Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 631 Tower Cannon Resonance

Helian Tianxiao smelled the breath of danger, and tempered by countless battles, he had an unusual intuition for danger.

But he didn't panic or hesitate.

Past experience told him that the most important thing is courage and determination in a last-ditch battle. In a chaotic, complicated and critical situation, if you think about everything, you will only miss the opportunity. Going all out in one go can make the enemy feel more pressure than trying not to make mistakes.

Reorganize the assembled team and kill quietly.

They had completed their assembly, and the enemy had also completed their preparations. The two sides seemed to have returned to the same starting point, but Helian Tianxiao was convinced that the advantage was still in his hands.

Compared with the defense line carefully built by the three God-Suppressing Peaks and guarded by the Chongyun Spear, the defense line hastily formed by the Tower Cannon Alliance is as weak as paper, with flaws and loopholes everywhere.

The sharp claws of the divine wolf are already pressed against the soft belly of the enemy. With just one stroke, the prey can be disemboweled.

You may be bitten by the prey before it dies, but it is nothing compared to the fruits of victory you are about to enjoy.

Helian Tianxiao raised his right hand calmly: "Get ready."

At the same time, the fat man who was facing him from a distance opened his eyes, his big mung bean eyes slightly narrowed, staring at the formidable enemy ahead. He spat out, adjusted the position of the heavy cannon on his shoulder, and shouted in a muffled voice: "Get ready."

Three feet away, Zu Yan closed his eyes. His hair was flying automatically without the wind. Huh, the red flames spread along his flying long hair, dragging out long tongues of flame. His breathing rhythm was steady, and with every inhale and breath, the earthfire spider web covering the camp would dim and light up.

The tower gunners looked a little nervous. They had practiced this trick.

But the times are very few, only twice.

Fortunately, the training content is not complicated, they just need to keep up with the rhythm.

Zu Yan's breathing rhythm was transmitted to each tower cannon through the earth fire spider web. The quiet and gentle breathing seemed to be contagious, and the originally panicked tower gunner gradually stabilized and calmed down.


The ground shook.

Everyone was shocked, and the breathing rhythm of some tower gunners was obviously a little panicked. Although they had participated in defensive line rotations, this was the first time they had faced the enemy charge directly like this.

The breathing rhythm of Earth Fire Spider Web has not changed at all, it is still as slow and long as before.

Boom boom boom.

The ground shook even more violently, shaking the mountains.

The tower gunners were thirsty and a little panicked. The enemies on the opposite side were rushing towards them like a tidal wave, with a power that could crush everything, just like the top of a mountain.

Fatty's deep shout sounded promptly: "Close your eyes and keep up with the rhythm."

Many tower gunners forced themselves to close their eyes and began to adjust their breathing subconsciously. Gradually, the roaring in their ears seemed to become blurred, and the long breathing was like a giant beast slowly emerging from the water, tightly grasping all their hearts.

Their minds were still blank, panic, tension, and fear mixed together, but their bodies began to enter a familiar state.

In daily practice, they will experience this state every day. The devilish intensity of training always makes them lose their ability to think. With repeated mechanical repetitions, every movement becomes their instinct.

What is instinct? The more critical it is, the more fearful it is, and the more subconscious behavior will be done, which is instinct.

They seemed like drowning people, and the long and slow breathing in their ears was the only straw they could hold on to.

The formation of the Divine Wolf Silver Frost Army was dense and dense, and a rich blood light enveloped the entire team. The magical blood cultivators in the team roared and summoned their own magical powers. The appearance of some magical blood cultivators has undergone astonishing changes, and the aura of ancient wild beasts has filled the air. Some blood cultivators with magical powers light up bright and complex blood lines on their bodies. These blood lines quickly merge into the blood of the entire team, like water plants floating in the red waves.

There is no reservation at this time, except for the [Xuanshui Turtle Blood Pattern], [Red Snake Blood Scale Pattern], etc., which can improve defense, even the [Condor Eye Blood Pattern], which is of little use at this time, can also Let it all go out.

A last-ditch fight!

In the divine and blood departments, magical blood cultivators are the core, and all tactics are arranged around them. A person with powerful magical powers is the best vanguard, capable of tearing apart the opponent's defense line and breaking through at a single point in a scorching battlefield. Those with powerful magical powers who are not known for their personal strength often have excellent auxiliary blood patterns, which can bring huge improvements to the team.

Although we know that dense formations can easily cause great damage, under dense formations, the blood glow will be more intense, and with the blessing of various blood patterns, the defensive capabilities will be greatly increased.

If it was the charging state just now, Helian Tianxiao would order the entire army to disperse and turn into dozens of groups. Under a full-speed charge, even a small team can form a powerful combat force and become a sharp knife. After losing speed, the power of the small team dropped sharply, and Helian Tianxiao was not sure whether they could shake the enemy's defense line.

Boom, boom.

The Divine Wolf Division has a full strength of 10,000 men, and the Silver Frost Division has a full strength of 5,000 men. Although there have been casualties, the army still maintains a size of about 12,000 men.

