Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 404: Withdrawal

"Fire!" With the shouting, Liu Ye's finger pressed on the launch button, and four laser beams flew forward, but the target began to turn flexibly, trying to hide.

Liu Ye pulled the joystick slightly, the laser beam turned around, and finally swept the target. The moment the target was swept, it became a fireball in the air.

Killed another one!

This is already the fifth aircraft, and he has become an ace pilot!

The rules have n’t changed in combat in space. As long as you can shoot down five, it ’s the ace pilot. However, in a fierce space battle, such a record is not easy to obtain. In many cases, when you shoot down two or three, you yourself Will be shot down.

Now, Liu Ye has already killed the fifth, and at the same time, his fighter plane was also hit by several laser beams. He is evading quickly, watching the energy shield display turn red repeatedly, his heart is also anxious, and he is also in a collapse. On the verge.

How many planes does the opponent have?

Initially, when he saw the number of fighters on the screen, he collapsed, but soon discovered that most of the targets were fake, but what about now? It seems that those fake targets have become real targets, and they can't fight anymore!

He just killed five, Qin Tian? At least fifty planes have been killed. Their entire team has destroyed at least hundreds of planes. However, there are still a continuous number of planes around them. It is like fighting a wheel fight. To die.

Their antimatter engines have sufficient energy, their laser guns can fire directly without energy storage, and their shields have always provided protection, but what about themselves? People are always tired. When they are tired, their reaction will slow down. As long as it is slightly slow for a microsecond, it is the gap between life and death!

"Oh, no!" There was a yell from the intercom, and then there was the sound of an explosion. Their formation was one less.

Qin Tian was fighting continuously. He looked at the dense laser beams in front of him. It was originally unprecedented, but when he heard another death in the formation, he changed his mind.

"Attention, prepare to open the wormhole tunnel, follow me to leave!" Qin Tian shouted loudly.

go away? Now that they have dashed halfway, they have made a lot of sacrifices. Shouldn't they stick to it?

When they set off, they all wrote their suicide note, and they didn't plan to come back when they came!

However, as a soldier, he must unconditionally execute the orders of his superiors. Since Qin Tian said to let them leave, they must also obey.

"Hunter, you come to open the channel!" Qin Tian said to a fighter in the formation.

"Hunter understands." The pilot of the fighter immediately turned on the wormhole generator and then asked: "Goal setting?"

"Any position!" Qin Tian shouted.

Wherever you go, just leave here first!


The fighter pilot of the nickname hunter quickly entered the command. Then, in front of his fighter nose, the space was twisted, and a wormhole quickly formed, pulling his fighter into it!

Other fighters also flew in one after another, flying in one after another.

Qin Tian's fighter plane flew at the end. He wanted to give everyone the rear of the house. This method could never be changed. After all the fighter planes were drilled in, Qin Tian's fighter plane was the last one.

"They slipped away again!"

Looking at the holographic display, the fighters disappeared one by one, and Peter the Emperor's eyes were filled with anger: "Catch, chase immediately!"

This time, should they be run away? Of course not, it must be chased!

Moreover, if you chase like this, you can also find the other party's secret. What happened to this sudden wormhole? Why did the other party suddenly open a channel? This kind of technology cannot even be possessed by one's own side.

Only after catching up can you find the other party's secret!

The second prince's eyes rolled around, and in the end he still didn't say anything. Yeah, it was also necessary to catch up.

So, just after Qin Tian's fighter plane just drilled into the wormhole, the fighter planes that followed were also drilled like tide.

"Quick, quick!" They were still very anxious, afraid that the fighter in front would escape, and if not for fear of instability in the wormhole, they might even fire directly in the wormhole.

Fool really followed behind! Qin Tian was happy in his heart.

Such a tactic was originally a predetermined tactic. If it is said that the other party cannot be eliminated for the time being, it is not so shameful to escape directly. Moreover, when escaping, you can also take the other party into the trap.

The first fighter that was chasing in front was getting closer and closer, and when the other party was excited, suddenly, he felt that his fighter was out of control and was flying towards the side wall of the wormhole, where it seemed What cannibal monsters!

He suddenly panicked, the engine's power was fully on, and wanted to get rid of this terrible source of gravity, but there was no way, that terrible gravity was still continuing, continued, his fighter plane was so attracted by the nameless gravity, Let him fall!

He wanted to call and wanted to remind people behind, but it was too late. His body was torn into pieces by a huge tide of gravity!

Behind him, an incoming fighter jet all fell into the abyss the same way, like a moth extinguishing a fire, one after another!

There is no fighter behind Qin Tian. When he walks out of the wormhole, he looks at the dark starry sky here. Sorotu and Xiaomei appear again in front of them. They are running and being torn by themselves. .

You can rest in peace. There are more enemies coming to bury you. Your sacrifice is not in vain.

Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart.

"Captain, what shall we do next?" Liu Ye's voice came.

We rely on wormholes to attract a large number of enemies. Now, let's continue our class?

There is a smile on Qin Tian's face, so why bother?

"Take a ten-minute break, and then we open another wormhole and drill back!"

They have just played very tired, and now, it is just time to take a break, then, drill from here, and hit the other party by surprise!

If all the other fighters of the other party came over, it would be best if they were empty and just happened to continue to complete the mission.

I don't know what happened to the other two teams! Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart, but, he believed that Liu Hu and Qin Hai, they were the most experienced commanders, and when it was critical, they would follow suit, drill back, attract each other to pursue, and then let the other party fall Fall into the trap!



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