Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3489 Extra Story Mr. Zhuang 5

Who would be willing to bother to start a school if you can teach students to make money without worrying about it? Mr. Zhuang agreed, so he packed his bags and took his wife back to Luojiang County.

Zhuang Dalang didn't expect his father to be a teacher in such a remote place as Qili Village. He felt that it was too hard, so he persuaded him a few words, "Now the family is not very short of money, even if the wages in the county are less, it doesn't matter. My son can support the family now. Now, why go to such a remote place?"

Mr. Zhuang said with a smile: "It's not very far away, it's less than two hours to the county seat, and since Mr. Bai chose to make his home there, obviously there are still merits there."

Zhuang Dalang, "That's too hard."

Mr. Zhuang didn't think it was hard work, "How can it be hard work just to teach one student?"

Seeing his father's insistence, Zhuang Dalang had no choice but to give up and stop persuading him, but he was worried after all, and he would go to see him after a while and send some meat to them, fearing that they would not even have meat to eat in the countryside.

I went there a few times and found that the Bai family treated Mr. Zhuang very politely. Among other things, they would send a piece of meat to Mr. Zhuang and his wife every day. In addition, Qili Village has a beautiful scenery. I just teach a student, and my life is more comfortable than before. some.

Zhuang Dalang seldom went there again when he saw him. He was also busy, so it was enough to know that his parents were doing well.

Bai Zhi is a very good student. He is smart, self-disciplined, and has clear goals. Mr. Zhuang didn't have to work hard to teach him. After teaching him for a short time, Mr. Zhuang felt that he was more suitable to go to a better school, such as a county school or a prefectural school. Learn better here.

Although Master Bai was a country gentry, he only settled down in Mianzhou during his father's generation, and he was still young, so he had no way to enter the government and county schools.

In the end, it was Mr. Zhuang who helped to move around, and invited a few friends to catch up with the county school teaching instruction in Mianzhou, and asked Bai Dalang to study in the county school.

After Bai Dalang was sent away, there were only a few Zhuang family children who came to school sporadically. They had very little Shuxiu, and the Bai family basically paid the bulk of the money for Mr. Zhuang.

When Mr. Zhuang was hesitating whether to continue teaching in Qili Village, Master Bai directly stuffed his young second son into the school.

He said with a smile: "This child can also be enlightened, please be more considerate, sir."

Mr. Zhuang looked down at the round-headed and ignorant Bai Erlang, and couldn't help smiling, "Second Young Master is still young, so he is enlightened at such a young age, I'm afraid he won't be able to sit still?"

"It's okay, just hit him if he can't sit still, he just can't sit still, so I thought about opening up early, so that if he can't learn it in one year, then he can learn it for two or three years. If he is not very smart, he can learn it earlier than others Two years."

Mr. Zhuang had an intuition that this was not good, but after seeing Mr. Bai, who would roll up his sleeves and beat up his son if he didn't accept him, Mr. Zhuang still nodded in agreement.

So Bai Erlang was sent to the school, because he was smaller and shorter than others, so he sat in the first row.

He doesn't like reading, and his parents taught him to read poems at home. He was very happy to follow along at first, but later they always asked him. Sometimes he could remember, and sometimes he couldn't.

When he can remember, they will praise him happily, and when he can't remember, they will be fierce, so Bai Erlang is not willing to tell them whether he can remember or not.

Humph, as long as he doesn't say anything, they won't be happy and angry.

Bai Erlang didn't listen to the class very seriously. He thought he was already the youngest student. Unexpectedly, after only two months of class, Mrs. Zhuang died of illness. Mr. Zhuang came back to class after a few days of sadness, and hired a The woman was cooking, and then during the class, a child slowly moved to the door while leaning on the wall, lay down directly over the threshold, and then looked up at them with a small face.

Sitting in the first row, facing the door, Bai Erlang: ...

Even smaller than him.

Mr. Zhuang was also very surprised. He had to put down his book, pick up the child, and went out to find Mrs. Qian who was cooking.

He was a little angry, how could he not even look after the child, there is a river not far from the school, what if he rolled into the river...

Mr. Zhuang's anger dissipated when he saw Little Qian who was bending over to chop wood, and he still gently returned the child to her.

After that, the child often crawled into the classroom, and she didn't make a fuss. She just sat on the threshold and looked up at Mr. Zhuang with curiosity in her eyes, wondering if she could understand what they were saying.

Mr. Zhuang likes this little girl very much, and Bai Erlang doesn't dislike her either, after all, she is the little girl who is the closest in stature to him.

But soon, his thoughts disappeared, because she quickly learned to speak, and the first cry was "Sir" with them.

Then, her language ability improved rapidly, she quickly jumped out from one word to one word, to two words and two words, and finally she was able to read four words and four words like them. .

Mr. Zhuang was not surprised by the speed at which she spoke. It is normal for children to learn to speak quickly, but it is not normal for her to memorize the thousand-character prose.

The boy had a wonderful memory and was incredibly clever.

Mr. Zhuang was overjoyed, it was the first time he had seen such a smart child, who wouldn't like it?

He was shaking, shaking, because of Zhou Man's appearance, the sadness in his heart because his old wife left him has faded a lot.

He kept swaying from side to side, and finally, under the temptation of Zhou Man getting bigger and smarter, he still couldn't help accepting her as his disciple.

Disciples and students are different.

When he took the teacup offered by Zhou Man, the hesitation and anxiety in Mr. Zhuang's heart disappeared instantly. He thought, well, he has already reached this age, and his life can see the end, so what is there to be afraid of?

And Zhou Man is still young, if he doesn't teach her, her life can see the end at a glance, she is so smart, how could he be willing to let her shine in the dust, and spend her life like this?

Although studying, she will encounter greater and more adversity in the future, and being smart will make her suffer, but...she is sober, at least she can have more choices, there may be more pain, but happiness will also be more many.

For example, looking back on the past, he never regretted his studies. Although he encountered many setbacks in his life, he did not regret going to Yizhou to study, nor did he regret going to the capital...

Although the future is cut off, he will not deny the experience in Longzhou.

Although painful, but sober, reading will give him the capital to think and choose his future path.

Even if he has been mediocre and accomplished nothing all his life, it is due to his lack of ability and bad luck, and his heart is clear.

Mr. Zhuang wanted to give this smart and sensible child more choices, and let her know that she was born as a human being, and what kind of character and life a human being should have.

Mr. Zhuang let out a breath, curled up his lips and drank the tea that Zhou Man offered, patted her on the head with a smile, and said, "Study hard in the future, and don't let down this opportunity to study."

Man Bao raised his head and nodded fiercely, "Don't worry, sir, I will study hard."

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