn't take their own lives seriously, Medical Officer Bird endured the discomfort in his buttocks. He grabbed the injured hand of the anteater with a grin, took out a can of disinfectant and connected it with a fine needle. The thin nozzle sprayed **** his wound...


 The stable situation and sudden severe pain made the young anteater let out a cry of pain...

Then he seemed to feel that he had behaved a little embarrassingly, and he clenched his teeth hard after screaming. The splattered veins on his neck and forehead let people know that his situation was not very good.

Just when the doctor bird maliciously wanted to continue to cause him a little pain and make him remember a little longer, Qiao Jia walked up to the anteater, grabbed his neck hard, and then pressed his forehead against it. On the anteater's forehead, he said: "You are all good!

 Remember this pain, don’t let it happen to you again, it will make you stronger! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia took a step back, patted the excited anteater on the face, then looked at the other anteaters and said, "It's an honor to fight alongside you...

 This is not the most brutal fight I have ever experienced, but it is the most exciting fight in my career!

 Thank you for protecting me! "

 A group of young anteaters looked at each other, and an anteater with an injured leg suddenly straightened up and shouted: "Strong blow..."


Qiaojia extended his fist and bumped with the young people, then glanced at the helicopter that had landed. He smiled and said: "You are a team, a collective, so you all go back to rest...

 I look forward to continuing to fight alongside you in the future! "

 “Sir, yessir!”

The anteaters who had gone through a **** battle boarded the helicopter, and another team of 12 anteaters replaced them.

This time not only a team of anteaters came, but also more arms and fuel... After they got off the plane, they took the initiative to take over the task of cleaning up the scene, and began to collect the carcasses of the dead hyenas, pile them into piles and pour them on them. Gasoline lights a fire.

  I don’t want to burn the carcasses of these crazy beasts to ashes, I just want them to be burned so that there is no reason for animals to eat them.

At the same time, two old monsters helped Kaman drag the four corpses outside to the acacia tree...

Qiaojia approached the body curiously and said, "How do these so-called hyena wizards control those hyenas?

 Obviously some of the hyenas are sensible and aware of fear..."

Kaman glanced at the curious Qiao Jia. He dragged over a hyena carcass, cut in from the hyena's ear with a knife, then completely opened the hyena's ear canal, pointed to a piece of silvery thin material inside, and said: "When hyenas catch hyena pups, they put this in their ear canals.

Then use their special whistles to make the thing vibrate. After a long period of training, these hyenas can command the hyena group.

Hyenas are social creatures. The greater the number, the easier it is to train and the faster the training speed. "

Chaojia reached out and took out the thing in the hyena's ear canal and scanned it, and found that it was a material that was easy to resonate.

This has to be lamented, those so-called wizards still have some skills, Afika's civilization is not completely useless, it's just that these wizards used their wisdom in the wrong place.

A glorious civilization was once born in Afika, even earlier than Europe. However, the black slave trade and colonization caused the civilization of Afika to completely disappear, and it also completely became a civilized and barbaric land.

 Looking at the traditional food of various ethnic groups in Afika, you will know how serious this chronology is!

Theoretically speaking, any region where independent civilization has been born will have relatively sophisticated specialty foods, but Afika really does not.

 Chauga has been to Central Africa, Congo, SD, and Ethiopia. Basically, the most important purpose of cooking for local people is to make a living. Even if they are a little more upscale, they still learn Western cooking techniques.

 In terms of ability in this area, Chinese people are truly in a league of their own on earth!

Of course, whether food is delicious or not always depends on your own judgment...

 But when it comes to food development and processing, as well as culinary diversity, Chinese people are better than people anywhere else.

  Civilization and culture have their lofty side, but for ordinary people, civilization is embodied through various details of "paying attention to", such as clothing, such as food, such as customs, such as festivals...

 Then distinguishing one group from other groups not only increases cohesion but also adds vitality to civilization.

 Chinese civilization may be the mildest and most vital civilization among all civilizations.

 Compared with the civilization established through the compulsory search for commonalities through religious rituals, China increases its sense of identity and cohesion more through the details of life, and most of those details are positive, optimistic and happy.

 Outing during Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival at Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion, Climbing the Double Ninth Festival...

 Eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter…

 The happy part of these cultural details is destined to have tenacious vitality!

These things that have lasted for thousands of years are basically not available in Afika, and the few parts are mostly related to wizards.

In the past, Qiao Jia looked down on wizards, thinking that they were just pretending to be magic in Afika relying on the 'pharmaceutics' they had learned over the years. But now that he saw the 'technological means' of the hyenas, he began to find these so-called wizards a bit interesting. .

 Qiaojia took the piece of **** iron and glanced at Arthur, who was always baring his teeth at him not far away. He sneered, making the lion king instinctively take a step back...

Taking the whistle handed over by Kaman and scanning it, Qiao Jia accepted the spoils and said curiously: "You said that the more hyenas these hyenas train, the better the training will be and the faster the training will be. Why do they No…"

Carman shook his head and said with a smile: "Because they can't feed so many hyenas...

 Not all grasslands are Ndele, and the animals on other grasslands are far less dense than Ndele.

 Hunting is very difficult anywhere!

Hyenas need to be trained from an early age, when they do not have the ability to hunt prey at all.

Even after they grow up, these controlled hyenas are not as strong as wild hyenas...

 Hyenas control the hyenas, but they themselves are a drag on the hyenas…

 Six to ten hyenas are the limit these hyenas can afford, and it is enough for them! "

Joja was wondering just now why the hyenas had no name in the history of Afica, but now he understands it once he hears it...

  Food and grass go first before troops are deployed. The economic base determines the superstructure. It is difficult for you to even feed hyenas. Talking about other things is nonsense.

What's more, compared to the crazy beast, this thing's combat effectiveness is several levels lower. It's a useless thing that makes Arthur pee when he roars.

It’s good for a person to raise a few hyenas and do some juggling and hooliganism, but forget about the rest...

When Dorian saw that the boss was no longer interested in the coyotes, he pointed at the bodies of two black soldiers wearing camouflage and said: "Boss, you should take a look at them...

 The equipment of this group of people is very advanced...

  Night vision, anti-infrared cloak, radio, precision rifle, combat pistol, infrared telescope…

  shit, the Greek ‘Spartan special forces’, their equipment is not as good as these guys...”

 (End of this chapter)

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