Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3488 Extra Story Mr. Zhuang 4

"Don't even think about it," the man looked around, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhuang was forced to leave. He was the one who was asked before he left. He will not be allowed to be an assistant for the rest of his life. Done, do you think he can promise Mr. Zhuang to be the chief bookkeeper in the army?"

"You, a military officer, are living under the hands of others, how can you protect him?"

Wei Canjun's expression changed, and he asked, "Okay, why are you forcing him so hard?"

"Well, it's just a quarrel between two children." The matter in the school is not a secret, and Mr. Zhuang and his wife were so anxious to go out to find their children a few days ago, they knew it as soon as they inquired.

The speaker's family also has a son who goes to school in the school, so he knows it in detail.

Wei Canjun was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and he said after a while: "Du Cishi asked Da Langjun to humiliate Mr. Zhuang like this. If Mr. Zhuang is bloody, he can't stay here anymore."

If the incident happened, Du Cishi would press his son and Mr. Zhuang to apologize, and the matter would be easily overturned, but Mrs. Du even asked someone to bow down to the dealer, but Du Cishi not only did not stop, but went further. The backbone and face of Mr. Zhuang and his son are trampled on the ground.

Wei Canjun shook his head, and said regretfully, "That's fine, but I still have to send Cheng Yi off."

"I'll send one too."

When Mr. Zhuang left, he received a lot of messages from Cheng Yi. Everyone knew the reason for his departure in private, but no one said it in person. Don't say that you are in charge of Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Zhuang returned to Luojiang County.

When he left, all the fields here were sold, and only one old house was left, but the old house had not been occupied for many years, the house was already abandoned, the yard was full of weeds, there were several big holes in the roof, and countless cold winds were blowing. The whistling poured into the house from the roof.

Mr. Zhuang took his wife and children back to the county seat, first found an inn to live in, and started renting a house the next day.

He said to his wife and children: "The old house will be repaired slowly in the future. Dalang is still studying in the county town. Whether I am working as an accountant or doing other things, I have to stay in the county town. It is better to rent a house here."

Neither Miss Ji nor Zhuang Dalang had any objections.

It's just that the house is not easy to rent. Luojiang County is too small and poor. Who would rent out an empty house?

Therefore, the house he can rent is either very large and expensive, or the location is very bad, and the neighborhood is mixed.

Mr. Zhuang returned to his hometown just because of Zhuang Dalang, so he naturally didn't want to live in such a place. What if he learned those habits and went to the left, what if he was already not very good-natured?

So Mr. Zhuang looked at it for a long time, finally gritted his teeth, and spent almost all his savings to buy a small yard.

He fell in love with that small yard early in the morning, and the neighbors are quite harmonious. Most of them are scholars, or people who open shops in the county town. The sellers want to collect money to do business, so they only sell and don't rent, otherwise renting is the best. .

Mr. Zhuang bought the yard, so he didn't have much money, so he collected the rest and sent a few decent paintings to sell in Mianzhou, which was enough money for Zhuang Dalang to go to school.

Only then did Mr. Zhuang go out to look for a job. After searching for a long time, he finally became a bookkeeper as Zhuang Dalang wished.

Naturally, the salary cannot be compared with when I was a staff member, but it is enough to support a family of three and send one child to school, but the standard of living is worse than before.

In the past in Longzhou, they didn't say that they could eat a meat dish every day, but they could always eat it the next day, and there were always snacks at home.

But when they returned to the county seat, because of limited wages, they might eat meat twice in a ten-day period, and they only made or bought dim sum during the holidays.

But Zhuang Dalang was very happy, his daily appetite was increasing, and he didn't mind not having meat at all.

He felt that he was very happy in this way. Although there was less delicious food, he lived peacefully and comfortably every day.

No one will bully him here, and the neighbors of the same age even envy him, thinking that his father is gentle and knowledgeable, and he doesn't know how to beat children.

Zhuang Dalang also felt that this kind of life was very good, his restless emotions were gradually calmed down, and he lost the sharpness and resentment he had before.

After three or four years like this, Zhuang Dalang didn't want to go to the county school to study, he didn't want to take the exam, he didn't want to be an examiner, and he didn't want to work in the county government.

Mr. Zhuang saw that he was so repulsed by officialdom, so he simply took him with him and taught him to keep accounts.

Zhuang Dalang learned these things very quickly. He had academic skills in school before, and he liked his father as an accountant very much, so he often watched his father keep accounts, so he naturally knew it.

He got started very quickly, and Mr. Zhuang recommended him to his employer.

Seeing that he could completely take over Mr. Zhuang's job, the boss couldn't help but like it, and Mr. Zhuang was willing to give up the job to his son, so the boss hired Zhuang Dalang at a lower salary than Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Zhuang left his work as an accountant, slapped his ass, and found a school in the county town to teach.

The father and son made money together, and without Zhuang Dalang's large annual expenditure on repairs, the family quickly became rich. Mrs. Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to find ways to propose marriage to Zhuang Dalang.

In the end, Zhuang Dalang's daughter-in-law was found by himself, and her family was richer than the Zhuang family's. However, their family took a fancy to the Zhuang family's father and son, both of whom were scholars, and felt that their family had lost their family fortune because of studying.

Now they have no one to study, and they will only make money in the future. Without large expenditures, the family will only get richer and richer, so they don't mind at all that the dealer does not have two acres of land, only a small yard.

Moreover, when they have children in the future, they don't need to send them to schools, they can teach them at home, and save a lot of money, which is great.

It's a pity that their plan fell through in the end.

Because after Zhuang Dalang married his wife, the whole person became more peaceful. Mr. Zhuang felt that the child would grow up like this. He had a wife and would have children in the future. He was already the head of the family, and he no longer needed a father like him Take the helm a little bit.

So Mr. Zhuang first worked as a teacher in Luojiang County for two years. Later, because there were people in Mianzhou who hired him, the salary was relatively high. Considering that his daughter-in-law was about to give birth, and the family still only had two acres of land, the assets were too small. , I was afraid that it would be difficult to raise children in the future, so I simply took my old wife to Mianzhou.

He worked as a teacher in Mianzhou for several years, and saved a sum of money. Because he was dependent on others, he didn't get along very well. He was considering opening a school by himself, but was the address in Mianzhou or Luojiang County?

Before he could make a choice, Master Bai Mingming, who had just moved to Luojiang County, came to his door and invited Mr. Zhuang to work as a teacher at home.

See you tomorrow

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