Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 629: A desperate move

Da da da.

The footsteps of metal combat boots broke the deathly silence of Xinguang City. The metal combat boots fell to the ground, and dark red flowers bloomed from the splashing blood. Occasionally, blood droplets splashed on the combat boots. They would fall to the ground silently like water droplets on a lotus leaf.

The boots are spotless and the pace is neither slow nor fast.

The streets paved with blue bricks were soaked in blood. Looking from the sky, the blood street stretched to the end of the city, and it was dazzlingly red. Puddles of undried dark red blood were like puddles left after rain. However, there was no freshness after the rain, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

Pedestrians were unaware and walked silently in the empty bloody street.

Several bloody human heads were carried in their hands, blood dripping down. The heads' eyes widened, fear and anger solidified in their expressions.

If anyone saw these heads, they would be surprised.

Yuchi Ba, who is attacking the Grand Master, and Xinguang City Lord An Chou Chou, known as [Ugly Elephant]...

But not everyone is dead. This street, no, to be precise, with the City Lord's Mansion as the center, the entire core area of ​​Xinguang City, now there is no one alive.

Xiaobao was walking at the front. He looked indifferent and said calmly: "Tell them that if they don't surrender before sunset, the whole city will be massacred."

Gui Hu responded: "Yes!"

Suddenly, Guihu's figure suddenly appeared in mid-air, using his energy to shout: "If the sun doesn't set, massacre the whole city!"

After glancing at the setting sun, Xiaobao looked back.

Guihu returned to Xiaobao and asked in a loud voice: "Why not just massacre the city?"

Xiaobao said calmly: "We are all Madam's subjects, so be compassionate."

Gui Hu said disapprovingly: "If you ask me, just kill these new people who are disobedient to discipline. What's the use of keeping them? Humph, Yuchi Ba has such a great reputation, but it's nothing more than that."

Xiaobao said: "Yuchi Ba is old and old, and has lost all his energy long ago. It's a pity for An Chou Chou, he is still quite talented."

Gui Hu was also somewhat impressed, and snorted coldly: "The fat man is not very capable, but I didn't expect that he has a strong temper."

Xiaobao said lightly: "Just a foolish and loyal person."

They came to a street intersection and stopped. A group of people appeared in front of them.

The leader was a trembling old man. When he saw them, he knelt down with a plop, prostrated himself on the ground and said tremblingly: "Xinguang surrender! Surrender!"

Others knelt down and worshiped on the ground: "I am willing to surrender!"

Xiaobao didn't look at them, and let them kneel down in a pool of blood. He turned to the others and said: "Xinguang is pacified, the next city is Miyano."

Surrounded by the breeze, the murderous intention is silent.

Helian Tianxiao felt a little regretful at this time, he underestimated the enemy. What was originally thought to be a devastating battle turned out to be full of variables. The expected collapse did not happen. The enemy's ferocity and tenacity surprised and shocked him.

Duanmu Huanghuang showed a strength far beyond that of ordinary masters. Helian Tianxiao wondered if the genius of the Duanmu family had reached the threshold of a master?

The bravery and courage of one person to stop the charging army... doesn't it mean that this guy is just a pretty boy?

And people like turns out they are also bloody!

Today, Helian Tianxiao no longer dares to look down upon the Third Department of the Central Committee. Shenwei Judgment teamed up, went deep into the camp alone, and kidnapped Ye Shuai and Nangong Wulian. In order to stop them, these people from the Tingfeng Department sacrificed their lives without any hesitation.

I used to think that the three central departments were rotten and superficial, but now Helian Tianxiao felt that they were too stupid and arrogant. The biggest reason for their consecutive defeats was their contempt for Yuan Xiu.

However, there is no regret in taking medicine.

The charge was blocked, and their situation immediately became extremely dangerous.

When others were in doubt, Song Xiaoqian was the first to make a decision. The surrounding breeze made little noise, but she felt extremely dangerous. She took off the bow and arrow on her back and shot an arrow above her head.

The light flashed away and disappeared into the deep darkness.

A trace of joy flashed across her face, she pressed her arm down slightly, and shot out an arrow with every point of downward pressure, twelve arrows in a row. The twelve streams of light were like peacocks with their wings spread out, and the three streams of light at the bottom disappeared.

The three arrows were swallowed up silently.

Song Xiaoqian felt a chill in her heart. Just now, she lost the sense of the three arrow lights.

Until now, she didn't know what was inside the breeze, but she knew it must be extremely dangerous!

However, the arrow light just now also allowed her to test the height of the surrounding breeze.

One hundred and twenty feet!

With Song Xiaoqian as an example, other generals also followed suit. The arrow light rushed towards the surrounding breeze like raindrops, and most of them were swallowed up by the breeze silently, but everyone quickly sketched the shape of the surrounding breeze.

Everyone gasped.

I originally thought it was a straight cylindrical air curtain, but then I discovered that it was actually a bell shape with a wide bottom and a narrow top. I just don’t know why, but there is a hole with a diameter of more than twenty feet at the top, and there is no breeze.

Helian Tianxiao felt a little lucky in his heart. He guessed that it was probably because there were not enough Yuan Xiu from the Tingfeng Department to launch this move, which resulted in such a large empty door being left behind.

