From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1222: Fierce fighting

Chapter 1222 Fierce Battle

Qiao Jia picked up the telescope and looked in the direction Dorian pointed. There were about a hundred hyenas driving a large number of herbivores on the grassland...

These crazy things keep biting the herbivores during the chase. After killing them, they don't eat at all but follow most of the remaining animals that continue to chase.

Hundreds of hyenas couldn't scare Qiao Jia. He shouted loudly at the spiders and leeches: "We can't stick to one place and lead people to open a distance of 200 meters to the side to establish a defense line..."

While Qiao Jia was talking about half a team of anteaters boarding the vehicle and moving under the leadership of two old monsters, he rushed to the back seat of the off-road vehicle, mounted a machine gun on the stand of the off-road vehicle, and fired at Dorian shouted loudly: "Elephant, set up the sentry machine gun, we have to block these **** things here and destroy them.

The devil bird climbed up the tree to protect us..."

When Qiao Jia shouted and issued the order, the hoofbeats of animals running wildly began to come from far to near. From the beginning, the intensive hoofbeats were like drums, and gradually developed into the intensive explosions like muffled thunder.

Qiaojia has seen scenes of animal migration, but he has never encountered an animal running wildly on such a scale.

Wildebeest, zebra, and antelope, these animals gathered together and formed a torrent, rushing towards Boss Qiao and the others.

Seeing the frantic animals gradually approaching him in the smoke and dust three to four meters high with thunderous footsteps, Qiao Jia frowned and said in disbelief: "How did these guys do it? How can they guarantee these animals?" Don’t you want to disperse?”

Ayou, who had been staying by Qiao Jia's side, pursed his majestic lips and observed for a moment, then said: "Boss, he is a hyena.

 Pay attention to both sides, the hyenas on the two sides are different, they are squeezing the animal group and controlling the direction in which they run..."

As he spoke, Ayou looked down at the miserable corpse on the ground and said, "He should also be a hyena. These people make a living by taming hyenas, and some of the more powerful ones also use witchcraft to heal people.

 Be careful, our enemies are not just animals..."

Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "Where did Afika come from with all these monsters and monsters?"

As he spoke, when the animals entered the detection range of the sentinel system, he quickly used his hand movements to frame the hyenas in the eyepiece, making them targets. Then he squatted on the side of the engine of an Arctic Cat and set up the HK417 rifle...

The thick smoke and dust raised by the running animals were natural smoke bombs, which made it impossible for Boss Qiao and the others to launch an attack from a few hundred meters away. However, when the torrent of animals approached, the hyenas were blocked by the animals again.

Boss Qiao, who was originally full of confidence, looked at the group of animals in front of him that looked like ancient cavalry, and he yelled helplessly...

 “Ready for battle…”

 Then he saw several wildebeests passing by, then their bodies hit a big tree, and they ran wildly further away.

If you look at it from the sky, the animal army, which is about 300 meters wide, suddenly separates from left to right when approaching Boss Qiao's position. Except for a few silly animals, most of them seem to have encountered a rocky stream. Sideways...

A few Arctic Cats can't stop the animal army at all, and the towering acacia trees are the perfect cover...

 “Attention, they are coming…”

Boss Qiao, who was slightly calmed down, saw a strong hyena rushing from the group of animals right in front of him...

Just when he was about to shoot, a sapper's shovel passed over his head, and the sharp shovel knocked off half of the hyena's head...

The hyena's body, which lost control, hit the Arctic Cat's engine, and then collapsed to the ground helplessly...

At this time, Ayou had given up the machine gun and the useless weight on his body. He held an engineer shovel in his left hand and a machete in his right hand to guard the flank of Boss Qiao.

“Close to the big tree, back to back, back to back, in groups of three, in groups of three…”

At the moment the two parties came into contact, Kaman gave a loud command, and then he took the initiative to pull the medical officer bird and Manlo to form a group, and pushed Dorian to the side of Boss Qiao...

 The other six anteaters were automatically divided into two groups, standing on the outside. They needed to use off-road vehicles and big trees as support to fight a tough battle.

