Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 630: Battle

The deep and vast night shrouded the earth.

The battlefield was very quiet, with only the gentle breeze passing through the night, like a whisper that had passed through thousands of years, sighing for something unknown.

The Yuan cultivators stared at this huge shimmering wind curtain with shocked faces. Its bottom diameter was more than ten miles, and it became narrower as it went up, like a luminous mountain. The deep and silent sky, like deep black eyes, stares at it silently.

Its light is not dazzling, only a slight light, flowing like a breeze.

There are no thrilling fluctuations in energy. It is integrated with the heaven and earth, without any incongruity, as if there was a mountain peak there. Apart from being huge, there seems to be nothing outstanding about it.

But Master Yuan Xiu present was all deeply shocked.

Including Duanmu Dusk.

He was floating in the air, staring at the huge shimmering wind curtain, his eyes wide open, and his heart could not calm down.

In retreat, from complexity to simplicity, thousands of changes came to one point, and he finally created the astonishingly powerful [Blue and White Tangled Branches]. In the history of the Duanmu family, he is already at the pinnacle. [Blue and White Twisted Branches] is no longer a simple wood elemental force, but a five-membered ring generated from the starting point of wood. [Blue and White] has thus entered a new realm of virtual reality.

Duanmuhuang, who came out of seclusion, was full of confidence. The door to a higher realm had been opened, and he could see the magical world behind the door.

However, the wind curtain in front of him made him understand what it meant that there was a sky beyond the sky.

The weak fluctuations of Yuan Power are incomparably consistent with the heaven and earth, and there is nothing out of the ordinary. The energy of heaven and earth is abnormally mixed and disordered, and the shimmering wind curtain is pure and clear. They are obviously very different in nature, but they give Duanmu Dusk the illusion that the two have the same origin.

Soon, Duanmuhuang understood that this was not an illusion.

The energy of heaven and earth continued to flow into the wind curtain, as if there was something inside that was attracting them. The light of the wind curtain did not become brighter or dimmer. It was very quiet and did not change at all.

Duanmu marveled in his heart, how could he do it? If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

If heaven and earth were a painting, people like Tingfengbu would be skilled painters. They would add things that should never appear on the painting, but it would be seamless, as if it should be so. Any painter who can do this is amazing. The world and the world are changing all the time, and they are all living things. You can imagine the difficulty of this.

The pride that had just grown in Duanmuhuang's heart disappeared in an instant.

No one can destroy this breeze mountain, maybe the Grandmaster can? Duanmu Huang was not sure, even though his teacher was a master. As long as the power of heaven and earth is immortal, this mountain of breeze will always stand here.

These seniors of the Tingfeng Department used their lives to leave an immortal monument in this world.

Thousands of years from now, this place will definitely become a place for people to admire and observe.

Green grass covers the wilderness, flowers are in bloom, and tourists come in an endless stream from all directions, laughing and cheering in the whisper of the breeze.

Duanmu witnessed for the first time what immortality was at dusk.


He suddenly noticed that the top of the shimmering wind curtain did not seem to be completely closed.

Duanmuhuang's expression changed.

Zu Yan was carrying the fat man, and the two of them stared blankly at the Breeze Mountain. Fatty's flying speed was too slow, so Zu Yan simply carried Fatty directly across the wind bridge and flew towards the Tower Cannon Alliance camp.

On the way, they happened to see Xiaoshan and the others launching [Listen to the Wind and Have Faith].

Compared to Duanmu Huang's amazement and shock, the two people's emotions were more complicated. Although Xiaoshan and others come from the wrong Tingfeng Department, they have fought side by side for so long. During the battle, Koyama-senpai and the others never flinched in the slightest, and they helped each other in critical moments many times. The two of them had long regarded them as one of their own.

Now seeing them die generously in exchange for a fatal blow, both of them felt sad and excited at the same time.

At this moment, Zu Yan's pupils suddenly shrank: "Not good!"

One person and one wolf, standing proudly on the top of the shimmering Breeze Mountain. A big man was sitting on the back of the wolf, looking around with a stern look on his face, and his eyes showing cold and bone-chilling murderous intent.

Helian Tianxiao!

The fat man suddenly grinned: "It doesn't matter if everyone is not dead, there must be some left for us."

He smiled happily, with murderous intent and ferociousness.

Zu Yan's expression returned to calm, and he hummed, but his flying speed suddenly increased a few points.

Because he had come to guide Kening and the others many times, the fat man from the tower gun alliance's camp was very familiar with him. He glanced at Kening and found him: "There!"

Zu Yan glanced at it, and the cloud wings behind him suddenly opened up, with long streams of fire, carrying the fat man, like a meteorite falling from the sky, and landed in the center of the camp.

Only then did Ke Ning notice Fatty and Zu Yan, with a hint of joy in his eyes and he hurriedly stepped forward. Before he could speak, the fat man took the lead and asked: "Have all the tower gunners entered the position?"

Kening said quickly: "Everyone has entered the position."

The fat man said unceremoniously: "I will take command, you can find the gun position yourself."

Kening quickly gave up the gun position, with a hint of excitement on his face: "Fat Master, how do we fight?"

