Remember in one second

Jiang Wei was very angry after the price of his life. Jiang Wei didn't know what she did, but before the darkness came, Jiang Wei seemed to see her holding the fragments of his soul and kissing gently: I will save you back, you wait for me.

The picture gradually blurred and finally disappeared, Jiang Wei felt that he was getting farther and farther from the dream, and there was only a white fog in front of him. He turned over, feeling the pain in his body gradually eased, he let go of his body comfortably and fell into a deep sleep.

Old Man Song turned his head and watched Jiang Wei turn over and fell into the underground lake and washed away. He felt both happy and lost in his heart. Not even a full-body disability.

Although Jiang Weina stole his chance, the chance didn't seem so good. Now he fell into the river in a coma, not to mention, he was afraid that he would die.

The old man Song was pondering, when suddenly the cave shook again, and a boulder fell down and sealed the entrance of the underground lake. Old Man Song took a deep breath and smacked his lips in regret, thinking that Jiang Wei was really helpless.

Old Man Song fell asleep in the cave, woke up, and slept again. When he felt like he was going to die, there was finally light above the entrance of the cave. He called out in a weak voice, and heard the excited voice of the old fifth from above. : Master, are you not dead yet?

Old man Song felt an old blood stalk in his heart, and he fainted with a tilt of his head.


Jiang Wei, who had slept for an unknown time, turned over and suddenly felt his body sink. He suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked to find that he had fallen asleep in the underground river. .

Jiang Wei had been hiking on the mountain for several days before entering the cave, and after tossing in the cave for two days, his body was covered in mud and sweat, all over his body. He simply took off his clothes in the river and threw them on the bank, and took a bath in the cool river.

Jiang Wei rubbed the ashes from his body while recalling what happened before he passed out. It seemed that a heart popped out of the stone and drilled into his chest, and then he fell into a hole, and then he felt hot and painful, as if his whole body was covered in pain. It was as if the blood had been boiled, and he didn't remember what happened next.

Jiang Wei quickly touched his body, as if there were no more parts and nothing missing. The key is that the whole body is very comfortable, as if the previous discomfort was like a dream. Jiang Wei tilted his head in confusion, as if he really had a dream, but he couldn't remember what happened in the dream.

Jiang Wei subconsciously wiped the water on his head, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the small dragon horns that were still there before had disappeared. Although it is possible that the dragon horn has completely penetrated into the body, Jiang Wei doesn't care anymore. Anyway, there are so many things in the body. It's better than exposing it outside. It was so uncomfortable to be so numb all over.

After a quick bath, Jiang Weisoxing took the clothes from the shore and washed them in the water. The casual clothes were torn to pieces and I don't know where they were thrown, but the shirt was barely able to be used. clothes to wear. Jiang Wei used the dragon energy on his body to dry the clothes, and even the inside of the shoes on his feet were clean.

Feeling refreshed all over, Jiang Wei followed the underground river in a random direction and walked in a random direction. After about an hour, he finally saw a ray of light. When he squeezed out of a gap as wide as one person, Jiang Wei found that the place where he came out was not far from the place where he got off the car, and he even saw the two cars parked in the snow.

Jiang Wei was wearing a tattered shirt torn by himself, and the trousers on his legs were also very thin. Although he couldn't feel cold physically, but mentally he felt that he was about to be frozen, and quickly ran to the parking spot. past.

He was so lucky that the door of the car he was in was not closed when he came, and even the car keys were still in the car, as if he was in a hurry before leaving. Jiang Wei opened the car door and sat in. He felt that the inside of the car was quite warm. He felt the air vent and it was still warm. He remembered the scene where the fourth and fifth were desperately running out before he fell into the cave. They came back after running away, probably going up the mountain to rescue their master.

Jiang Wei didn't want to wait for these robbers. He drove his car down the mountain. Even though he was blindfolded and slept all the way up the mountain, he drove by instinct and found Old Man Song's villa. He parked the car at the entrance of the villa, went in and walked around, not only took back his mobile phone card from the old fifth's mobile phone, but also found a fully charged power bank to charge his mobile phone.

Jiang Wei put the down jacket on his body without zipping

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