Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 248 Winter Wheat

In the evening, when the sun was about to touch the mountains on the horizon, the old Zhou family came back from the outside with buckets, hoes, or mud in their hands. Only then did they know that Man Bao was teaching himself medicine, and he could give it to him today. Zhou Dalang is sick.

Of course, this is what Xiao Qian said.

Zhou Dalang repeatedly emphasized, "Man Bao has read the book for two and a half days, and he has not seen anything."

Old Zhou Tou automatically ignored Zhou Dalang's words, and happily called Man Bao to him, and said happily: "Yes, yes, Man Bao learns more. In the future, if someone in the family is sick, I will come to you to see all of them."

Man Bao nodded happily.

This time, not only Zhou Dalang, but everyone else felt chills down their spines, especially Zhou Zhou, Wednesday and Thursday, who were still wearing some injuries, and they were sweating.

It is estimated that the happiest family members are Lao Zhoutou and Manbao.

The father and daughter were happy.

Qian ignored them and called the second, third and fourth to the front and said, "Your injuries are almost healed. Tomorrow, I will go to the village chief's house to borrow a scooter and go to the city to buy tiles together. It's best to have the roof fixed in the next two days."

Lao Zhoutou's attention was diverted, and he nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I took a look today. The sun has been good for the past two days, and the wheat has begun to turn yellow. It is estimated that it will be harvested in half a month. We have to Arrange the homework well, or else you will be busy in the summer, but you won't have time to take care of the house."

Everyone should get down.

"By the way, I went down to the ground to take a closer look today, and found that some of the wheat grew very well, and the ears were very long and full." Old Zhou turned his head and said to Mrs Qian, "Tomorrow I will let everyone, the second family's A few of them went to the field with me to look for them, note down the location of those ears of wheat, and when the time comes to harvest, cut these first and leave them as seeds."

Qian nodded and asked, "Is it much better?"

"It's much better," said this, Old Zhoutou was a little puzzled himself, and frowned, "I've walked three fields in a row like this, and there are some such wheat ears mixed in them. I didn't find it last time. The next time I went to see it, I found that they were slightly taller than normal wheat ears. The key is that the wheat ears are very long and full of grains. It’s a pity, if it wasn’t flooded this year, I guess it would be better.”

"But this year's seeds are the same as in previous years, and the way of planting is the same as in previous years. Is it because they were flooded, so some became like this?"

On Thursday, Lang asked, "Dad, should we flood the wheat with water next year?"

Lao Zhoutou pondered and seemed to be considering this possibility.

Guilty Man Bao: ...that's because she mixed some wheat seeds bought in the mall~~

She glared at Shirou, who had given his father all the bad ideas, and said to him, "Father, I've never heard that Maizi likes to be submerged in water."

Old Zhou Tou shook his head, "I think the fourth is right, choose a smaller field next year, and then you can try to irrigate it and see if it's better in dry fields or paddy fields. already."

Man Bao lowered his shoulders and asked Keke in his heart, "What should I do?"

Keke comforted: "Host, anyway, you have a lot of land, and it's okay to use a small field for testing."

All right.

But Man Bao was unwilling to think that some of the seeds she had managed to get in would end up being spent on experiments, so she supported her little head and thought hard.

After a long time, she finally thought of it, and when she clapped her little hand, the whole family looked at her.

Man Bao looked at Lao Zhoutou happily, "Father, we can grow winter wheat."

The temperature here is not low in winter. Although she has never seen people planting here, Man Bao found in the book from Keke that in the future, humans will not only plant winter wheat, but also do interim planting in spring and summer. .

The land can be used to the greatest extent, but this method of inter-seeding requires a lot of soil strength, otherwise the soil strength will be lost in the end, and the crops planted will not be good.

Manbao doesn't want to plant anything, but winter wheat can be planted.

In winter, there is little water, even if there is no water in the paddy fields, it can be used for planting wheat. After planting this crop, my father will naturally know that it is a problem with the seeds. It will be no matter which reason he classifies at that time, but it must not be because of mutated by flooding.

Of course Manbao couldn't tell Old Zhoutou that, so she counted the benefits of growing winter wheat with her fingers.

"Father, isn't the disaster this year very serious? If we don't plant winter wheat, what will we do if we don't have anything to eat in April or May next year?"

Old Zhoutou was about to speak, but Man Bao continued: "Yizhou has been hit so badly this year, and the price of food will definitely be high next year. If we plant more, we can sell it to make money."

The old Zhoutou thought thoughtfully, "I'm afraid the ground force is not enough."

Of course, he knew that the climate here was suitable for growing winter wheat. In the past years, there were people in the village who planted it. Even now, the white landowners would plant winter wheat every other year. At that time, they would hire day laborers from the village. Zhou Dalang and the others all went there.

But at that time, the white landlord, his fields were very fat, and he prepared enough fertilizer.

It is not easy for a family like them to plant winter wheat, and it is easy to consume too much soil resources. By then, winter wheat may not be good, and it will also affect the rice planting in the coming year.

In addition, the people in Qili Village are not very short of land, and there are few people. They really want to get the grain of winter wheat. They plant more land in spring and summer, and intensive cultivation is almost enough.

It's better than planting the ground bad.


Lao Zhoutou pondered, didn't he suffer a disaster this year?

Perhaps growing winter wheat is the way to go, especially now whether it can be tax-free is still unknown.

If it is unavoidable, then next spring everyone's life will be too sad.

Man Bao continued: "Father, if you are afraid that your fertility is not enough, then let the big brother and the others compost some more fat, and then sprinkle a little more, and then sprinkle some more when the wheat is harvested and ploughed."

Old Zhou nodded, "This is a way, what do you think?"

He looked at Qian.

Qian pondered, "It's possible to plant some, but if you plant too much, I'm afraid that the fat will not be enough. Although the composting is faster now, it is still not enough."

Man Bao said as a matter of course: "Then go buy it."

Qian Shi smiled and asked, "Where can I buy this?"

"I know, the county seat," Man Bao said, "I asked Master Bai, and he bought it from the people who collected Yexiang in the county seat."

Crowd: ...

Xiao Qian tapped her little head and said, "The food is ready, let's eat first, and then we'll talk about it when we're done."

Man Bao didn't notice, and ate with relish. After eating, he took out the box of dim sum that Liu gave her to share with everyone.

Others thought the meal had a strange taste. Fortunately, it was made by my sister-in-law. If it was made by others, they probably wouldn't be able to eat it.

Old Zhoutou planned how many acres of wheat he would plant, and took a piece of filial piety snack from his daughter and ate it with relish. Finally, he clapped his hands and said, "Okay, this year our family will try to grow a winter wheat."

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