Fog Survival

Chapter 1582 Dangerous Environment

After doing all this, the benefits actually showed up very quickly.

Because there is one thing that the two had not noticed before, that is, with the arrival of spring, the number of wild animals began to rise sharply, especially some dangerous animals.

For example, recently, a wild wolf approached the camp, looking hungry and looking for food.

At that time, the fence played a very good role, especially the stone fences on both sides, which prevented the wild wolf from entering the camp.

And the noise made outside directly attracted Bai Hao who was watering.

After that, he stood on the stone mud without hesitation, shot the wild wolf several times, and harvested a lot of food.

Although the wolf was very thin, even skin and bones, and it was a little unstable when walking, it was still a wolf after all, and its weight could still reach about 40 kilograms.

And recently, when Huang Hai occasionally went out, he encountered the danger of wild beasts.

Or strictly speaking, when Huang Hai went out, he accidentally met a herbalist who was out collecting herbs. She was the older woman. Due to an accidental negligence, she was bitten by a poisonous snake.

If you encounter this situation in the wild, if you can't find the detoxifying herbs in time, it will be a very dangerous thing, and it may even endanger your life.

The herbalist encountered this situation. After being bitten by the poisonous snake for a few minutes, she collapsed directly to the ground, her whole body was weak, and her consciousness even began to gradually blur. The area bitten by the poisonous snake began to turn black and purple.

She used up her last breath, tore off a piece of strips from her body, and tied up the poisoned area fiercely to prevent the toxin from spreading in a short time. Then she crawled on the ground, trying to find the detoxifying herbs.

But there must be an antidote in the area where this kind of poisonous snake lives.

But her body has reached its limit, not allowing her to do more other actions, and she is almost dying.

But at this time, Huang Hai, who happened to be hunting wild animals here, discovered the situation here and rushed over immediately.

But at this time, she didn't have much breath left, and even her eyes were a little dazed.

After Huang Hai checked the wound, he immediately understood the whole story. He hurried to the woman's ear and said, "You should know the detoxifying herbs. I'll carry you to find them. When you find them, point them to me. Do you understand? Blink if you understand."

The woman blinked gently, which was considered as an agreement.

Then the two began to search around. Huang Hai would put each different plant in front of the woman for her to confirm. As for those he didn't know, he would just put them in his mouth to taste. She was almost dead now. It didn't make much difference whether she was poisoned by snake venom or herbs.

After a full 10 minutes of searching, when the woman was about to die, they finally found a light red herb on the ground, which showed obvious improvement after taking it.

At this time, the woman was obviously quite excited, and pointed at the herb with her finger. Huang Hai understood and collected a lot of herbs, and even chewed them and stuffed them directly into the woman's mouth to help her absorb the detoxifying molecules in the herbs as much as possible.

In this way, the woman was finally rescued from the gates of hell.

But her physical condition was still very bad at this time. Although the toxins were relieved, the damage caused by the toxins to the body was irreversible and required a long time to recuperate.

So Huang Hai sent the woman all the way back to their camp, and finally returned to the camp in the dark.

After this series of events, the relationship between the two sides was obviously warmed up, and they trusted each other a lot, which made the cooperation between the two sides closer.

And in the next few days, after the woman recovered, she also sent a batch of more precious herbs, which was regarded as a thank you.

It is worth mentioning that all the herbs they sent were already boiled or dried, and it was impossible to tell what these herbs originally looked like.

This will have two advantages. On the one hand, it does not require Bai Hao and others to process. Sometimes we don’t know how to process it, so it is more appropriate to make it into a medicinal product directly.

Secondly, it prevents others from knowing which plants are herbs, which is their confidentiality.

Bai Hao can understand these, but he is still very happy that they can send a batch of herbs as a thank you, especially the large number of insect repellents.

For a long time to come, insect repellents must be lit almost every moment to ensure that there will be no mosquitoes gathering in the shelter. This has become a rigid need for our lives.

We can’t imagine how huge the mosquitoes will be at night without insect repellents.

In the past, we would open the windows for ventilation whether it was day or night, as long as the weather was not too cold. But now, we dare not open the windows because there are too many mosquitoes.

Even when opening the door, we have to be extra careful, for fear that mosquitoes will follow us in. If the situation is worse, we may have to hide in the underground shelter.

The dangers we need to face in spring and summer are no weaker than those during cold waves, and sometimes even more unpredictable.

In this season when everything is revived and all kinds of grass grow, this dangerous primitive world brings us a lot of unpredictable dangers.

Whether it is plants or animals, there will be too many species that we don’t know and don’t understand, so there will be danger if we are not careful.

Huang Hai encountered danger in the next few days. When he checked the trap in the morning, he seemed to touch some bad plants. As a result, his entire calf became red and swollen after he came back, and he lay in bed unable to move.

Bai Hao immediately applied the herbal medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but the effect was not very good.

What's more serious is that Huang Hai began to have a fever in the evening, and the temperature was extremely high. His physical condition was in danger, and ordinary medicines were no longer effective.

Even the medicines in the mini medicine box were not very effective. Because most of the medicines in the mini medicine box are used to treat external injuries and common colds and fevers.

This highly targeted plant toxin is not very effective.

In the end, Bai Hao still went to the herbalist to find a way and bought a very high-quality medicine, and exchanged it for three candles.

In fact, the other party was obviously willing to sell it because of their previous friendship, otherwise even three candles would not be willing to sell this medicine.

But the effect was very good. Huang Hai applied the medicine on his legs, and then tried several antipyretic drugs as required, and finally saved his life.

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