Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1127: Pass by

In the galaxy, wormholes are the main means of jumping back and forth. If there are no wormholes, it is impossible to sail through the entire galaxy.

Later, with the technology of artificially making wormholes, a large number of internal wormholes appeared, making the transportation within the Milky Way more convenient.

So, can we make a new assumption that there are wormholes to connect between extragalactic galaxies? If this is the case, the wormholes between the galaxies outside the river can communicate with the entire universe, and this kind of traffic is more convenient.

Until now, at least it can be said that the Milky Way does not have a channel to communicate with extragalactic galaxies. This may be caused by various factors. For example, opening wormholes requires energy, and opening wormholes between such galaxies requires Energy is even more astronomical, so it never appears.

As another example, it may have been before, but for some reason, the wormhole collapsed and was blocked. After all, with the wormhole and with the traffic, it means that there is war. If there is no wormhole, just rely on To travel at the speed of light, it is impossible to go back and forth between different galaxies, and the time required is too long.

Judging from the history of the Milky Way, the latter is more likely.

If there is no direct wormhole, is there an indirect wormhole, for example, can some wormholes appear in the vast expanse of space around the Milky Way?

As long as you have it, you can drill through. If the civilization on the other side is weak after drilling through, you can start a new era of interstellar colonization.

The seventh prince Yakov has always been expecting a miracle, because his luck has always been good, yes, many times, it depends on the luck thing, even if it is a country, it is naturally the same reason to have the saying of national games. .

A country can develop with luck.

Now, even if the wandering leaves the galaxy, Yakov still believes that he is the one with luck. This is why he has always been confident and never discouraged. Even if there is a fleet of pursuits in the back, there is an unknown field in front. He also has no psychological pressure.

Now, unexpected accidents are unpredictable.

The universe is vast and immense, but this does not mean that nothing will happen. This thing is probabilistic. If you are unlucky, even a small and insignificant meteorite may block their way. Up, under the impact of the speed of light, a small meteorite is enough to destroy their fleet.

Now, the sudden accident surprised everyone, and Qin Hai immediately shouted: "Attention, decelerating away from the speed of light, all personnel return to the combat position, ready to fight!"

At the speed of light, they cannot fight, and the other party must know their trajectory in advance before they can turn on the weapon system and aim at the strike. However, due to various influences, certain errors are caused, so they did not hit them.

Faced with this kind of provocation, they certainly have to guard against it, decelerating away from the speed of light, activating the energy shield, and having a big fight with the other party.

"No, keep going, just ignore it!" Yakov said.

"However, in this way we cannot activate the energy shield." Qin Hai said.

"They are just temptations. Don't be fooled. Besides, there is a pursuit fleet behind us." Yakov said.

Qin Hai understood immediately.

The size of our own fleet is too small, and it is easy to be used as a reconnaissance outpost by unknown enemies. The other party is only a tentative strike. What is really waiting is the main fleet behind.

Therefore, you do not need to leave the speed of light, so that the other party can quickly leave your light cone. Fire at the chasing fleet behind. In navigation at the speed of light, neither one has the ability to aim at another ’s fleet to fire, except that the fleet in the same direction is out of reach, even if it is passing other fleets because of fire The control system simply does not have this reaction time.

In the universe, the fastest speed is light. When an object flies at the speed of light, when it sees it, it has really come to the front, so how to intercept it?

Although in reality, entities can never really reach the speed of light due to limitations, but this subtle difference can at most be used to detect targets at a long distance and determine the trajectory of movement. If you want to attack at close range, you can never do it.

Those who have just intercepted their own side, it is clear that the technological level is already higher than that of their own side.

God knows what the other party is!

At this moment, a huge thing came roaring, passing by in their vision.

What did you see?

A huge elongated cylinder is like a huge pillar in the universe.

Of course, this is a unique phenomenon under the speed of light. The other party's body, if restored, should be a sphere, a huge sphere. It is estimated to be about the size of a normal planet, right?

This is not the inside of a galaxy, all kinds of planets are orbiting around, just an empty universe between two huge galaxies, how can there be a lonely planet?

What is that planet?

Everyone is full of curiosity.

Just now, if they slowed down, they would just face that planet. If it was a huge fighting machine, they would not have any chance of winning at all. That would be an incompetent existence.

The other party's attack just did not hit the other party. In addition to being tentative, it may also be the gravity of the other party's planet, which caused a slight deviation of the other party's orbit.

Fortunately, I passed by such a terrible big guy. Once I passed by in the universe, it was a farewell. Even if the other party was transferred to catch up, it would never be able to catch up.

"Slow down." Just when he was glad to escape from a terrible existence, Yakov gave the order.

slow down? Qin Hai was shocked for a moment. They just planned to slow down when they were about to face the game, but now that they have passed each other, why slow down?

"Your Majesty, our energy is precious." Qin Hai couldn't help saying.

It is not easy to use antimatter as the fuel of the engine. It is very valuable. Once they enter the speed of light, there is no accident. They cannot turn on the engine at will. The main energy used to maintain the ecological cycle system is good, but now , Your Majesty made them slow down?

How long can energy be used? Entering and exiting the speed of light several times will consume almost the same amount. Now, no matter how you look at it, it is not the most suitable.

"Yes, slow down immediately, the opportunity we are waiting for is now, even if the other party is a higher civilization, and the technology is higher than ours, we have to give it a try." Yakov said: "More, watching the other party hit us The pursuit fleet, this kind of scene, is rare to meet. "



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