Remember for a second

The apprentice was not so lucky. Old Man Song still had some skills, and he had a lot of good things on him. He barely managed to save his life, while his three apprentices were lying on the ground and didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Old Man Song had only half his life left, blood all over his body, and he was in great pain even with a slight movement. He lay on his back on the ground, and he was unwilling that the things he had worked so hard for all his life ended up in Jiang Wei's hands.

At this time, Jiang Wei didn't have the strength to pay attention to Old Man Song. He knelt on the ground and looked at the blood drop in front of him.

It was obviously pitch black here, and he couldn't see his fingers, but for some reason he could clearly see the drop of blood suspended in the air, as if he was waiting for something.

The blood flowed faster in his body, so fast that it caused unbearable heat in his body. Jiang Wei irritably tore off his clothes, exposing his thin chest, he raised his neck and let out a howl.

Just as Old Man Song used all his strength to get up, he was knocked down by a deafening sound, and another pain came from his body. It is estimated that this time, the bones of old man Song will be broken again.

Old Man Song was so shocked that he even forgot the bone-piercing pain. He kept thinking about the voice he heard just now.

But is it possible that such a legendary thing really exists? Or is the good stuff here related to dragons?

Thinking of this, old man Song's heart warmed again. He was disabled and determined to climb up the rock again. Every time he moved, he was sweating. sit on top.

The treasure on his body was almost used up just now. Old Man Song touched his body with one hand for a long time and finally took out a flashlight. He pressed his finger on the switch, swallowed nervously, and slammed the switch to the direction where the sound was heard just now.

The strong light illuminated the dark space, and the old man Song couldn't care about anything else. He stared straight at Jiang Wei in front of him. I saw Jiang Wei's eyes were blood red, and his pupils were like ignited flames. Just looking at it made people feel terrified.

In front of Jiang Wei, a ruby-like thing was suspended in the air, and the beauty was suffocating. Old Man Song swallowed his saliva, looked at the ruby ​​with covetousness, and quickly analyzed his chances of winning the gem.

But what made Old Man Song desperate was that no matter how he counted, he couldn't find any possibility of defeating Jiang Wei. He was young and strong, and his whole body was broken. He really couldn't do more than Jiang Wei, whose eyes were full of blood.

Just as Old Man Song hesitated for a few seconds, Jiang Wei suddenly took a step forward. Seemingly sensing Jiang Wei's movements, the ruby ​​suddenly turned. Only then did Old Man Song realize that it wasn't a ruby ​​at all, but blood condensed together.

The blood drop sensed Jiang Wei's initiative, flew towards him happily, got into his body and disappeared. With the injection of this drop of blood, the rushing blood in Jiang Wei's body seemed to have changed from a lake to a sea, crowding his blood vessels, as if he was about to burst into pieces, and Jiang Wei's eyes were sore. He fell to the ground and passed out.

The cave was quiet again, Old Man Song looked at Jiang Wei who was unconscious and swallowed his saliva, and stood up hesitantly. Everything was swallowed by Jiang Wei. He couldn't get it back. He couldn't cut his arm and drink two mouthfuls of blood.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, a stone fell from the top of his head and knocked Old Man Song to the ground. Old Man Song lay on the ground and saw that his only good arm was also broken, and suddenly felt that life was all despair. , how could God not see him!


Jiang Wei felt that his body was very hot, as if something had been set on fire, causing him to suffer unbearably. He turned over instinctively, and there was a faint thump sound of falling into the water, and then his body was surrounded by cool things, he snorted comfortably, and fell asleep again.

Jiang Wei felt that he had a lot of dreams, but the dreams were like fragments, so that he couldn't even wake up and couldn't understand what it meant. In the haze, he only knew that he wanted to protect one person. In order for that person to survive, he could endure the pain of cramping and tearing his bones, and the pain of tearing his soul. He even gave up his soul and was willing to sink into the bottom and become a Longmai, I only hope to exchange a chance for that person.

Has he succeeded? Jiang Wei seemed to see the rebirth of the Phoenix Nirvana in a daze. He smiled when he was in a coma. He seemed to have really done it.

But the man knew that he was smitten

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