Helian Tianxiao's guess was correct. The real "Tingfeng Youxin" requires at least half of the Tingfeng Department to complete.

[Tingfeng Youxin], the ultimate killing move created by Tingfeng Department to deal with the master. This dangerous and quiet breeze is called the "trade wind" in the Wind Department. It was discovered accidentally during a tragic battle. "Trade wind" does not belong to any of the five elements. It is derived from the product of the burning of Yuanli. Yuan Xiu burns all the energy in his body, like a burning candle, and the "trade wind" is the smoke of the candle, and its quantity is extremely rare.

So far, the Listening to Wind Department still has not grasped the core of "Trade Wind". Apart from Yuan Xiu burning his own Yuan Power, they have not found any other way.

The more Yuan Xiu that burns Yuan Power, the stronger the "Trade Wind" will become. This strange and mysterious wind has nothing to do with the five elements, but it can be integrated with the energy of heaven and earth.

Once the Tingfeng Cage is formed, it can exist for thousands or even ten thousand years without collapsing.

Even if the Grandmaster is trapped in the Wind-Listening Cage, he can only die quietly, listening to the sound of the breeze, in the darkness where he can't see his fingers for thousands of years.

Unless a catastrophe like the one in the late stage of cultivation occurs again and the energy of heaven and earth dissipates, Tingfeng Prison will disappear.

Unfortunately, Xiao Shan and the others do not have enough people, so [Ting Feng You Xin] cannot complete them all. Xiaoshan is not ignorant of this, but at this moment, if he can stop the charge of the divine wolf Yinshuang and buy time for the Tower Cannon Alliance, his goal has been achieved.

Looking at it now, everything is going well.

The faces of the soldiers of Divine Wolf Silver Frost were ugly. Divine Wolf Silver Frost was better at charging than flying, especially the ability to fly upwards and vertically was almost zero.

The circular wind curtain is one hundred and twenty feet long, and the exit at the top is only twenty feet long!

How to get out?

Time passed by little by little, and everyone became more and more anxious. They could imagine that the panicked camp of the Tower Cannon Alliance was gradually stabilizing, and the hive heavy cannons were turning their heavy cannons, pointing their muzzles at them.

Even if they rush out, they need to regroup and charge again.

Losing speed and facing intensive artillery fire, they were like fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Song Xiao apologized: "Build an ice ladder upwards!"

Everyone’s eyes lit up, what a great idea!

Ice wall is one of the most commonly used means by Yin Shuang. Ice wall can not only act as a defensive barrier, but also become a path for their charge. As long as they keep building ice walls upwards to form an ice ladder, they can escape.

The Silver Frost soldiers moved quickly, and the Silver Frost Wolf raised its hooves and hit the ground hard. Cold air filled the air, and an ice wall rose from the ground.

But soon everyone's faces became ugly.

The hard edges and corners of the cold ice wall quickly became rounded, and the ice wall shrank and melted silently. Reminiscent of the wind-eroded rocks on the Gobi Desert, it is as if an invisible breeze has eroded away this thick ice wall in a short period of time.

Someone asked in a trembling voice: "How could this happen?"

No one could answer his question.

Worse, there is no time.

A big man urged the Silver Frost Wolf to come out of the crowd and said in a deep voice: "If we win this battle, please ask the leader to take care of his family!"

Before Song Xiaoqian opened his mouth, the big man roared loudly, and the man and the wolf suddenly exploded into a ball of extremely cold mist, leaving no bones left.

An ice wall that was thicker and more crystal clear than before appeared again. The most peculiar thing was that the ice wall showed a light blue color, like a huge blue gem exuding cold air.

Song Xiaoqian's heart trembled, this was the unique Blood Explosion of the Silver Frost Department, [Frost Explosion]!

The ice blue wall lay in front of everyone. Wind erosion still existed, but the speed became much slower.

A silver frost warrior urged his mount, jumped onto the ice wall, and activated [Frost Explosion]!

The others fell silent, and everyone watched as the snow-white figures in the Silver Frost Department continued to line up, rushed up the ice wall, and activated [Frost Explosion].

The sound of [Frost Explosion] is not loud, just like the sound of ice cubes breaking.

The blue ice wall rises higher and higher amidst the constant sound of ice cubes exploding.

One hundred and twenty feet, four hundred and sixty people.

The light blue and clear ice ladder has a steep slope, leading diagonally to the sky above.

Song Xiaoqian's eyes were red, her teeth were biting her lips, and she was speechless.

Helian Tianxiao silently watched the formation process of the ice ladder, his expression was as stern as usual, and he bowed towards the ice ladder.

Helian Tianxiao raised his head, his expression cold, and the murderous intention surrounding him became deeper and deeper, as if it were real. He was like a murderer who had just stepped out of hell, with a cold look in his eyes.

Without saying a word, he took the lead and rushed towards the steep ice ladder. Although the ice ladder is steep, it is effortless for the divine wolf of the divine horse.

The others followed in silence.

The pale blue light of the ice ladder reflected their stone-like cold and solemn faces and red eyes.

The powerful wolf hooves fell gently and silently, as if they knew that under their feet was the body of their comrade.

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