Boss Joe has never thought about this kind of battle in his life, but he is a person who becomes calmer the more exciting he is. When he kept a distance of 5 meters from the off-road vehicle, he did not forget to use the Telos system to limit the shooting angle of the sentry machine gun. , to prevent accidental injuries from occurring during a fight.

 “Bang bang bang bang…”


The sentry machine gun and the anteater's light machine gun fired first, and several hyenas hidden in the animal group fell down with howls and a few unlucky antelopes.

However, what is a bit scary is that the hyenas did not die completely after being shot. The animals' tenacious vitality was stimulated to the extreme by the drugs. After they rolled on the spot to resolve the impact of the bullets, they jumped up again and rushed towards Boss Qiao. them…

 Qiao Jia held up the HK417 and shot a hyena continuously. It wasn't until one shot hit the hyena's head that the guy fell completely.

 At this time, Qiao Jia realized that something was wrong...

Seeing a few hyenas rushing close under the cover of the animals, roaring and leaping onto the engine of the off-road vehicle, they began to use their strength to pounce on them...

He threw away the rifle, picked up the M4 shotgun and pulled the trigger continuously...

 “Bang bang bang”

 Three rounds of bullets hit two hyenas, and the huge power of the single-headed bullet directly opened the hyena's head...

 Dorian on the side also uses M4, but this guy’s shooting speed is much faster, and because he uses buckshot, the strike range is much larger...

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang”

 Six rounds of shotguns created a death zone. The bodies of the two hyenas were riddled with holes. They slid along the grass to Dorian's feet. Their terrifying big mouths were still opening and closing in an attempt to bite Dorian...

Dorian chopped off a hyena's head with one kick, and then decisively retreated to Ayu's side. He took 4 shotguns and stuffed them into the gun chamber twice, while shouting loudly: "Boss, I saw a hyena coming around from the flank, we have to send someone to watch the back..."

The god-like Ayu shouldered a crazy zebra away, and then swung his knife forcefully and chopped off half of a hyena's head...

“NO, hold the front, and leave the back to Arthur and them…”


Dorian didn’t hear clearly. He fired continuously to cover Boss Qiao’s reloading. A big hyena suddenly emerged from under the off-road vehicle and pounced on his neck...

 Dorian, who had empty bullets, took half a step back and thrust the barrel of the gun into the hyena's mouth. When he retracted his left hand, he pressed the bullet on the upper edge of the ejection port into the gun chamber, and then pulled the trigger...


 The ferocious hyena's body swelled slightly, and then fell softly.

 “Bang bang bang bang”

When Qiao Jia raised the gun, Dorian turned his head and glanced back while loading the gun...

Seeing several hyenas rushing out from the herd on both sides, trying to outflank them from behind, Dorian was just about to issue an alarm when he saw a majestic figure rushing out from the grassland behind.

Arthur and Mufasa were like running trucks. The moment the two lions crashed into the group of hyenas, several hyenas rolled out of control.


 Arthur roared angrily and waved his intact left front paw and hit a hyena on the back hard. This hit did not kill the hyena, but it broke the hyena's spine and left him paralyzed. Mufasa behaved a little more wildly. The old lion bit the neck of a hyena, shook it hard and threw it aside.

Seeing the melee between the two lions and the hyenas protecting their rear, Dorian was stunned for a moment...

By this time, Qiaojia had already emptied the bullets in his gun, and found that Dorian had not stepped forward in time. He handed the gun to his left hand, pulled out the Super Jaguar with his right hand, and fired continuously at the two hyenas...

The highly lethal explosive bullet hit the hyena's head, killing them instantly. At the same time, Qiao Jia activated his pistol's rapid-fire ability and pulled the trigger at an extremely fast speed. While killing another attacking hyena, he also Covered the direction of Kaman and the others...

The moment 10 rounds of bullets were fired, Boss Qiao shook his wrist and slid out the magazine. He threw up the M4 with his left hand at the same time. The moment he pulled out the magazine from his waist and pushed it into the chamber, his left hand caught the M4 again, and at the same time, the pistol in his right hand fired again. Fire…

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang…”

 While 10 rounds of bullets swept across an area, Dorian pushed forward...

 “Bang bang bang”

 “Sorry, I’m not used to letting lions cover our rear...”

