Chapter 1225

Boss Qiao and the others spent most of the day cleaning up the animal carcasses on the ground...

  It was already evening when Ronnie, Rhino, and Nippers arrived by helicopter.

Dorian, who was full of stench from playing with animal carcasses, looked at Ronnie and the others who were clean, and sarcastically said in a weird tone: "Ah ha, our teammates are finally here, are they here to help us?" of?"

 Pliers sniffed and walked around Dorian, grinning and said, "Did you fall into the cesspool? Why does your mouth smell so bad?"

Dorian grinned and hugged the pliers forcefully, and said: "No, I didn't fall into the cesspit, I just had an exciting battle and sweated a little..."

Pliers didn't mind that his clean clothes were stained. He walked up to Boss Qiao, stood at attention and saluted and said: "Sir, the P·B EOD team 'Pliers' is reporting to you!"

 Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment. He knew that Qiao was a senior psychopath, and the current state of this guy made him feel a little unsure.

Resisting the urge to reach out and test the head of the pliers, Qiao Jia smiled and said, "What's going on with you? Why are you so serious all of a sudden?"

Pliers looked serious one second, and said depressedly the next: "Boss, I want to change my job. I feel that the position of EOD instructor is not suitable for me.

 Are there any vacancies in Team A?

I just want to blow something up now, instead of teaching a bunch of soldiers who can't write to be bomb disposal experts.

Those fools just want to learn how to blow up a building, and have no interest at all in how to defuse bombs! "

 Qiao Jia understood the meaning of pliers as soon as he heard it. P·B Because of the boss’s personality, the cultural temperament of the entire company is extremely aggressive...

This kind of personality will be transmitted to all aspects of the company's business!

 For example, "not negotiating with the enemy" is an important symbol of P·B!

 Pliers are EOD, which is currently the most professional bomb disposal and demolition team in the world.

One of the responsibilities of EOD is to dismantle bombs and protect high-value targets, such as oil wells, power plants, etc...

 Another responsibility is to assist some special operations teams in need to perform tasks, that is, to use explosives to complete key links.

 This matter is reflected in the soldiers of P.B. The result is that most of them just want to learn blasting...

This kind of thing makes no sense, because in the hearts of those soldiers, there are very few targets in Afika that are worth risking at all costs to defuse bombs.

 The houses here are not as expensive as bomb disposal suits, so what are you looking for?

 Blowing up all the enemies is the best way to defend yourself!

ˆ Qiaojia knew that this idea was wrong, but he admitted that he actually had similar thoughts sometimes.

 Compared with bomb disposal, Qiao Jia has always felt that professional demolition experts are more useful...

 Because in so many years of actual combat, Qiao Jia has never seen bomb disposal experts who can directly solve the bomb crisis.

As long as the purpose of the terrorist is to detonate a bomb, then the bomb will definitely explode!

If the bomb is a bargaining chip in negotiations, then the priority is to solve the problem rather than defuse the bomb. If the former is successful, the latter is actually not difficult.

This idea is of course wrong, because in some cases, bomb disposal personnel must join in to complete the task smoothly and safely...

  It is definitely a good idea for Nipper to train soldiers according to the EOD method, but this guy is a psychopath himself, and it is really difficult for him to train qualified bomb disposal experts.

Looking at the depressed look on Qiao Jia's face, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "Do you have any reliable comrades?

There are too many large infrastructure projects in Sengha Town. There will be more and more projects such as oil fields, refineries, power plants, and sewage treatment plants. We cannot guarantee that problems will not arise in the future.

If you can find one or two suitable instructor candidates, you can put down your work and return to the frontline combat troops. "

After hearing this, Nipper nodded decisively and said, "No problem. After retiring from EOD and returning to China, many will join the Tobacco and Firearms Administration. The treatment there is actually very average."

As he spoke, Qiang moved his neck, glanced at the time, and said, "Boss, why should we set off? I can't wait."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia looked at Kaman and then nodded and said: "We will set off in an hour, the owl is tracking a GPS signal...

 Tonight we will fight against a wave of daring **** and rescue a few unlucky ones! "

 Speaking, Qiao Jia waved to the medical bird and said, "Do you have any questions? If you have difficulty moving, just stay here and wait for us..."

Medical Bird covered his butt, grinned and shook his head and said: "Boss, I have no problem. If you ask the elephant to delete the photos on the phone, I will be in a better condition."

Joja laughed and pretended that he didn't hear what the medical officer bird was saying. He took out a lighter and walked to the pile of crazy beast corpses to light the flame...

Several fires emitting thick black smoke soon appeared on the grassland, and then two Gazelles took off in the smoke, carrying Boss Qiao and the others towards the direction of South SD...


Richard Reed experienced an unforgettable long journey, and then drove for more than 6 hours in a vehicle that could turn his soul upside down and out of his body, and finally arrived at a village on the border of South SD.

When the car stopped, Richard vomited the last bit of bile in his stomach on his cousin's feet. When the car door was opened, he shouted in horror: "Who are you? Where are you taking us? ?”

 A strong black soldier pulled Richard out of the car with a straight face, and then punched Richard on the chin...

Then the strong soldier waved to Steve and Marilyn who were huddled in the car...

 Steve and Marilyn watched their cousin spit out two teeth, his mouth full of blood and whimpered in pain. They got out of the car and stood there with their hands raised honestly...

Richard's cousin Steve travels around the world all year round and has seen all kinds of markets...

Seeing that Richard still wanted to speak, he kicked his cousin's calf hard and whispered: "Stop talking, these people are not jackals.

If they are enemies of the Jackal, we might still have a chance..."

Just when Richard wanted to speak, a frivolous voice sounded from the other side...

