Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3490 Extra Story Mr. Zhuang 6

Mr. Zhuang felt that he was lucky to receive Zhou Man as a disciple. He didn't even think that he would accept three beginner disciples in his life.

He is not a famous teacher, he is impoverished, and he has such stains on his body. It is no problem to teach in the school. No one will ask and explore carefully, but the disciples in the room...

It is a master-student relationship like a father and son, so naturally one has to be more careful.

His experience can't be hidden from Master Bai and Mrs. Bai, they didn't expect them to be willing to hand over their children to him.

Mr. Zhuang looked at the three children in front of him and happily accepted them.

The longer he was a teacher, especially the teacher of these three children with very different personalities, the longer he was, the better his temper became, and the more he learned the ability to turn a blind eye.

Among the three disciples, only Bai Erlang could see the bottom line at a glance. Regarding Zhou Man and Bai Shan, he knew that they were hiding something from him.

Everyone has secrets. Mr. Zhuang may have had an inquisitive mind at the beginning, but as time goes on, the longer the two children are, the better they are, both in terms of intelligence and character. They are all above him. To explore the secrets they are unwilling to tell?

He no longer remembers when he discovered Zhou Man's anomaly, maybe after he found out that she was reading some books he had never seen before, maybe earlier, that child can always come up with delicious candies.

Mr. Zhuang didn't doubt it at first, the Zhou family always loved Zhou Man, so it was not surprising to buy candy for her, and he hadn't bought candy for many years, so he didn't know that there was no such candy in the market.

Even if he occasionally found out that Zhou Man and the others were buying and selling candy to make money, he didn't take it seriously, he just thought that the Zhou family children were so good at keeping secrets that they didn't even ask outsiders to find a candy craftsman.

Later, Zhou Man exposed more and more flaws, those gossip books he had never heard of, those books recorded unofficial histories that had never appeared before, the truths in those books, and the occasional similarities between words, but A better tool than today's...

Mr. Zhuang vaguely knew that Zhou Man had his own opportunity, and because the three children were close, her opportunity became three people's.

Mr. Zhuang didn't say anything, and he didn't ask anything, but the books that appeared in Zhou Man's hands would always be confiscated by him to observe, and he would return them as a reward after reading them.

Mr. Zhuang thought that it might be difficult for ghosts and gods to affect the world, but there should be ghosts and gods.

Otherwise, how to explain the books appearing in Zhou Man's hands?

She is a lucky child, not only because she has access to a better world, but also because of her intelligence and hard work, she grasped what was handed to her.

Among the three disciples, Zhou Man's condition is the worst, not only because of her family background, but also because of her status as a woman.

Her identity is doomed that she wants to stand out in this era, and she needs to work harder than others.

This was originally a painful thing, after all, she needed to work harder than others for the same achievement.

However, she was too young, and she didn't aim at fame and fortune at the beginning of her studies. Her original intention of studying was too clean, so that she couldn't think of it, so she was very happy and didn't feel pain during the process.

Mr. Zhuang hopes that their lives will be happy and smooth, so naturally he will not point out this point, and let them grow up laughing and laughing like this.

Among the three disciples, Zhou Man's achievement is also the greatest. When she started to preside over the promotion of vaccinia, and it was really effective in eradicating smallpox, Mr. Zhuang knew that no matter whether she made further progress in the future, she would still be lost in the trend of history. She will be an important stroke in the history books.

No one can kill her existence, her achievements, if she can achieve this in life, and leave such achievements, it proves that she has come to this world and made such great achievements for this world, so it is not in vain for her to come to this world It's been a while.

From that moment on, Mr. Zhuang completely let go and let them do what they want.

Their achievements are already above his, and their horizons are beyond his reach. Guiding them again will only constrain their development. It is better to let them go and let them do what they think is right.

Although those things may not be right or good, but with his knowledge, it is already difficult to judge.

Even if he later became an emperor teacher.

The new emperor, like the first emperor, has a very good advantage, which is also his shortcoming-emphasis on emotion.

Xindi has a good impression of Mr. Zhuang who has given him a lot of advice but made him feel comfortable.

In addition, the first emperor appointed Mr. Zhuang as the prince's young tutor, so after he ascended the throne, he didn't hesitate at all, and directly respected Mr. Zhuang as a teacher, and let him stay in the palace to give lectures for him, and by the way, educated the new prince. Take it.

Of course, Kong Jijiu is still the number one emperor teacher, no one can surpass him, after all the crown prince offered tea to him, he is a serious emperor teacher.

However, he was getting old, and soon after the new emperor ascended the throne, he resigned from his post of offering sacrifices to wine, and only took the illusory title of an emperor's teacher and a prince and grand tutor to go home to support him.

No matter how many conflicts there were between their teachers and students, the new emperor had to show special reluctance, and after persuading them twice, he agreed decisively, and then promoted a great Confucian who was also well-known among scholars to replace Guozijian to offer wine post.

However, he did not confer the title of Taifu to the other prince, but added Mr. Zhuang as Taifu to the prince, and let him be mainly responsible for the education of the prince.

Before that, Yingnu had been studying in the palace with his uncles, brothers and cousins. Mr. Zhuang served as a lecturer at the Chongwen Museum, and he had two classes in a ten-day period, so Yingnu was no stranger to Mr. Zhuang.

Unlike his father, this child is more gentle and courteous. He quite likes Mr. Zhuang, but he thinks Mr. Zhuang is too gentle, and he is afraid that he cannot be taught well.

He prefers a gentleman who is knowledgeable and serious like Kong Jijiu, who doesn't talk nonsense in his lectures. He can gain a lot by listening carefully every time in class.

Unlike Mr. Zhuang, he was always afraid that they would not understand, so he had to break up every sentence and tell them various fables occasionally.

Ying Nu felt that they were not children anymore, he had read those fables before and didn't want to hear any more.

So after the father's order was issued, Ying Nu expressed his disapproval at the dinner that night, and said: "Aye, you should ask my opinion first when you choose a teacher for me."

The queen gave him chopsticks of vegetables and said to him, "You, Aye, did not choose wrongly. Mr. Zhuang is very good. You see, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Bai, and your uncle were all taught by Mr. Zhuang. How wonderful."

What the queen didn't say was, look at you, Aye, you used to be like a cock that got angry, and would explode from time to time, but after Mr. Zhuang taught him, not only could he listen to the class of Chongwenkan, but his temper also calmed down a lot, how wonderful.

What woman doesn't like a gentle husband?

See you tomorrow

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