Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 403: Watch

This is the capital of the empire. As the supreme leader of the empire, of course he will stay here forever. He will never avoid the enemy.

Peter the Great is a stubborn person. As a leader, extreme and stubborn are a very good character. It is this character that makes them say nothing, and any ideas must be promoted.

Just like now, just dozens of carrier-based aircraft came and let him leave his capital? This is absolutely unacceptable.

Peter the Great had a firm face.

"Father and Emperor, they are different this time. They are dead." The second prince continued to persuade his father and emperor earnestly: "Their unit is clearly not going to go back, they just want nothing. Come and blow up our black star? "

"Huh, dozens of planes, they still can't do it!" Peter the Great continued to say coldly: "Tasi, if you are afraid, then leave first."

"No, Father, if you don't leave, then I won't leave either. I want to be with you."

The steadfastness of the second prince is only a slight dispel of the displeasure of Peter the Great. Let's watch their attack here. I want to see what they can do!

The starry sky map in front of Peter the Great disappeared and replaced with the current battlefield situation map. You can see that the opponent's carrier aircraft is coming towards you at a high speed.

"Well, they used a stealth machine to cause us a lot of damage in the past. Fortunately, our Tafi system can easily see through their invisibility. Otherwise, they may really make them sneak attack." Peter Continue to say: "Now, watch how they perish."

The other party ’s dozens of carrier-based aircraft formed a formation, and right in front of their flight line, they already had hundreds of fighters, forming a reliable line of defense. Behind this line of defense, the second line, The third line of defense is also being formed one after another, the other party wants to attack their own black star? Dream, if they come to battleships and bombard them with large naval guns, it may be difficult to parry. As for now? Impossible thing.

Peter the Great thought secretly in his heart.

In their gaze, the interception of the first line of defense has already begun.

Qin Tian ’s fighters have already flown to the front. Behind him are the remaining fighters in the formation. In just a blink of an eye, two fighters have been killed. Now they have 14 fighters left in the starry sky. Zhong keeps flying the S-shaped route, and at the same time, continues to move toward the other party's black star.

No enemy fighters can be seen around. The erroneous information on the gravitational wave radar system makes the road ahead full of unknowns, but they are fearless!

"Be careful!" Qin Tian shouted suddenly, and then everyone opened his eyes, and in front of them, almost hundreds of laser beams appeared. These laser beams were intertwined into a network, and they were in front of them. The road is blocked. If they continue to move forward, as long as they meet those laser beams, there will be terrible consequences. If they do not move forward, how can they attack the target?

Toward the heart of the enemy, advance!

No one flinched, they continued to move forward under the leadership of Qin Tian, ​​and Qin Tian ’s fighters, like flexible earthworms, twisted and continually wandered in space, drawing a beautiful arc, Drilled into this death net! In the past, this was also the case. Qin Tian believed in his technology and his luck.

"Be careful!" Liu Ye, who followed Qin Tian, ​​shouted loudly. He looked at the five or six laser beams in surprise, within a grid interwoven, Qin Tian dared to drill past, he had escaped the big Most of the laser beams, however, still had a laser beam swept onto his body!

At this moment, Liu Ye's heart was about to jump out of his chest, but strangely, there was no terrible explosion in front of Qin Tian's fighter.

His shield has been opened to the maximum! Compared with the previous fighters, their fighters also have the advantage that they can still be carried in addition to the use of mobile evasion, they have energy shields! They are like small starships. They are hit several times without harm. They can only be killed if they are hit by a large number of laser beams at the same time, or if they are sneak attacked.

Now, Qin Tian's fighter plane carried the laser beam hard and continued to move forward. He then pressed his own shooting button. With the four laser beams flying out, the front starry sky burst into a brilliant firework and hit one. An enemy plane!

What about a hundred? This is not an order of magnitude!

Our own side uses quality to win, as if on an ancient battlefield, tiger tanks often face the siege of T-34, but they are not afraid, and often win less with less, because they have the advantage of quality, I The shield is strong enough to carry hard, and my cannon is powerful enough to kill you easily!

Qin Tian took his fighter formations and kept moving forward, forward, they crossed the first line of defense!

"Okay, their fighter planes really improved again." Peter the Great's voice was cold.

As a high-ranking emperor, it would normally be enough to be a strategist, but Peter the Great is not. He also has a lot of tactical considerations, and he is also very clear about the carrier aircraft.

Now, the defense line composed of hundreds of fighters of your own side has been breached by the other side. Can the fighters of the other side escape even after being hit?

"Their fighters have reached the speed of light, and the protection is also very strong. It is like a small starship." The second prince echoed his father's words: "It seems that we should also build new ideas according to their ideas. A generation of carrier-based aircraft. "

They are always pursuing quantity. The largest quantity is of poor quality. However, this does not mean that they do not need it. Otherwise, their equipment of the Royal Forest Army is naturally the best.

"Yes, not bad." Peter the Great said: "You can consider, the task of research and development, will be given to you."

The second prince is responsible for scientific research, and now, such a thing is handed over to the second prince, that can't be better.

"Yes, father and emperor." The second prince agreed to come down: "However, our second line of defense, they will not easily break through, we have more fighters there, and at the same time, the fighters behind will also catch up and form An encircling circle, wipe them out completely! "

The other party just broke through the first line of defense and opened a mouth. Now, the planes on the line of defense have also begun to pursue. The perfect encirclement circle is about to form!



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