Qili Village is a relatively closed village. Whether you come from the county seat or the direction of Baimaguan Town, you have to walk a certain mountain road.

Therefore, as long as someone guards the mountain road, basically no outsider can enter this village unknowingly.

The local villagers are exceptions, because in the mountains, there will always be some trails coming in, although it will be difficult to walk.

So Wei Zhi didn't hide his tracks in Qili Village. He trimmed the flower branches at Bai's house, and drank two cups of tea with Liu's family. He walked out the door with a guard behind his back, and wandered in the fields curiously.

Wei Zhi was in his prime, and now he was the secretary supervisor, performing the duties of the prime minister. Of course, his rank was not very high, just like the Six Books.

But before he became a secretary, he was relegated to a local area and served as a county magistrate. Naturally, he has some understanding of farming, not to mention that he also grows fruits and vegetables in his own yard.

God may have adjusted the rain all summer to fall together last month. Since half a month, it has been mostly sunny, and occasionally some rain will fall in the evening. It is not big and the time is short. Basically, the ground is wet gone.

Therefore, at this time, there is very little water in the paddy fields, basically only a shallow layer, and the dry land is even more dry.

Perhaps the recent sun is too good, the speed of the rice heading has accelerated, and the rice left in the paddy field is slightly bent.

Wei Zhi went and pinched it. About half of the ear was empty, and the other half was slowly filling up. At this time, there was more grass in the paddy field than rice. Looking over one piece, the grass next to the rice was cleaned up. In addition, other aquatic plants are allowed to grow.

Wei Zhi sighed, seeing a lot of paddy fields in this situation, no wonder the magistrate of Luojiang County specially arranged for someone to sing in front of him.

"Let's walk down the river."

The guard replied "yes".

There are roads on both sides of the river bank, and occasionally there are ditches leading to the fields. The ditches are not big, but they are deep enough and there are many.

As he walked down, he saw three pieces, Wei Zhi couldn't help but nodded, "Although this village is remote and poor, the water conservancy is doing pretty well. If there are no natural and man-made disasters, the people here can live and work in peace and contentment."

There should be no worries about food and clothing, just a little money.

The guard didn't say anything, he just needed to protect the adults, he didn't understand this kind of thing.

Wei Zhi grabbed a wild vegetable and continued down the river. Not long after he walked, he heard the sound of reading aloud from the other side of the river. He couldn't help but stop and look to the other side.

From here, you can see Mr. Zhuang standing in the classroom.

Mr. Zhuang is leading everyone to read the Book of Songs. Of course, this is Bai Erlang's class, and the students in the two rows of desks near the village are immersed in writing.

The master asked them to copy the new chapter of "The Great Learning" twice, and then recite it. The meaning will be explained later.

Bai Shanbao had already previewed it in advance, so he was confident enough to transcribe slowly.

Man Bao frowned tightly, stammeringly recited the broken sentence, and then recited it again before picking up the pen to write.

She was a little nervous because she was addicted to "The Complete Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" for the past two days. She didn't preview all her homework, and she didn't even review the knowledge she had learned before.

In case the teacher calls her up to answer questions...

Man Bao wrote more seriously, and planned to ask Bai Shanbao about the interpretation of this new article after he finished writing.

Wei Zhi listened with his hands behind his back for a long time on the other side of the river, then nodded slightly and said, "With the school here, the day will be more comfortable. No wonder Mrs. Liu moved here with her grandson."

"Do you want to go over there and take a look?"

Wei Zhi shook his head, "No hurry, Mr. is in class, we don't want to disturb, just wait a little bit later."

He continued to walk along the river, and when he went further, the river turned a small bend and came to a small bay.

Zhou Xi and three younger siblings are weeding and watering the vegetable field.

The vegetables in the field are growing well, and all the seeds they have planted have grown. They need to take out some vegetable seedlings and plant them so that it will grow faster.

But the sun is so strong, of course they can't plant it now. Now they are just here to loosen the soil, water the vegetable seedlings, and hoe the grass that comes out.

Zhou Xi estimated that in about ten days, some dishes could be sold in the county town.

Zhou Xi supported his waist and stood up, took off his straw hat and fanned the wind. Seeing He also stood up with his waist, he said, "Third younger brother and sister, go back first."

Feng Shi also said: "Yes, there are us in the field. You are pregnant with a child, so you can't be too sunburned."

Mrs He hesitated, Mrs Fang also smiled and said, "Second sister-in-law, go back, or the third uncle should come to pick you up later."

Both Zhou Xi and Feng shi couldn't help laughing, and He shi blushed and said, "I think you want the fourth child to pick you up, but he can't."

As she spoke, she looked up and saw Wei Zhi, slightly surprised.

She hurriedly motioned her aunt and sister-in-law to take a look. Everyone turned to look, and met Wei Zhi's curious eyes, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

Wei Zhi could see that their faces were wary. He had already learned from the guards that people in this village had just had a conflict with those three people not long ago, and it was normal to be wary of strangers at this time.

He then introduced himself with a smile, "I'm a friend of Master Bai. I'm here for a short stay. I'm bored out of my spare time, and I'm not disturbing your work, right?"

Zhou Xi clenched his hoe and asked, "Are you a guest of Master Bai?"

"Exactly." Wei Zhi paused and smiled, "If you don't believe me, just go to the Bai family and ask. I had dinner with the two young sons of the Bai family last night."

"Oh, so the banquet hosted by the Bai family last night was for you." As he said this, Zhou Xi and the others relaxed and said with a smile, "Why did your lord come here, the sun is so hot, and the river is so hot. Lots of mosquitoes..."

Wei Zhi was a little stunned, and asked, "How do you know that the Bai family held a banquet yesterday?"

Zhou Xi smiled and said, "My youngest sister said it when she came home."

In fact, Man Bao was curious about what the banquet was like, so he specifically asked Lao Zhoutou if he had ever eaten the banquet.

Of course, the old Zhoutou said that he had eaten it, and gave her an example. Every time her second brother came back from the county town late, eating the rest of the dinner for him at home was a feast for the wind.

So the Zhou family all know that a distinguished guest came to the Bai family yesterday, and Master Bai specially set up a banquet for the guests to wash away the dust.

Wei Zhi's memory has always been good, and he remembered it after a little thought. He smiled and asked, "Your younger sister's name is Man Bao?"

"Yes, yes, it's called Man Bao, have you seen it?"

I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it. I heard that Mrs. Bai is a very smart child, as smart as Bai Shan.

I heard that the two are of the same age, not only classmates, but also at the same table.

So he always thought Man Bao was a boy, could it be a girl?

Wei Zhi asked, "Is Yaomei his nickname?"

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