Remember for a second

He grabbed the teacup from inside and made no secret of his disgust: Mrs Wang, you feel that you are at a disadvantage if you don't take advantage of it all day, don't you? How old is my granddaughter, how dare you say this. Hurry up and pay, if you don’t have any money, get out of the way. To be honest, I really don’t want my granddaughter to think about it. She is just eating and playing at her age.

Mrs. Wang ignored Mrs. Zheng and stared at Lin Qingyin. She felt that the little girl couldn't stand her pleading with a soft face.

To do a full set, Madam Wang took a step back and covered her eyes with a good hand, and said in a choked voice, It's New Year's Eve, I only have 200 yuan in my pocket, and I don't have any New Year's goods at home. If I hadn't really had something to think about, I wouldn't have come here, I really have no choice.

Who is Lin Qingyin? She only needs to take a look at the situation in this family. She is naturally willing to help someone like Ma Rui who is really difficult and has a good character. . But for the kind of person who is obviously taking advantage, Lin Qingyin naturally won't give him face.

Seeing Madam Wang crying miserably, Lin Qingyin smiled lightly at her: From your appearance, it seems that both of your sons are in business, right? Although they don't have a lot of money, they are not poor people. , are they all so unfilial?

Looking at Mrs. Wang's obviously frozen body, Lin Qingyin's voice was clearly smiling: I hate people who are not filial. Although I can't give you a fortune-telling for free, I can vent my anger for you for free. For example, making your two sons lose money and go bankrupt is not difficult for me.

Mrs. Wang was frightened and hurriedly shook her hands, her mouth was a little unsettled: No, I'm talking nonsense, my two sons are filial, they send me money every month, and they say they want to pick them up. I'm going out for the New Year.

Lin Qingyin snorted twice, although she didn't say anything, but the indifferent expression she made was enough to scare old lady Wang into the shit.

In fact, everyone in the room believed that Lin Qingyin had some ability. After all, the scene where she cleaned up the old lady Zhou was obvious to all. The old lady Zhou just said a few words that Lin Qingyin is a liar, Lin Qingyin didn't even need to pinpoint, she directly explained Zhou Laosan's prison disaster, and even figured out the hiding place.

When Lin Qingyin and Ma Rui were doing fortune-telling in the East Room just now, they all went out to watch the fun. The police followed the clues provided by Lin Xu and went directly to the apple orchard to block the old lady Zhou who had come to tip off the news. Zhou Laosan caught a straight shot. Madam Zhou cried and chased all the way to the entrance of the village, and happened to meet the family members of the victim who was hit by Zhou Laosan and seriously injured in the neighboring village who had heard the news. .

How happy Mrs. Wang laughed when she saw Mrs. Zhou's joke just now, and how scared she was at this time. Her two sons really go home to make money every month, but she really doesn't know what business they are doing outside, and whether they have done anything immoral, in case there is anything shameful that Lin Qingyin will figure out , didn't she cheat her own son.

Madam Wang wiped a tear on her sleeve and immediately revealed a brilliant smile: Just kidding, my son is filial, and he just gave me 5,000 yuan two days ago, and he will pick me up in a few days. It's New Year's Eve in Spring City.

Isn't it only two hundred? Lin Qingyin asked coldly, Now there are five thousand?

What I mean is that I have two hundred yuan in my pocket. In fact, I have money in my bank card, and I also have it at home. Mrs. Wang smirked and rubbed her hands: Well, I'll go home and get the money.

Lin Qingyin touched the turtle shell in her pocket and asked casually, Who do you want to count?

The old lady Wang said quickly: For my son and daughter-in-law, do the math.

As soon as Lin Qingyin heard it, she knew that it must be a son again. She couldn't help but feel a little bored. She didn't understand what these old ladies were thinking. Son is so precious? If you have a son, will you be able to get rich, or will you be able to get rich, or that life will be worry-free, it is simply ignorant and unreasonable.

Lin Qingyin rolled her eyes at her with disgust: Don't ask me questions like when to give birth to a boy or a girl, I don't count! Seeing that Mrs. Wang was about to continue to entangle, Lin Qingyin snorted: Because you and my grandma are from the same village, I advise you, don't always think that taking advantage of others is a good thing, maybe you have to pay it back at any time. Look in the mirror to see the lines on your old age part, A pattern represents a disaster, it may be an accident or a disease. This is the accumulation of the advantages you have taken over the years.

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