Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 405: Second Prince's Idea

In the dark starry sky, there is strangeness.

Ten minutes had passed, but the fighter planes that entered the wormhole didn't receive any reply. When they got into the wormhole, there was no response.


The wormhole is a passage of space. According to the principle, it should be passed through at once, and then continue to kill the other party. Is it at the other end of the wormhole, what terrible trap? Why is communication interrupted?

The second prince is also pondering. He knows that the origin of this wormhole is very strange. If the secret of this wormhole cannot be obtained, then the other carrier ’s aircraft will never harass with such means.

So, how can one obtain the secret?

"We want to capture a prisoner, a living prisoner." The second prince came to this conclusion. Only by capturing a captive can he find the secret of the other's carrier aircraft. If he can get the other carrier's aircraft intact, , If you can leave your own to study, it would be even better.

No matter at what time, acquiring the enemy ’s weapons is the best way to study the enemy ’s equipment, and in order to avoid being acquired by the enemy, there is almost a complete self-detonation system on the carrier aircraft, as long as there are serious people trying to start and drive , May explode.

Therefore, it is not easy to get the other party's equipment, but as long as you get the captive and then directly read everything in the other party's brain through the brain reading system, you can know a lot.

"The other side was destroyed several times just now, but no one ejected and escaped. They all blew together with the carrier aircraft." As if he knew what he was about to ask, there was a sound in the hall.

This is the AI ​​in the palace. This AI is built with the latest quantum computer. It is simply a strategic analysis machine. Its emergence has greatly improved the command efficiency. It is also indispensable in this war.

Now, it has also participated in several people's discussions.

No captives!

"What do they want to do here?" The second prince continued to ask questions, and no one had to answer. He seemed to have thought of it.

Since the opponent's fighter can fly at the speed of light, and there are shields, of course, it also has powerful weapons. In this way, the purpose of the opponent's fighter is to blow up the planet of your own?

"Father and emperor, I have an idea." The second prince said: "We immediately started the planetary engine, pushed our black star out of its current orbit, into space, and then used our system here to fake a planet and set it up. A trap, when they came to attack, they could just capture them! "

Since it is possible to forge countless carrier-based aircraft, it is of course possible to forge a planet, even easier, so that their gravitational wave radar system believes that the black star is still here.

As for visual observation? Only when you are close, can you observe visually. When you observe from a distance, you can only see the small black spots of the planet against the background of stars. In a fierce battle, they are difficult to see.

Now that space technology is well developed, since it can drive huge starships, it can of course also drive the planet. When needed, the planet can leave the current orbit at any time and navigate in space as a large spaceship.

"What?" When he heard the suggestion of the second prince, Peter's face immediately went black: "We Black Star, because several aircraft of the other party came to attack and changed their orbits, we must avoid the war? Tasi , Sure enough, you will always be so cowardly! " Hearing the second child ’s bad idea one after another, Peter the Great is already impatient: "You still get out! Let me be upset here at least, go back to your laboratory, where is In your place, you just have to take care of how to continue to engage in scientific research in space. You do n’t need to intervene in fighting. "

"That father and emperor, you must take care." The second prince's eyes had a feeling of longing, but Peter the Great had not listened to him, and had turned his body.

Soon, a spacecraft flew from Black Star. No prince can continue to live in Black Star after reaching the age of 18. They all have their own residence, and the second prince leads the entire fee. The Imperial Academy of Sciences of the Bollie Empire lived on the planet of another star in the binary star, revolving around the other star. It was a small, insignificant planet, which could not even be observed from a distance.

After taking off from the black star, another light flashed in the eyes of the second prince.

Huh, never listen to me, you old man, don't blame me when you die! Now, this opportunity is just right! A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and he does not want to be an emperor's prince. It is only the fate of being slaughtered. Even if he is physically disabled, he cannot escape. The only way is to be his own emperor!

"His Royal Highness, shall we go back?" Said a servant beside him.

"No, let's go to Liberia. I have a gift for him." The Second Prince said.

Libeya ’s fleet is at the point of gravitational balance between the two stars. In this defense battle, they only need to deploy some carrier-based aircraft. They will not use the main fleet at all. If you want to use it, you must have His Majesty. Order only, otherwise, even loyal people like Libeia will be reprimanded by His Majesty.

Now, the second prince knows that if he wants to do something at this time, he must have a good relationship with Liberia. After all, the attacking Black Star is only one of the enemies, and there are two people.

Just after the second prince's spaceship left, a new fierce battle began again.

"Now, we set off and beat them by surprise!" Ten minutes later, Qin Tian opened his eyes, all his physical strength recovered again, his eyes were energetic, and he went to do him!

Another carrier-based aircraft under their hands turned on the wormhole generator, and they drilled back along this newly opened wormhole!

Why not just walk through the wormhole just now?

On the one hand, the wormhole is about to collapse. Although it has mastered the rules and will not collapse immediately, but what if so many carrier-based aircraft are drilled in case they are excited in advance?

Secondly, I do n’t know how many carrier planes are buried in the wormhole. There may be wreckage everywhere. It is easy to collide when drilling. Finally, if the remaining fighters of the other party are all guarded at the entrance of the wormhole? I was beaten when I got out.

Open a new channel and continue working in the past!

The big deal is to drill back and then go again! Continue to harass the other party and see how long the other party can last!

Would you like to contact Qin Hai Liu Hu with them and divide the team into several groups so as to attack back and forth? Qin Tian once again had the idea of ​​fighting guerrilla warfare.

Since he could not fight the battle immediately, he could only harass in this way, but Qin Tian did not know that his victory came so fast.



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