Fog Survival

Chapter 1583 Black Wind

But even so, Huang Hai rested in bed for several days, always in a state of low fever, drowsy every day, although the redness and swelling on his feet had subsided, but his legs were still unable to move.

Bai Hao was also helpless. He had to be busy these days. He went out to check the traps in the morning, dealt with the things in the shelter in the afternoon, and took care of Huang Hai by the way.

It lasted for about five days before Huang Hai gradually recovered and was able to get out of bed and walk around, and began to take charge of various tasks in the camp.

And after that, the two reduced the number of times they went out to check the traps. If they got such a serious disease for a few squirrels and rabbits, it was really not worth it.

And even if they needed to go out, they would make full preparations.

With this accident, the two of them were obviously more vigilant about going out. In order to avoid touching these poisonous plants again, the two used bamboo boards to make a bamboo armor, and it was full-body protective.

Wear short sleeves inside, and cover the arms, chest, back, thighs, calves and other parts with a layer of bamboo boards, and use vines to weave them together to form an effective protection.

Then wear a jacket outside the bamboo board. Although it is a little hot, it is extremely safe and can effectively avoid touching these poisons.

And after returning to the shelter, they will first go to the river to wash their clothes. After washing, they will also rinse the jacket with river water to avoid contamination with some poisons as much as possible.

It is worth mentioning that the jackets sold by the system are very effective. The front liner and the jacket are separable. You only need to wash the relatively thin outer jacket.

Although this makes it very inconvenient to go out, it is indeed very necessary.

Whether it is the woman who was bitten by a poisonous snake or Huang Hai who touched a poisonous plant, the end is very tragic. Almost all of them have walked through the gates of hell, so it is not too careful.

We must also consider, can we really only rely on hunting to obtain meat?

The danger is too great, and we often encounter danger.

And the instability is also very high. There are often no prey harvests, and even if there are harvests, the quantity is relatively small.

Therefore, hunting is a relatively low cost-effective way to obtain food. We must think of another way to obtain stable meat more efficiently.

The most suitable way is breeding, but how to obtain animals that can be bred?

This has become the most worrying thing for the two now.

We have also considered whether we can catch two wild rabbits alive, preferably one male and one female, so that we can gradually start breeding.

However, it is difficult to catch prey with traps, not to mention alive. Although we have tried many times, the effect is not very good.

Once, we also caught a half-dead wild rabbit. Although the two took good care of it, it died after a few days, which was indeed a bit helpless.

The same is true for squirrels. Hunting can barely be done, but it is too difficult to catch them alive.

So in the end, the two set their sights on the survival store.

Because in the earliest days, they had randomly refreshed a pair of pheasants in the random items of the survival store, and they were a male and a female that could mate, but the price was as high as 50 survival coins, so they naturally could not buy it at that time.

Later, they refreshed a sheep. The price was even more ridiculous, reaching 80 survival coins, so it was naturally impossible to buy it.

But with their current wealth, if they encounter a chicken for 50 survival coins again, and it is still a male and a female, they will 10000% take it down.

At the same time, Zheng actually has another goal.

When Huang Hai was out exploring, he once found wild boar feces and footprints in the pine forest, indicating that there should be wild boars there.

If possible, making large traps to hunt such large prey is also a very good choice.

But no matter which method is used, it is full of randomness and uncertainty. It is actually very difficult to operate it, and the probability of success is relatively low.

So we can only go with the flow. If there is an opportunity, we will develop the breeding industry. If there is really no opportunity, we will develop the planting industry first.

The planting industry has been developed for nearly a month, and many plants have sprouted and are growing very well.

For example, wheat is actually the best growing, and it looks unusually green. If everything goes well, the harvest should not be small.

The growth of green vegetables is also very good. It is the fastest growing of all crops. It has already covered a piece of land densely, and the largest ones are already edible.

Small green vegetables are vegetables that grow fast, grow a lot, and are easy to survive. Green vegetables should be eaten for a long time in the future.

Bai Hao never liked to eat green vegetables before, but now after living in the wild for a while, he suddenly craves the taste of green vegetables.

However, the growth of shallots and leeks is not particularly good. Although they are also taken care of, they only have very thin seedlings. It will take some time for them to grow well.

As for other crops such as potatoes, peppers, and ginger, their growth is also average. They have not died, but they have not grown particularly well.

However, no matter what the situation is, the planting industry has finally developed. It will be harvested after a while. In the end, vegetables, even staple foods, can be obtained stably. There is no need to collect them outside for a long time, and you can live a life of agricultural civilization.

The puppy grows very fast, and was named Black Wind because it is black all over.

Now it has grown to about 20cm and looks very strong. It runs around the camp every day, and sometimes even bites the crops in the field. It is often chased by Bai Hao.

However, with Black Wind, the atmosphere of the whole camp has become joyful. It can be seen everywhere jumping with its tail erect.

But its appetite is also a big problem, because it is really a big eater, almost eating half the amount of an adult.

And it doesn't work, it is having fun every day, which is equivalent to eating for free.

However, as it grows older, this situation should be alleviated. After all, it is still a puppy now, with a more jumpy personality, and it can't stay at home and hunt steadily.

When it is a little older, it is likely to be able to bear some pressure, or go out to help find prey.

The two were still full of expectations for Heifeng, hoping that he could provide a helping hand for the development of the camp.

After that, the camp developed steadily for nearly half a month, and everything was in order.

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