The arrival of the fat master made Kening relieved. The enemy's main force broke through the wind curtain and suddenly attacked at night. It was not easy for Corning to lead everyone without collapse. The [Listen to the Wind and Believe] just now made him think that the enemy was finished, but he didn't expect that the enemy actually escaped from the breeze. When he saw Helian Tianxiao appearing on the top of Breeze Mountain, he felt despair in his heart.

What came was the enemy's main force, Yin Shuang and Shen Lang. How could they, a group of rookies, be able to resist them?

He didn't run away because he knew there was nowhere to escape. Standing firm is nothing more than a determination to do everything in your power to obey fate, and a desire to take a bite before dying.

The arrival of Fatty and Zu Yan gave Kening a glimmer of hope.

In the field of tower guns, Qian Dai is the undisputed number one, and no one can match him. All the existing successful cases of tower cannons are basically at the hands of fat men. Ke Ning has personally experienced that the same tower gun position is completely different in the hands of the fat division and in his hands.

Fatty glanced at the enemies that kept coming out of [Listen to the Wind and Youxin].

It can be seen that the enemy has suffered losses in strength, but the losses are very limited.

Kening was a little nervous: "Fat Master, they are gathering."

This was a sign that the enemy would charge. The astonishing power of Divine Wolf Yinshuang's charge just now left an indelible mark on Kening's mind. Once the divine wolf Yinshuang charges again, Kening doesn't think they can stop the enemy's iron hooves.

The fat man smiled half-heartedly: "It's better if we gather together."

For some reason, Ke Ning shivered all over when he saw the fat master's smile.

The fat man ignored the doubts in Ke Ning's heart and turned to Zu Yan and said, "Let's set off a big firecracker."

Zu Yan nodded: "Okay."

Kening looked at the two of them, feeling confused. Shouldn't we take the lead in launching an attack before the enemy has finished gathering? At this time, the distance between the two sides was very close, and they had entered the farthest range of the hive heavy artillery.

Zu Yan walked out of the gun emplacement and stopped about three feet away from the fat man.

The fat man took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice: "All tower gunners, prepare."

Helian Tianxiao, who was opposite, seemed to have heard Fatty's command and looked over. The two people's eyes met in the air, Helian Tianxiao's expression was as cold as usual, and he looked at the fat man with undisguised contempt and disdain.

The fat man grinned at Helian Tianxiao, as if humans and animals were harmless.

A ball of flame suddenly rose from the ground under Zu Yan's feet, and several lines of fire shot out from the flame. The line of fire was like a wandering fire snake, with Zu Yan as the center and shooting out in all directions.

Helian Tianxiao was waiting for the team to finish gathering. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the sky in the distance. He sensed that there was a deadly danger hidden in the deep night. The windmill sword that penetrated the entire camp appeared in his mind. The opponent was hiding in the dark. As long as he showed a flaw, he would be given a fatal blow.

From the moment he broke through the wind curtain, what Helian Tianxiao was most afraid of was the sharp windmill sword.

However... Helian Tianxiao was keenly aware that the windmill sword hidden in the dark brought him far less danger than last time.

Could it be that Ai Hui is not here?

This suspicion came to his mind subconsciously, but in the blink of an eye, he threw the thought away.

They have now lost speed and are in a very dangerous situation. The enemy showed no signs of defeat. The enemy was not a group of stragglers, they were a group of elites, Helian Tianxiao warned himself.

The enemy has a bloody spirit and fighting will that is not inferior to theirs, and those Yuan Xiu from the Tingfeng Department have proven this.

Helian Tianxiao did not dare to be careless. Although he had lost his speed and the power of his charge was greatly reduced, he still decided to assemble his team out of caution. Although the power of the charge is greatly reduced, the charge can gather everyone's strength, and the defense is much higher than that of a small team.

The tower gun position on the opposite side is very close.

Helian Tianxiao could even clearly see the tower gun master Qian Dai who was rushing over.

The other party did not launch it, but seemed to be preparing some killer move. But this is exactly what Helian Tianxiao wants, and he also needs time. In such a critical battle, adding fuel to the enemy's defense is a taboo, and concentrating all your strength like a heavy hammer to smash the enemy's defenses to pieces is the way to go.

The opposite position seemed to be lit up with fire, but it did not attract Helian Tianxiao's attention.

The tower gun position is full of fire, and the fire pool filled with snow lava will erupt with blazing flames from time to time, which is extremely eye-catching in the night sky.

The line of fire snaked between the camps, very fast and extremely flexible.


The line of fire penetrated a hive heavy artillery. The tower gunner was stunned for a moment, a strange feeling arose in his heart, and he suddenly looked up towards the position of the fat division.

The fat master nodded to him and gave the order to prepare for battle. The tower gunner's face showed a look of ecstasy.

The line of fire is constantly moving between the hive heavy artillery, and you can see it when you look down from the sky. Lines of fire criss-crossed and weaved a huge web, like a spider web.

Zu Yan’s famous stunt, Earth Fire Spider Web!

The red hive heavy cannons all landed on the nodes of the Earth Fire Spider Web.

In the center of the Earth Fire Spider's web, Zu Yan was like a deep and experienced Earth Fire Spider, patiently waiting for his prey to come to him.

Three feet away, the fat man was carrying a heavy hive cannon, smiling and closing his eyes, as if he was asleep.

The Tower Cannon Alliance camp fell silent.

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