Remember for a second

Have thoughts of divorce.

Going to my mother-in-law's house to file a complaint is even more boring. After all, they are their own sons, so they don't even scold her sincerely.

At that time, although Ma Xiuling wanted to get a divorce, she didn't know what to do if she got divorced. She has no home to go back to, no place to go, and all her meager wages are spent on household expenses, and she has no savings. Most importantly, she couldn't bear her two children. She was afraid that if she left, her husband would take out his anger on the child.

I endured for more than ten years. Although she tried her best to hide it, her two children found out that she had been subjected to domestic violence all year round. Ma Xiuling's son was already in junior high school at the time. He was 1.8 meters tall and half a head taller than his father. His strong muscles and forbearance fists made his father a coward in an instant, and he promised again and again that he would not beat anyone again.

Those few years were a rare and stable life for Ma Xiuling, but when her son went to college and her daughter was not at home in high school, Ma Xiuling's husband finally vented the anger that Ma Xiuling had held back for a few years, drinking some alcohol and finding an excuse to almost break her bones . Only then did Ma Xiuling know that demons are demons after all, and they won't change over time, but only get worse.

At that time, Ma Xiuling once again had the idea of ​​divorce, but her husband saw her thoughts at a glance, and directly pointed out that if she expelled her, he would not pay a penny for her children's tuition in the future, and let them all go out to work.

Ma Xiuling calculated her savings. Even if her son could work part-time to earn tuition and living expenses, her money would not be enough for her daughter to finish high school, so she endured it again, thinking that she could escape when her children could stand on their own. She was out of control, but at this time, she was afraid again.

It was easy for her to leave, but looking at her husband's cloudy eyes paralyzed by alcohol, she was worried that he would go to her son's company and make trouble at her daughter's school. Her life was already ruined, and she didn't want that bastard to ruin him. children's future.

But no one wants to be beaten so endlessly, so after hearing that Lin Qingyin can fortune-telling, Ma Xiuling came, and she wanted Lin Qingyin to give her an idea.

Talking to Lin Qingyin about her distress, Ma Xiuling had a hint of despair in her eyes: I really can't take it anymore and want to get a divorce, but he really has no bottom line. I'm afraid he can't trouble me and I will trouble my child.

Lin Qingyin touched the last stone and said, It's not impossible to get a divorce, it depends on whether you have the courage?

Ma Xiuling smiled bitterly: If I didn't want to leave my children with the stain of a murderer's mother, I really want to stab him to death! As long as I can get a happy divorce and let him stop disturbing the lives of the three of us, I'm willing to do anything. !

Lin Qingyin stretched out a finger on her body, and used aura to stimulate all the scars and dark wounds on her body. Looking at the blue and purple on the back of her hand, Ma Xiuling suddenly rolled up her sleeves, revealing her arms with almost no good skin.

Master, what's going on?

Compared to Ma Xiuling's panic, Lin Qingyin looked extra calm: Do you dare to go to the police?

Ma Xiuling hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly: I dare!

Okay! Lin Qingyin smiled: Judging from your appearance, your marriage is not impossible to get out of, the key lies in yourself. If you didn't worry too much, you would have been able to get rid of this long ago. Married. Besides, I don’t quite agree with your silent self-sacrifice idea, you should explain the situation to your children earlier, maybe they are stronger than you think.”

Ma Xiuling immediately asked: Do you mean that he will not trouble my children in the future?

Lin Qingyin observed it carefully and said, From your appearance, your children's academic career is quite smooth, you can give me their characters.

Ma Xiuling hurriedly explained the birth dates of her son and daughter, and took out her mobile phone to show Lin Qingyin a picture of her child. At first glance, she knew a lot about amateur fortune-telling.

Your son will have a chance to be promoted after the year. He will leave the current place of work and move to a new city; your daughter's studies are going well and will not be affected by these things. Lin Qingyin suggested very patiently: I It is still recommended that you discuss it with your children, maybe it's just that you have too many concerns, and it is not a problem for them at all.

Ma Xiuling was infected by Lin Qingyin's calmness, and she felt much more at ease. She picked up her mobile phone and wanted to call her son, telling her about the suffering of these years. Ma Xiuling's son was furious on the other end of the phone, and immediately said that he would go home and ask a lawyer to file a divorce lawsuit for his mother.

Ma Xiuling's daughter is returning home

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