Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1128: Stop chasing

"According to time conversion, it has been four years since the Milky Way." At this time, in the pursuit fleet, Lin Xiangqian said to Sima Qing: "Master Sima, are we going to stop this meaningless pursuit?"

At the beginning, the pursuit may be meaningful. After all, they aimed at the other party's sailing direction, but later, as the pursuit continued, more and more accidents could occur.

For example, during the pursuit, the fleet in front had already turned, but they did not find it. In fact, they could not find it. In this kind of light speed pursuit, they simply had no target information.

Although the internal time is not long, it has been four years since the outside, and eight years have passed since the return flight.

How is the situation over the galaxy?

No one knows, in this kind of voyage, the feeling of homesickness is also getting heavier. After all, this is different from before. Before sailing in the galaxy, although it is farther away from home, it may be in front of a new wormhole. The place went back at once, but now, they have left the galaxy and are getting farther and farther away.

This sentiment has already begun to spread within the fleet. If it continues, it will be a great blow to morale. Especially, if you can clarify your goals, it is okay to say that now it is completely aimless blind pursuit.

"Okay." Sima Qing said: "When we went back, we told our majesty that we had caught up with the enemy's fleet and wiped them out."

Lin Qiang suddenly stunned: "What do you say?"

"We have been out for so long, and the pursuit cannot be without results." Sima Qing said: "Anyway, no one knows, if there is no accident, this escaping enemy is already the last remnant, and we have eliminated this one. We do not have any regrets in the fleet anymore, so Your Majesty will surely please Longyan. "

They did not know that Edward the Emperor had died, and the Prince of the Deep Sea succeeded. The style of the Prince of the Deep Sea was completely different from that of Edward the Great. In particular, in the last battle, Sima Qing obviously picked the fruit and the current His Majesty. Grab credit? If Sima Qing knew the situation inside the galaxy, he would not dare to go back. Rather, as a civilized exploration fleet, he would sail forever in deep space, and would not go back to find death.

Now, he also feels almost the same, maybe eight years back and forth, plus steering, posture adjustment and the like, maybe ten years back.

The ministers and generals have enjoyed a stable life for ten years. Only they, for the empire, continue to advance and advance, sailing to the starry sky that has passed in the future, and waged fierce battles to fight the remaining enemies. Eliminate, how much should this credit be?

Your majesty will definitely be very happy, and then the entire Sima family will become an important and powerful family in the empire.

Hearing Sima Qing ’s words, Lin Qianqian was speechless. He could n’t do it if he was to cheat His Majesty together. However, if he did n’t agree to Sima Qing ’s request, it was obvious that he would not agree to return.

Therefore, the compromise is: "Well, when I went back to the report, I said that I was unwell during the pursuit and entered the hibernation cabin. Later, the entire fleet was commanded by Master Sima. All the credit, You are all alone. "

Lin Xiangqian said this, and Sima Qing was also satisfied. After all, he was only the warlord. The real main credit should belong to Lin Qianqian, the fleet commander. If Lin Qianxiang was comatose, then all the credit would belong to Sima Qing. It ’s human, of course it ’s good!

Sima Qing nodded: "Okay, just do what you said." "The entire fleet is watching, slow down." Lin gave the order forward.

The space in front began to appear strange, the curvature driven the engine to start, ironed the curvature of the space, a large hollow bubble was ironed, and then, under the pull of the force of the space, the starship began to slow down.

Decelerate to zero first, and then accelerate in the reverse direction, which is enough, even without adjusting the sailing attitude, and Lin Qianqian just issued an order to the fleet out of the inertia of his soldiers: "Attention, search the surrounding starry sky . "

At the speed of light, they are ignorant of all the stars around them. If you are navigating in the galaxy, the route planned in advance will definitely avoid those galaxies. If something hits halfway, it will be bad, and Now, after leaving the galaxy, there are now empty, nothing, even so, it is always good to search.

Suddenly, this search brought a terrible report to the quantum radar.

"Report, there is a huge celestial body approaching us!"

Giant celestial body? How is that possible? Of course, Lin Xiangqian knows that there should be no space around him, how can there be celestial bodies?

How are celestial bodies formed in the universe? That is the result of the evolution of the nebula. The nebula continues to attract each other under the action of gravitation, gradually becoming larger, and the light weight finally condenses together, pressing out the fusion reaction, becoming a star, and the heavy weight, becoming the solid state. Planet.

That must be within the galaxy. In this empty sky, there are huge objects? In any case, he did not believe it.

Did the quantum radar break down during this pursuit?

With such a question, Lin Qiang looked at the message sent back by the quantum radar. At this time, the starship fleet was still slowing down, and then, a beam of death shot from that celestial body!

laser weapon!

I originally thought that this kind of weapon would be the largest one on your own starship. Who would have thought that a laser gun of the other party is equivalent to the sum of the energy of all laser guns of a starship of your own!

Even if the shield had been raised, but still unable to counter the energy of this terrible laser cannon, a starship on the side of the formation was suddenly exploded and became a fireball in space.

"Attention, in the event of an attack, all the fleet will immediately enter the attack mode!" Lin Qian shouted loudly: "Eject the reserve carrier's aircraft!"

They originally had a large number of carrier-based aircraft, but in order to pursue them, under the urging of Sima Qing, those carrier-based aircraft were abandoned, so now there are only a few carrier-based aircraft left, and now, the remaining ships are left Carry out the aircraft and see what equipment is on the opposite side?

A huge planet-like battleship? Thinking of the news he just got, Lin Qianqian had an ominous hunch.



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