Fog Survival

$ Chapter 973 [Origin of All Realms]

But besides being very dangerous, this place is also a place full of opportunities.

First of all, because there are three super wonders gathered here, there are the most resources and the types of resources are relatively rich.

There are all kinds of lightning and thunder attribute resources, wind attribute resources, and ocean resources, each of which can be used by Yang Zhenghe and is very suitable for the core of the puppet.

Moreover, because the three wonders are fused and squeezed with each other, the energy is also mixed together, so some double-attribute and triple-attribute resources will also appear.

For example, wind and thunder attribute ore.

It has the characteristics of wind and thunder at the same time, and its strength is much higher than ordinary resources.

If Yang Zhenghe is perfect enough, his strength will certainly be greatly improved.

However, it is difficult to find a place suitable for Anshun in this area.

Because within the scope of the Dead Sea, not only the number of creatures is very small, but even the number of islands is pitifully small.

After all, with thunder and wind every day, no island can withstand it, and it would have been smashed into dust and blown away long ago.

For this reason, Qi Yuan used his power to build an island in the sky suitable for Yang Zhenghe to survive.

The ore with wind and thunder attributes is the main body of the entire island in the sky, which can effectively avoid lightning and hurricane attacks.

Once attacked, this ore with wind and thunder attributes can also withstand it, and the amount can be accumulated for the usual consumption of the shelter.

Moreover, this ore itself can be used as a puppet core, which is a very abundant ore.

A large number of puppet cores and an inexhaustible source of energy are enough to support Yang Zhenghe's development for a long time, allowing him to go further in the puppet path.

After Qi Yuan handed over the authority of Hurricane, Thunder and Abyss to Yang Zhenghe, Yang Zhenghe took more than 100 men and officially moved into this super wonder.

Although he was given three powers, according to Qi Yuan's expectation, it was difficult for Yang Zhenghe to cultivate three extraordinary beings.

I think it's better to hand over the power in the future.


Finally, only Mr. Zhang was left. Qi Yuan also thought about the arrangement of the mountain and river shelter for a long time.

For Mr. Zhang, there are two major requirements for the location of the shelter.

The first is rich in variety and resources, so that more research can be done.

In fact, it is a harsh environment, suitable for military training and tempering will.

The first point is more difficult to achieve. If you want to meet the rich resources and the quality of the resources at the same time, it is really difficult.

However, the second point is relatively easy.

Such a large planet may not have other things, but there must be a lot of harsh environments!

After careful selection, Qi Yuan finally found a suitable area.

Also located in the southern hemisphere, near the [Frozen Realm], there are two super wonders, namely the [Ground Crack Abyss] with vibration attribute and the [Ten Thousand Caves] with earth attribute.

Although it is a vibration with earth attribute, this area actually contains a large number of resources of other attributes, such as wood attribute, gold attribute, water attribute, and various mineral resources.

These two super wonders are all located underground and have intricate terrain. Just like in the [Ten Thousand Caves], there are millions of caves deep underground, which are either connected or blocked. It is very dangerous to go deep into them.

The [Ground Crack Abyss] is the same. There are many cracks in itself, forming many abysses, and the environment inside the abyss is also very complex.

There are many indigenous beasts living in the two wonders, which is even more dangerous for humans.

The location Qi Yuan chose for the old man was a canyon between the two wonders.

Due to the compression of the terrain, there are ten thousand high peaks on both sides of the canyon, and a straight canyon is formed in the middle, as if it was split by a knife.

This place is connected to the [Earth Crack Abyss] in the east and the [Ten Thousand Caves] in the west, so it is very convenient to go either way.

And the location itself is also easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once occupied, a large number of buildings will be built to completely occupy this area.

Mr. Zhang also brought a relatively large number of people, so he had to find a larger place to live.

After handing over the authority of [Earth] and [Vibration] to Mr. Zhang, he began to settle the more than 500 men he brought.

Compared with others, Mr. Zhang brought more people.

After all, the total number of people in his shelter is also the largest, so it is understandable to bring more people.


Finally, there is Qi Yuan himself.

As the strongest existence among all forces, the Five-Man Alliance has a greater demand for the environment.

The environment of the spirit stone vein is indeed good, but it is not suitable for the development of the lake island. It is not very helpful for the research institute, the secret war bureau, or even the ghost department.

Therefore, he had to find a more suitable territory.

Among all the super wonders, Qi Yuan always hides a few of the rarest super wonders, which he reserved for himself.

Especially [Space] [Time] [Life] [Spirit].

As early as the first time he discovered the super wonders, he explored the super wonders formed by the three special deeds of "space", "time" and "life".

Compared with other special deeds, the quality of these three deeds is relatively higher.

The super wonders formed are also more magical than other super wonders.

Qi Yuan can boldly hand over other super wonders to others, and even give them the whole handle without blinking an eye.

But he had to be cautious about making his own super wonders.

It can be seen that its significance is extraordinary.

The first is the super wonder represented by space - [The Origin of All Worlds].

When he first discovered this place, Qi Yuan was also frightened by its nature. He didn't expect the space attribute to be so powerful.

This super strange place covers the entire planet, and even the situation outside the planet.

Internally, it can use the space energy to directly teleport to any area on this planet, including the depths of the super wonders.

And this is not the power of authority, but anyone can use it, and even to a certain extent is protected by the space energy.

This method, for the research institute, can more easily contact various materials and study the characteristics of each super wonder.

For the Ghost Department, whether it is a place where humans live or not, they can easily infiltrate every area of ​​the world.

If the arrangement is proper, it is easy to control everything that happens on the entire planet.

For the Secret War Bureau, you can go to any super wonder to train and obtain any kind of resources.

People with different attributes and different needs can easily find an area suitable for their own training.

The external power of [The Origin of All Worlds] has two aspects.

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