In a word from Man Bao, her brothers and sisters-in-law were the ones who broke their legs, but there is no rush. The summer harvest has not yet started, and the top priority is to repair the roof.

The next day on Tuesday, Lang and the others went to the village chief's house to borrow a scooter.

The villagers knew that they were going to the city to buy tiles and come back to repair the house, and several people who had taken their money and rice eggs before followed them.

If there is no scooter, they will carry big bamboo baskets on their backs. When the time comes, they can carry them directly back without having to go back and forth several times.

Old Zhou Tou went to talk to the village chief and the village elders about growing winter wheat.

Although it is still early, this kind of thing still has to be prepared in advance, such as fat, and now it is time to start thinking about preparation.

Farming is different from other things, that is, the more people the better, the better.

In fact, there are quite a few people who have this idea, but they haven't made up their mind yet, so no one in the village has mentioned it for the time being.

This time, the old Zhou family brought it up first, and many people were moved, but they also had doubts, "This winter wheat, will the soil strength be enough to grow rice next year?"

The yield of rice has always been slightly higher than that of wheat, so if the two can only be grown in one season, people naturally choose to grow rice.

"It's a big deal, everyone should work harder and get more fat." Old Zhou Tou said: "Otherwise, what should I do? Although the rice and wheat have not been harvested this year, the harvest is still visible. I am afraid that the autumn tax will be paid. There won't be much left, and we will keep eating beans until next summer?"

The village chief said, "And I don't know what the next year will be like. If it's like this year, will we still be alive?"

Everyone whispered, and finally made a decision, "Okay, let's plant a winter wheat."

After the matter was settled, everyone was not so entangled. Everyone talked about other things, "How is Dazhu's injury?"

"I went to get two more medicines yesterday, and the doctor said it should be fine after taking it." Then he turned to look at Lao Zhoutou, "How is Dalang?"

"It's almost done, but I can't do the hard work yet."

"We can't see the bleeding in the stomach. We have to be careful. I told him to rest at home for half a year, and then go to the ground after the spring."

Old Zhoutou also planned the same. He didn't know any medical skills. He just thought about it. This internal bleeding must be due to the broken inside. They can't see it either.

Rural people basically rely on rest and boil to recover from illness.

Zhou Dalang is only in his twenties, and the old Zhoutou is still very afraid that he will fall into the root of the disease, and his family is short of everything, even if there is no shortage of people, so he also plans to let him rest at home more, wait a little better, and do light work at home. Provincial work.

For example, you can do some work such as cutting wheat, cutting beans, and cutting rice, but you can't do heavy work such as carrying wheat, loosening the ground, and composting.

The old Zhoutou asked about other people's injuries. Fortunately, except for Zhou Dalang, everyone else's injuries were outside.

In fact, the doctor wanted to tell them that Zhou Dalang's internal injury was healed and he was fine.

But people are frightened by their own imagination, and most people trust their own judgment more.

Those who can accept other people's suggestions and think so easily are usually either soft-eared people or very powerful people.

Such as today's holy.

Wei Zhiren hasn't gone back, and the memorial has arrived first.

This is a very long memorial, so long that it takes the emperor an hour to read.

It not only wrote about disaster relief, but also data on casualties in disaster areas, data on money and food spent on relief, and disaster situations in various places, most of which are accompanied by data.

It can be seen that Wei Zhi was very attentive in this disaster relief effort.

Of course, the purpose of his discount is not only for this, he wrote so much, but also to apply for tax relief for the disaster area.

Originally, the imperial court only planned to exempt the counties under Yizhou, and the time was also very generous, two years.

But this time, Wei Zhi proposed that the counties under Yizhou should be exempted from tax for three years, in order to attract the displaced people back to their hometowns, and also to attract migrants to enter Yizhou.

Because of this flood in Yizhou, the casualties are too heavy, and the population loss is serious. If the population cannot be attracted, the population can only be forced to migrate from other places. Otherwise, the ten thousand hectares of fertile land under the Qianwei Weir may be abandoned.

In addition to Yizhou, Jiannan Road is exempt from tax for one year.

The scope of Jiannan Road is too wide, which means that the court will lose some of the tax revenue, and it will have to support it.

After all, in addition to handing over part of the local tax revenue to the imperial court, they also have to keep some for their own financial expenditure.

If there is no tax, it can only be allocated downward by the imperial court.

Not tax free...

Looking at the data submitted by Wei Zhi and the situation in the disaster areas, the emperor couldn't help sighing.

There is no tax exemption. After a winter, I am afraid that some people will die in Jiannan Road and some people will be exiled.

Collecting taxes is cool for a while, but it will take ten or even a hundred times more effort to collect refugees in the future.

And once there are refugees who become pirates, the losses will only be greater.

The emperor put down the book and said, "Someone, please invite the six ministers."

He pondered and asked, "Where is Wei Zhi?"

The person who delivered the letter said: "When the humble post returned to Beijing, Mr. Wei was inspecting Luojiang County. He should have been on the road at this time, and he will be in Beijing in a few days."

The emperor nodded slightly and waved his hand to let the other party back down.

At this time, Wei Zhi showed no sign of going back to Beijing at all. He was holding a pair of scissors in the yard to trim flowers for the Bai family. He felt that it was not right. He looked curiously at the row of plants in the flower bed. , asked: "Isn't this Jiang?"

Daji, who was standing beside him, smiled and said, "Master Hui, it's Jiang."

Wei Zhi smiled and said, "It's really good, how did your gardener take care of it?"

Wei Zhi's family also grows vegetables. As a necessities of life, ginger pieces are naturally grown, but they don't grow as well here, and he can see that the ginger pieces buried under them seem to be larger than what he usually eats.

Daji smiled and said, "This is not planted by the gardener, but by my young master. Usually, the young master does the weeding and fertilization."

"Oh?" Thinking of the child he saw at the banquet yesterday, Wei Zhi smiled slightly, "Does your young master have such hobbies?"

"Yes," thinking of their young master's hobbies, Daji smiled after a pause: "My young master likes to grow things."

Especially like to grow things that can be sold for money.

"Then I'll have a good conversation with him later," Wei Zhi said with a smile, "I also like to grow things."

After a year of development, Bai Shanbao left a lot of ginger pieces as seeds last year. This year, he not only planted ginger pieces all over the flower bed in his yard, but also requisitioned a piece of land in front of the study, and then developed it to occupy the flower bed in the garden. .

Liu Shi was very condone to him in this regard.

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