The divine wolf in the middle is like a heavy bloody epee. The silver frost parts distributed on both wings are the cold light shining edge of this heavy sword.

The members of the Divine Wolf let out unconscious howls, veins burst out in their necks, and their muscles all over the body trembled with excitement. The blood spiritual power in their bodies resonated with the blood glow of the team. They couldn't hear their own howls, all the sounds were drowned out by the loud rumblings and roars around them, and the blood all over their bodies was burning.

No one can stop them!

The opponent's defense line was getting closer and closer, and they could even clearly see the closed eyes of the tower gunners in the opposite position.

The blood cultivators were grinning ferociously as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

A bunch of cowards!

They had never seen an enemy who was so scared that they closed their eyes. With such a group of cowards, how could they stop them?

wishful thinking!

Um? what is that?

Lines of fire rose up from the opponent's entire position. These lines of fire crisscrossed and formed a huge spider web of flames.

A young man who looked thin and pale stood in the center of the fire net. The flames rising under his feet almost swallowed up half of his body, and looked like a gorgeous and dazzling robe.

That's... Zu Yan!

The whole army of Liehua Blood Division was annihilated, which shocked the entire Divine Wolf. It was also from that time that Zu Yan came into their sight, although the fact that he was Le Buleng's disciple seemed more prominent.

Zu Yan suddenly opened his eyes and raised his right hand slightly.

The earth-fire spider web covering the entire position swayed silently, as if he was gently plucking the strings of a piano.

For some reason, Helian Tianxiao couldn't help but tremble.

Almost at the same time, the hive heavy artillery on the position roared in unison.

The dazzling bright light instantly blinded their vision, and the ear-splitting roar drowned out all sounds. The soldier in the front row felt his body shake as if he had hit a wall. He had no time to react and fell unconscious.

Witnessing this dazzling and gorgeous scene in the Duanmu sky at dusk.

The dense light beams, like fine and neat gratings, comb the dark night. It's like a wall, colliding head-on with the angry red waves. Duanmu saw it clearly at dusk. The roaring blood-colored tide seemed to have hit a hard rock, and there was a brief pause.

In an instant, the blood glow that was in direct contact with the artillery fire melted like ice and snow, and more than a dozen blood cultivators nearby evaporated and disappeared before they could even let out a wail.

Then a blazing ball of light exploded, and a sun seemed to appear in the dark night, as bright as day.

Duanmu Huanghuang had to squint his eyes, he was shocked.

Is this...a tower cannon?

He could hardly believe his eyes. Have their tower cannons developed to such a powerful level? They were attacked by the enemy at night just after leaving the border. Duanmuhuang, who was focused on dealing with the blood cultivators, had no time to take a closer look at the tower cannons on the position.

The gorgeous and terrifying artillery fire in front of him subverted his understanding of tower cannons.

It's obvious that I just shut up... Why does it feel like the world has changed?

Is Zu Yan the one controlling the rhythm in the Earth Fire Spider Web? Promoted to master? That familiar fat man... is actually a master too? Duanmuhuang was so shocked that his eyes almost dropped to the ground and rolled around.

Wait, artillery fire... artillery fire as fine and neat as a grating...

Duanmu Huanghuang suddenly opened his eyes, they were actually resonating!

Although only about half of the cannon fire resonates, but... the tower cannon can also resonate?

What the hell!

Duanmu Huang almost cursed out loud, why was everything in front of him so strange? The enemy's war department was so powerful that he was shocked. Are all blood repair war departments so powerful? He was also confused about Ting Feng Bu's generous death. Wasn't Ting Feng Bu a member of Mrs. Ye's family? The tower cannon became thicker and bigger, and the fat man became a master.

Duanmu Huang suddenly felt a little panicked. Could it be that he had been in seclusion for several years?

When the light dissipated, the vision returned to normal, and time seemed to freeze.

The rich blood glow shrouded by the surging army became much darker. The blood cultivators in the blood glow looked dazed, and some soldiers had blood spilling from the corners of their mouths. The blood light that envelopes the entire army can protect everyone, and it will also disperse the attacks to everyone. In the past, this was their huge advantage against blood cultivators, allowing them to ignore enemy attacks.

But this time, the round of artillery fire just now was like a powerful and heavy hammer, stopping their charge abruptly. They never expected that the enemy could launch such a shocking attack, which was contrary to common sense.

What's even more frightening is that a gap as neatly shaped as a comb appears at the front of the team.

Duanmuhuang's eyes flashed brightly, and he understood why.

resonance! Tower gun resonance!

Using the earth fire spider web to control the rhythm and guide the tower cannon to form a resonance is really a genius idea! Zu Yan, you can’t underestimate him!

Suddenly, Duanmu Huang suddenly raised his head, his eyes cast into the deep night, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

A little light flickered in the night.

The next moment, a cold light, like a giant sword opening the sky, came across the sky!

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