Fog Survival

Chapter 975 New Residence on the Lake Island

Chapter 975 New Residence on Lake Island

Ordinary skin injuries need not be said, they can be easily cured naturally.

Decades of hidden diseases can also be gradually recovered through warm care.

Even if you are dying and seriously injured, as long as you have a breath left, you can easily recover.

Including mental and soul diseases, they are all problems for life.

So, even if the soul body race is sick, it can be easily cured.

However, Qi Yuan didn't know why the Tree of Life couldn't be cut off and reborn, which was really puzzling.

An Changlin came here and tried to grow a new leg, but unfortunately he couldn't do it at all.

It seems that it is because the Tree of Life only has a healing effect, and it doesn't have the ability to directly create a leg.

So, later when Zhou Yuheng was dying, he couldn't use this method to treat it.

Of course, Qi Yuan always felt that if An Changlin's broken leg was not lost and Zhou Yuheng was still intact, it could actually be treated.

However, the parts they lost were not complete, so it was ineffective.


Finally, Qi Yuan also chose a [Spirit Eye Spring] from the three super wonders formed by the "spiritual" attribute.

It was just a spring eye of hundreds of square meters, but the spiritual energy that overflowed was even richer than that of the spiritual stone vein.

Moreover, the spring water flowing out of the spring eye, and the water vapor floating all the time, was more conducive to the body's absorption, and the speed of improving strength was also faster.

And inside the spring eye, there are also a large number of cultivation resources stored, enough to support the cultivation of strong combat power.


In order to build his own shelter, Qi Yuan directly occupied these four super wonders and made them part of the shelter.

Taking [The Source of All Worlds] as the theme of the shelter, [The Lake of Time] creates a place for cultivation, [The Tree of Life] ensures life safety, and [The Spring of the Spirit Eye] assists in cultivation.

As for how the four are connected, Qi Yuan had already anticipated it.

[The Lake of Time] cannot be moved, and he only uses the spring water in it, so he can directly use space means to connect.

The spring water of [The Lake of Time] is led to a certain created space, and the authority of time and space is used to create a place for cultivation.

And [The Tree of Life] and [The Spring of the Spirit Eye] are both large and large.

Therefore, Qi Yuan planned to relocate them and directly arrange them within the scope of the shelter.

This can be said to be a truly great work.

Other shelters are to find a super wonder and then live in it.

But Qi Yuan did not move the super wonders directly to his home.

However, the construction of the shelter still needs to be carefully considered.

First of all, [The Source of All Worlds] must be occupied.

[The Source of All Worlds] is in a different space, and its location is very secret. If you use your authority, or you are a strong person who is proficient in space attributes, you can't find it at all.

Therefore, [The Source of All Worlds] can be used as a transit station.

On the one hand, it is beneficial for the Ghost Department to monitor the entire planet, and it is convenient for the Secret War Bureau and the Research Institute to go out for training and find resources.

On the other hand, it can also directly connect to the created world.

So the foundation must be around [The Source of All Worlds].

Thinking of this, Qi Yuan directly used the space authority and came to [The Source of All Worlds].

This is a place full of space fluctuations and illusions. Qi Yuan floated in the space, feeling the unusually active space energy around him.

The space here is very organized and extremely stable. It is very likely that there will be space collapse, space disorder, and space turbulence.

Therefore, it gives people a full sense of security.

Qi Yuan looked around and found that there was nothing here. There was nothing else except infinite space.

So, using the authority of [Earth], he directly created a continent in the space.

However, after only staying for more than ten minutes, Qi Yuan noticed the shortcomings.

Because looking around, there is an illusory space all around, and the eyes can't see through it, and you will feel dizzy in a while, so it is difficult to stay here for a long time.

This kind of environment is even worse than the void. If a normal person stays there for a few more days, his spirit will be extremely oppressed.

Even Qi Yuan felt very uncomfortable.

"It seems that we have to change the form and directly build an area similar to a space station..."

Qi Yuan took action again, cooperating with various powers such as [Earth] and [Gold] to reshape the land.

The soil is the base, located at the bottom to bear all the weight.

The metal arranges the overall structure to form a complete frame, similar to a semicircular sphere, covering the entire void.

The sand and stone are melted at high temperature to form high-quality glass, and then combined with metal to form an alloy, covering the entire semicircular periphery.

In this way, a silver-white, extremely hard and solid semicircular area is formed.

From a distance, it looks like half a basketball placed in space.

As for the inside, it is actually very easy.

Just capture some natural weather, artificially create sunshine and breeze, and there is no need to make it too realistic, as long as it is comfortable to live in.

After all, this is not the main body of the shelter, but just a transit station, reserved for the Secret War Bureau, the Research Institute, the Ghost Department, and a few senior executives.

In it, Qi Yuan also arranged a 3D teleportation array.

And on the teleportation array, with the holographic stone shadow technology, a stone screen similar to an electronic screen was created.

Through the screen, a map of the entire planet can appear, covering almost all human settlements and 32 super wonders. You can choose to teleport to any area of ​​the planet at will.

In addition, it is necessary to use the [Source of All Worlds] to cooperate with the full energy of the space to create a living area.

First of all, the Secret War Bureau, the Research Institute, and the Ghost Department each need a different space as their headquarters.

Qi Yuan began to create and create three different spaces with a total area of ​​only 50 kilometers in diameter.

The internal environment is the same as on the planet, with stable sun and moon and spring, summer, autumn and winter, sunshine, rain, dew, breeze, lakes, forests, and mountains.

At least ensure excellent quality of life.

As for the buildings and tools needed by each department, they need to prepare them themselves.

In addition, Qi Yuan created three more identical spaces.

One is used as a training place, together with the [Lake of Time], it can stably maintain a time flow rate of 1:100.

That is, if you practice for 100 minutes inside, only one minute will pass outside.

One is used to place the [Tree of Life], which is the life guarantee for everyone.

Another one is used for living, which is for high-level people such as Qi Yuan, An Changlin, Wei Xi, Huo Tui, Zhang Wei, Chu Yang... to prepare residences.

Although they will still live in their own workplaces most of the time.

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