Remember for a second

How hard to find, there are so many people in the world, how to tell whose blood is useful is a problem. It was also his luck that he accidentally got a young treasure hunter gold bug not long after he left here.

Old Man Song felt very proud when he thought of this, and even God helped him like this.

Seeing Old Man Song laughing more and more proudly, Jiang Wei stopped looking at him, but lowered his head to study the stone in his hand. This rock was as big as his two fists combined, and it looked a bit like a human heart. Although it was substantial in his hand, he always felt that there was something wrapped in it, and this thing seemed to be very close to him, as if it was connected to his blood.

Maybe Jiang Wei's expression was too focused when he studied the stone. Old Man Song was a little uneasy, and urged him repeatedly: Don't delay the time, put the stone on it quickly.

Jiang Weiyi said that the stone was placed in a recessed place in the mountain wall. It was strange to say that the groove was not deep, but after the stone was placed, it was very stable and would not fall at all.

Jiang Wei touched the stone and the mountain wall, there was a gap about the size of a finger between them, and there must be a lot of blood going around in such a circle. The old man Song was waiting beside him. At this time, he had already drawn out a sharp knife and looked at Jiang Wei with great vigilance. If he hadn't been afraid of wasting his blood by struggling, he would have already done it for him.

You cut it yourself, and cut it deeper. Old Man Song rubbed his dry lips with a greedy look in his eyes.

Jiang Wei took the knife and only made a shallow cut on his finger, as if he had just broken a layer of the epidermis, a few drops of blood came out. The old man Song was anxious when he saw it. Just as he was about to speak, he saw that Jiang Wei had put his finger on the stone, and the dragon energy in his body rushed out with a trace of blood mist, filling the gap in an instant.

At this moment, the heart-shaped piece that was put in suddenly vibrated, and pieces of gravel fell from the top, revealing a red glowing thing like a heart, which instantly sucked up the blood mist in the gap. net.

Feeling the strong dragon energy emanating from his heart, Jiang Wei didn't have to guess what it was. He turned around and wanted to run outside, but his body seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't even move.

Old Man Song's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the thing. He was both annoyed and regretful. Although he didn't dare to guess what it was, he knew it was a good thing just by looking at such a powerful aura. He was catching Jiang Wei's. It's time to sacrifice blood, how can it be delayed until this time.

The old man Song responded quickly and his hands were quick. As soon as he pulled his hand, he pulled out a small golden net and buckled it towards the heart. The heart flashed deftly, avoiding the golden net and rushing straight towards Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei was already numb. After he swallowed the dragon ball, all kinds of keels and horns were drilled into his body. Sure enough, after touching Jiang Wei, the heart suddenly drilled into his body. Old Man Song was furious when he saw this scene, and reached out to grab Jiang Wei's collar. At this moment, the cave suddenly swayed, the mountain wall cracked, and a huge stone rolled down and smashed towards Old Man Song.

The old fifth was the youngest and was squeezed last. He stretched his neck before he could understand it, when a rock the size of a watermelon hit the old man Song's shoulder. all broken. Old Song's head hurt with gold stars, he fell to the ground and hugged his arm and let out a hoarse roar.

The eldest, the second, and the third all rushed towards Jiang Wei after seeing this scene. At this moment, the cave shook even more violently. Stones fell from the sky, and each stone was so big that it could crush a person to death.

Seeing this, the old fifth turned around and ran out, while running and screaming at the same time, there was an earthquake. The fourth child took a few steps back. He looked at his master and brother who had been hit by the stone, and then at Jiang Wei, who was completely intact and did not even touch the corner of his clothes. He gritted his teeth and turned and ran out. Although he doesn't know what's going on now, the kid named Jiang Wei is obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. All of them have been deceived, especially his master. planted here.

Jiang Wei was not feeling well at this time. He was in a coma for a long time after the dragon horn got into his body last time before he woke up. This time, he didn't faint, but the blood in his body seemed to have encountered a violent storm and was whistling towards his heart. He rushed away, covering his chest with pain, his lips turning white.

Soon the stone cave shook more and more violently, and soon a huge crack opened under the feet of several people, and Old Man Song, his three apprentices, and Jiang Wei all fell into it.

Jiang Wei's mind was a little numb from the pain at this time, but he still released the dragon energy in his body out of instinct, and supported his body to land firmly on the ground. And old man Song and his

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