Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 1126: fate

Just after the Milky Way gradually returned to normal, in the distant sea of ​​stars, the two pursuit fleets were still chasing each other at the speed of light.

This kind of pursuit is actually quite reckless, because after entering the speed of light, the entire fleet forms a special cone of light. Within the cone of light, all are destiny, and outside the cone of light, there is nothingness.

Moreover, after entering the speed of light, the outside scene will become strange, for example, those starry sky will become strange scenes, from the stars that can only see the bright spots to the bright lines. .

Of course, this is when there are stars around them. When they are detached from the plane of the Milky Way, the surroundings will soon be dull. The huge spiral-like galaxy also has several spiral arms around it. They are completely behind them.

Behind them forever, because the light emitted from the back is exactly synchronized with their flight, so those lights stay behind the starship forever, forming a unique pattern, no longer changing.

In this context of the Milky Way, the pursuit fleet has also become eternal, and the fleet has always followed them firmly.

Draw a cone from the head of the starship. As a light cone, the chasing fleet behind is within their light cone, but the light cone of the rear fleet cannot cover them.

That is to say, if they turned at this time, they should be able to throw off the fleet behind, but they did not turn.

For thousands of miles, they have no choice but to retreat. The entire galaxy is occupied by the Ameine Empire. Their only way is to open up new territories.

The Large Magellanic Cloud, just before they flew out of the galaxy, chose this route. They only went to the new universe, just like when they just left their planet and expanded in the galaxy. Now, their only The way is to find a foothold in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

It was like the cowboys in the west in ancient times.

Qin Hai was standing on the bow of the starship, looking at the galaxy that was going away. At this time, there was a special feeling in his heart.

That ’s right, the ship ’s head. When they completed a voyage that accelerated to the speed of light, they immediately turned the hull. The engine at the rear was facing the front, so they could slow down at any time, so the starship flew backward. At the same time, you can also see the pursuit fleet behind.

Throughout the war, he has never met Qin Tian again. He has always been concerned about Qin Tian. After all, Qin Tian is the most important person in his life.

However, he would not be entangled with it. After all, as a clone, he was not worthy of having his own thoughts until later, only to have his own feelings, but the consciousness in his early years still existed in him. Heart.

Why would he betray the Empire and return to the Fibre Empire?

Also for repayment, after all, he owes Qin Tian.

Now, he was very worried, and at this moment, a voice came from his ear: "What are you thinking?" Their fleet is the last fleet of the Fibre Empire. At this time, Qin Hai turned his head and saw the seven princes Yakov and Yakov ’s face. Once again, it shows the kind of cynicality that has always been. In fact, even in the most difficult period of battle, even when your majesty, Yakov always has this expression, it seems that in his eyes, everything Not a thing.

"I didn't think about anything." Qin Hai shook his head.

"You are thinking, we are going to leave the galaxy forever this time, aren't we?" Yakov asked.

Seeing Qin Hai say nothing, Yakov was sure: "You think so."

Without saying anything else, Yakov ’s ability to perceive people ’s hearts is quite strong. He can even know what others are thinking, which is why many people follow him.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Hai showed the expression of his previous period as a clone, so as not to reveal his true heart.

"Actually, I was thinking about this when the war of imperial power was going on." Yakov said: "Our war will consume internally, but the Armenian Empire is accumulating strength, so in this galaxy war, We have little chance of winning. The only option is to exile the stars. "

"Your Majesty, why didn't you stop this war of imperial power?" Qin Hai asked with some surprise. He could clearly speculate that it appeared in all this, but he continued to fight and consumed his own strength.

prevent? Yakov sneered: "This is our destiny. If we want to stop this war, we can only defeat our opponents as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we still failed."

This is almost unsolvable. This is an inevitable result of their political model. Every previous replacement of the imperial power is the same. It was just that when the Armenian Empire did not actively invade, it was because of seeing This situation is not stable, so when the father and emperor were in the prime of time, they decided to take the initiative to invade the Amelia empire and take the Amelia empire into their pockets to completely solve the hidden dangers.

It's a pity that the father and emperor died. The domestic war of imperial power has been going on for a hundred years, and the vitality is badly hurt. If there is no such a general like Qin Hai, I am afraid that I will not stick to the end.

"However, I still found something strange." Yakov said: "The fourth elder has more secrets. This secret is related to the rebellion of the Armed Colony of the Armenian Empire. Later, I passed Judgment, I firmly believe that the secrets come from the Large Magellanic Cloud, so if we go there, we may gain more power. "

"However, when we get there, the outside world has already changed." Qin Hai said.

In the myth of ancient times, there is a saying that there is a day in the sky and a year on the ground. I do n’t know whether humans at that time had knowledge of relativity. In short, in the speed of light, time is so strange, and we have not felt how long it has passed But what about the outside world?

The outside world is already a sea of ​​turmoil. The Milky Way does not know how many years have passed. It has gained strong power and then returned to revenge. What is the point?

Yakov shook his head: "No, I have always had a hunch that we will not continue to travel at the speed of light. Maybe there will be a miracle waiting for us in front of us. For example, in the empty universe here, there is an unknown Wormholes, can we shuttle between galaxies outside the river? "

Just finished, suddenly, a terrible red light flew over their heads, this red light contains terrible energy, it is a super laser weapon!



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