“Wow, you actually expect me to be Jackal’s enemy?

I thought the Reed family were staunch allies of the Jackal. After all, the Jackal is the father of the child named Little George..."

A handsome middle-aged man wearing a three-piece suit that was incompatible with his surroundings, wearing exquisite lambskin shoes, a silk scarf in his suit pocket, and a beautiful mustache emerged from the back of an off-road vehicle...

He looked at the three Reed family members, suddenly smiled, and said: "Hello, my name is Gramont, I am the person in charge of the Southern Hemisphere of the 'Ndrangheta, you can call me 'Marquis'.

I am indeed the enemy of the Jackal. Now you can tell me, what is your so-called opportunity? "    Steve reached out and tugged on Richard's clothes, who wanted to speak. He stood up straight and straightened his clothes, then nodded to the Marquis and said, "My name is Steve. Reed, this is my cousin Richard Reed, the eldest son of the Reed family.

 This is my cousin Marilyn Johnson. Her husband is a regional council member in the Los Angeles area.

Mr. Grammont, no matter what your people's purpose is in kidnapping us, we need fair and humane treatment. "

Grammont touched his mustache and said with a smile: "You haven't answered my question yet. I know you are all big shots, but you should also know that this is Afika.

 What happens in Afika, usually stays in Afika!

 What you have to do now is to show me your worth, so that you can convince me to treat you as a friend. "

 Steve took a deep breath, hesitated, and said: "OK, I know about the 'Ndrangheta, and I also know about the conflict between you and the Jackals.

 Let’s all be honest…

 You have seen our situation, the jackals are not friendly to us, even if we come with large sums of money and gifts..."

As he spoke, Steve looked at Grammont, who looked like he was willing to hear the details, and continued: "That little George is actually a **** who was born through forced surrogacy after Grace was kidnapped in Austria. Jackal is not him at all. biological father.

Richard's father colluded with Jackal to act in order to protect his daughter's reputation...

 But the Reed family paid too much for this bastard, so...

If you are an enemy of the Jackal, then we definitely have a lot to work with!

 You brought us here, which means you know the power the Reed family has in the United States, and we can cooperate..."

Grammont listened, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "OK, three of you, you have successfully found common ground with me. I have prepared some food and drinks. I think you must need these especially now."

 Steve looked at Gramont, who was making an invitation sideways, and he frowned and said, "Mr. Gramont, what are you doing in Afika? Or what are you doing?"

Grammont shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I have funded some wizards who are talking about it. They say they are sure to kill the jackal, so my task is to wait...

If they can succeed, then we can talk about business matters.

 400 million people in the United States consume 50% of the world’s **** and cocaine, and also consume 80% of methamphetamine…

If you are willing, I think we can definitely cooperate. This is big business! "

 Steve looked at Grammont warily and said, "What if those people don't succeed?"

Grammont waved and said with a smile as he walked: "Then I'll have to aggrieve you...

The Jackal can't watch you die, and then he can't explain to Tom Reed, so he will definitely try to save you. "

When Steve heard this, he said nervously: "Then, what will you do to us?"

Grammont smiled and said: "Sir, you don't want to know...

  Why don't you stay in a happy mood, enjoy the food and wine together, and then wait with me in a happy mood..."


 “I hate waiting!”

Dorian waved his hand to drive away the flat-headed brother who was surrounding him, then took out a piece of dried beef and handed it to the flat-headed brother's mouth...

 “How long will it take for the Dragon Lizard?

  If I keep waiting like this, this little thing will eat up everything on me!

  FUCK, why does it have such a good appetite? "

Ayou sat next to Dorian, wearing a camouflage cloth...

  Listening to Dorian’s nagging complaints, Ayo smiled and said: “You have chosen a very challenging pet for yourself.

 If you want to make it obedient, you must first tolerate some shortcomings in its nature, and also satisfy its appetite and desire to fight. "

Dorian was stunned for a moment, stretched his neck and looked at the boss and his wife who were sitting with their backs against a big tree not far away. He whispered: "King Kong, I think you are hinting at something else...

 Hurry up and give me some of your food, so I won’t report you..."

Ayou was stunned for a moment, then her eyes glanced back and forth between the evil-looking flat-headed brother and the boss, then she shook her head vigorously to drive some 'terrible' thoughts out of her mind, and then she glared at Dorian angrily. , said: "Why do you always have these weird things in your mind?"

Dorian looked like a dead pig and said, "Did I say something wrong?

Our boss and his wife are all prone to jail problems, but as long as his desire to fight is satisfied, they are easy to get along with. "

As he spoke, Dorian looked at Nice and cast his gaze over. He increased his voice and said, "So, the boss and the devil bird are a perfect match!"

Ayou looked at Dorian like a fool. She hesitated for a moment, and finally just shook her head and smiled...

The whole P·B hopes that the boss will live a long life, but only Dorian hopes that the boss will live a long and happy life, because he has no need for the boss, only loyalty based on kindness, friendship, and a sense of honor!

This guy is always the easiest one, because as long as he is loyal, he has no burden at all!

Ayou is almost the same, but she knows her own situation. Sometimes she just hopes that her boss can lead them to create a new situation in Afika...

For example, forcibly correcting some bad habits, such as making people eat enough...

Seeing Dorian carelessly teasing the aggressive flat-headed brother, Ayou suddenly smiled softly, then turned his head and looked deep into the grassland...

Dorian frowned and rubbed his arms that suddenly became hairy, and murmured to himself: "What's going on? This doesn't seem to be a good sign..."

“This is the Dragon Lizard. The location where the three members of the Reed family are imprisoned has been confirmed...

But we have a little trouble, maybe not a little..."

 (End of this chapter)

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