Fog Survival

Chapter 974 [Lake of Time]

The first aspect is to be able to monitor the cosmic situation of the planet.

Because the entire planet is actually covered by a layer of time and space energy as a powerful protective layer.

It just comes with a monitoring function to facilitate the exploration of the surrounding situation.

The second aspect is the real powerful function of [Source of All Worlds] - creating space!

In [Source of All Worlds], using the ability of spatial authority, you can directly open up a type of alien space.

This type of space will be attached to the surrounding of the planet and become a part of the planet.

So relatively speaking, these spaces are very stable and will also be protected by spatial authority. They are definitely the most hidden and safest places on this planet.

And in these created alien spaces, you can also use all the authority.

This means that Qi Yuan can create sunlight, breeze, rain and dew in these spaces...

What the normal world has can also be created in the alien space.

Even different authorities can be combined to create a more peculiar world.

For example, a world of flames formed entirely by [light and heat], [holy light], and [flame].

A world of earth formed by [great], [earth], [vibration], and [sand].

An ice and fire world formed by [water] and [fire].

A world of five elements formed by [gold], [wood], [water], [fire], and [earth].

This means not only a world with a special environment, but also represents infinite possibilities.

Through this method, a large number of completely different resources can be created, and a special environment can be created, so that some new species can be born.

For example, by fusing [spirit] and [soul] together, a space suitable for the survival of the soul body can be created, so as to accommodate this new creature.

If you only have five or six special deeds, this effect may not be obvious.

But Qi Yuan has 32 of them!

How many different worlds can be formed by fusing with each other? How many unusual resources will be created?

Qi Yuan is not good at math, and he can't figure it out himself, so he has to hand it over to the research institute for calculation.

But there is no doubt that this super strange effect is absolutely superior to most super wonders, and it is a real strategic existence.

But there is one thing, which is a pity.

The energy quality in these different spaces is actually much weaker than the energy in the deepest part of each super wonder.

After all, this is just created by authority, and the super wonder itself is a part of authority, so there is still some difference between the two.

But the flaws do not cover up the merits, and it is still difficult to cover up the powerful effect of [Source of All Worlds].


The super wonder in the shape of "time" is not as strange as [Source of All Worlds] just from the perspective of representation.

It is just an area covered by a special time domain, located at the easternmost part of the southern hemisphere continent, and is a very wide lake. It doesn't look abnormal.

But in fact, it is the most mysterious super wonder of time - [Lake of Time]!

In that area, there is only this super wonder.

It seems that when other super wonders are formed, they will deliberately avoid the existence of extremely high quality such as "time" and "space".

As for the function of this super strange lake, Qi Yuan also gradually understood it with the help of the power of authority.

First of all, in the range of this lake, the flow rate of time is extremely unstable.

Ordinary people who walk into it may not age for hundreds of days, or they may lose hundreds of years of life in just a few seconds.

Not only ordinary people, but even extraordinary beings like Qi Yuan, without the help of authority, it is difficult to perceive such changes in the world.

So, this is a very dangerous place.

Secondly, [Lake of Time] also has a very powerful function.

It can imprint some important things that happened on this planet, such as important nodes of some things, and some people who changed the trend of history.

When Qi Yuan walked into it for the first time, he saw the scene of the creation of this planet in the reflection of the lake.

At the same time, he also saw his own figure, standing above the entire world, overlooking the birth of this world.

At the same time, he also saw the scene of the birth of 32 super wonders. In the use of life force, one mysterious wonder after another rose up, becoming a mysterious wonder!

Apart from this, there is no other picture.

Qi Yuan himself did not know what special meaning the existence of the shadow engraved by the Lake of Time had.

However, he knew that perhaps one day in the future, unimaginable effects would occur.

At the same time, at the bottom of the Lake of Time, many resources with time attributes were also found.

But he did not know how to use them, so he did not take them away.

The above is only the effect of the Lake of Time itself. With the help of authority, Qi Yuan can also use some time abilities.

For example, by combining the abilities of space and time, and the water of the [Lake of Time], a cultivation space with a faster flow of time can be formed.

In this area, one day in the outer world is equivalent to 100 days inside, which can greatly increase the speed of cultivation.

Moreover, unlike the flow rate of the micro world, it will have a huge impact on human spirit and thinking, and ordinary people cannot adapt to that kind of time flow.

However, the cultivation place created by using the water of the [Lake of Time] will not be affected in this way, because it is protected by authority, so it is very safe.

In addition to this, [Lake of Time] should have many other functions, but Qi Yuan knows too little about time and cannot comprehend it at all.

Therefore, he can only use some superficial knowledge.

But even so, it is undeniable that the two abilities of time and space are definitely the two highest quality existences among all special contracts and super wonders.

It is also the most elusive and cannot be fully utilized.

In comparison, the super wonders in the form of "life" are more intuitive.

However, the super wonders in the form of life are very strange among all wonders.

Because this is a jade tree!

The whole body is emerald green, reflecting warm and crystal light, full of rich life energy, and looks very magical.

And like ordinary trees, it can grow independently, absorb nutrients, and become bigger and bigger.

At the beginning, it was only about 1 meter tall, but after more than two days, it had grown to more than 5 meters tall.

It also began to grow leaves, and the texture became clearer and clearer. If it weren't for the jade texture, it would be almost the same as a real tree.

The function of the tree of life is very simple, which is to provide powerful life and treat various diseases, and the range of treatment is very wide.

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