Remember for a second


Madam Wang was immediately dumbfounded. Lin Qingyin looked at the remaining three, and pointed at a woman in her 40s and 50s who was sitting on the edge of the kang, and said, It's yours first.

Seeing that Lin Qingyin pointed to her, Ma Xiuling immediately handed Lin Qingyin the money she took out from the house in front of everyone, 2,500 yuan a piece was not a lot.

Seeing Ma Xiuling's refreshing behavior, the others turned to look at Mrs. Wang, who looked panicked with red and white on her face. Looking at the mirror of Mrs. Zheng's house, Mrs. Wang didn't know which part Lin Qingyin was talking about, and saw that there were walnut patterns all over her face.

Watching Lin Qingyin take Ma Xiuling to the East House, Mrs. Wang didn't know what to do. She likes to take advantage but she is also shrewd. She knows that she has offended Lin Qingyin. Own. But on the other hand, people of her age are most afraid of disasters.

Looking at the money in her hand, Mrs. Wang thought seriously for a moment, and with a pained expression on her face, she gave one hundred to each of the families on the kang: I have been taking things from your family all these years, so I bought them at that time. Yes!

Mrs. Zheng raised the one hundred yuan in her hand and laughed, The iron rooster has been plucked, it's really rare! But if you count the things you've walked from the trees in my field over the years, there are more than one hundred?

Mrs. Zhu quickly echoed: That is, did you force the chestnut mushrooms that my grandson dug under the chestnut tree last year? That stuff is rare now, and it can be sold for more than a hundred yuan for such a big one. , that's not counting the other things you picked from my field!

Madam Wang couldn't even utter a word, but she understood what she was doing and knew that others didn't talk nonsense. Reaching out to touch the wrinkles on her face, Mrs. Wang gritted her teeth: Okay, I'll give you the money back later!

That's what you said! Mrs. Zhu immediately replied, If you don't care what you say, we can file a complaint with the master.

Mrs. Wang responded reluctantly and walked away with a sullen face, and everyone in the room laughed when she saw this. Almost all the people in the village were passed by Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang treated the fruits of the vegetable trees in the fields as her own, picking them when she wanted to eat them. When I visited someone's house, I saw the fresh snacks they bought for their children were also in their pockets. The villagers really annoyed her to take advantage of her. But if you want to quarrel with her, let you say it with a smile on your face, you can't really hold back your anger.

Seeing that Lin Qingyin had plucked all the iron cocks that Mrs. Wang had cleaned up, everyone felt relieved, and some people even wrote a score to go to the village tomorrow to publicize Mrs. Wang, and asked everyone to ask Mrs. Wang for money, and see how she would pay her back in the future. Dare to go to someone else's house to get something.

The Westinghouse laughed and laughed, but Ma Xiuling from the Eastwood looked sad and didn't know how to tell the girl in front of her, who was not yet twenty years old, about her marital problems.

Lin Qingyin looked at Ma Xiuling's face, then picked up her hand to look at her palm prints, and then asked, Do you have a son and a daughter? Those who are prosperous in their studies are all people who can read.

When Ma Xiuling heard Lin Qingyin mention her pride, she couldn't help showing a smile on her face: Yes, my son graduated from graduate school last year. He has a very good job and can earn 20,000 yuan a month. Stocks or something; my daughter is also a graduate student and will graduate next year, but I still want to do a Ph.D.

Speaking of her children, Ma Xiuling smiled contentedly: I have no culture, but it is the greatest pride in my life that I have cultivated two talented people.

This is not very good! Lin Qingyin said: Your son can buy a house by himself after a few years of hard work, and your daughter can also afford to pay for her own tuition. You have no worries at all, so why don't you divorce?

Ma Xiuling suddenly widened her eyes and stammered, Did you see that?

Lin Qingyin sighed lightly: Look at yourself in the mirror, the bruising on your eyes hasn't gone away!

Ma Xiuling hurriedly lowered her head and touched the position of her eye socket, and it hurt a little when she touched it slightly. She has been married for 30 years, but suffered domestic violence for more than 20 years. No one in the village could have imagined that her seemingly honest husband was actually a thug who beat her at every turn.

When she was young, she went home and cried when she was beaten, but what she faced was the incomprehension and reprimand of her parents. In their eyes, it was normal for young couples to quarrel. Make people laugh. Not only did Ma Xiuling get no comfort at her mother's house, but she was disgraced and told her to go home honestly and not make any noise, let alone

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