When Dorian complained, Ayo swung the shovel over his head. The huge force caused the engineer shovel to roar horribly, and the shovel surface hit a hyena on the head...



The unlucky hyena's head was beaten to a deformed shape, with one of its eyes popping out of its socket. Then it walked crookedly for a few steps with the deformed head on its head, and then fell to the ground slumped.

This kind of close combat with ferocious beasts takes a huge toll on the human body...

 Soon someone was injured…

An anteater had **** bitten off by a hyena. The doctor bird was even more unlucky. He was bitten on the outside of his thigh by a sneak attack hyena. If it were not for the protection of Tyros armor, a large piece of meat would have been lost. …

If the sentry machine guns on five off-road vehicles had not helped them intercept a wave of hyenas in advance, they would definitely not be able to withstand it now.

Chao Jia's shotgun is not very good, but at this time only the shotgun can achieve the best stopping effect. Unless the bullets of ordinary rifles hit the vital part of the head, the effect on the crazy beast will be very bad.

It’s not that they won’t die, but that their life itself doesn’t need to be that long. No one can stand it if they rush to you and take a bite after being shot two or three times...

Hundreds of hyenas may not sound like a large number, but in fact it is very difficult to kill them all in close combat.

 “Bang bang bang…”

Chaojia fired continuously to stop a hyena that was charging towards him, and then when the second hyena approached, he pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger continuously.

 After Dorian came up, Qiao Jia took a step back and started loading...

 Similarly grab four at a time and push them into the magazine twice.

However, Qiao Jia chose to grab 8 bullets twice. After pushing 6 bullets into the magazine, he handed two bullets to his left hand, and then fired continuously. During the pause, he pushed two bullets into the magazine with his left hand.

This approach saved Qiao Jia some time, but it still felt like a drop in the bucket...

Just when Qiao Jia felt that his side might not be able to withstand it, Leech and Spider, who had gone to the flank to assist in defense, entered the battlefield from the side with 6 anteaters. They used a powerful light machine gun to cooperate with the sentry machine gun from the flank. A heavy blow from those hyenas.

Meanwhile the Ness in the acacia tree opened fire…


 Approximately 5 minutes have passed since the battle began, but Nice has not fired...

  And her first shot hit the target 900 meters away...

A middle-aged black man who was bare-chested and holding a stick with burls in his hand, and a black man wearing camouflage next to him were shot through each other by a bullet...

Then a very strange thing happened. Some of the grinning hyenas hesitated after the death of the black man...

When Arthur killed the group of hyenas in the rear and rushed to the flanks of Boss Joe's defense line and roared, the charging steps of several apparently rational hyenas stalled. Their movements interfered with the hyenas in the rear, allowing them to charge. There was a disconnect in the team, and then the sentry machine gun made dumplings...

Jojia discovered this situation and couldn't help but kick a vicious hyena away. Then he reloaded and shouted: "Well done!"

The moment Qiao Jia yelled, Ness jumped out of the tree like a civet cat and jumped onto another horizontal branch...



A bullet exploded on the tree trunk behind Nice's position just now, and the flying fragments made a **** **** on Nice's face, but it did not prevent the female sniper from launching a counterattack...

 “I pray to be freed from the suffering of fate…”


The sniper who emerged from the other side was hit in the chest by a .338-caliber Super Magnum bullet before he could change his position...



The coyote wizard who was partnered with the sniper had no time to react to what happened, and a bullet hit him in the neck.

The violent roll hit the wizard's neck, shattering his spine, and then the exploding shrapnel tore the back of his neck, causing his head to fall forward like a ghost in a horror movie until his nose touched Stop when you reach your chest.



A hyena trying to attack from the right side of the position was hit in the head...

With the death of another hyena wizard, another part of the hyenas in the attacking group got out of control...

Facing the harsh gunshots and the roar of their natural enemy, the lion, they instinctively paused. Then, the outflanked spiders and the others cooperated with the sentry machine gun to make dumplings.

 Boss Qiao, whose pressure was suddenly relieved, couldn't help but let out a cheerful roar...

He simply gave up the shotgun, holding a pistol in one hand and a hatchet in the other to face a crazy beast that had lost its mind...

 “Kill them, leave no one behind!”

 (End of this chapter)

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