This kind of thing also happens. Some families always give their children various strange nicknames in order to support their children. There are many boys who directly call their nicknames sisters and sisters.

Some even put a skirt on a boy and pierce his ears when he was young, and then he was raised as a girl, because some people think that girls are better than boys.

Therefore, taking a girl's name and wearing her clothes is equivalent to leaning her fate towards the girl, and the child is more likely to survive.

There is also a well-known nickname on the saint today, called cat slave.

In short, how to choose a cheap nickname.

Zhou Xi said: "No, my youngest sister's nickname is Man Bao, and my family doesn't want to take a cheap name."

After a pause, Zhou Xi added: "None of my children died, they all survived."

Because of this, now Qili Village is not willing to give their children cheap names, and prefers to rank the children in the same order as the old Zhou family.

The village chief and all the old people in the village felt that the greatest contribution of the old Zhoutou and the Qian family in their lives was not to cultivate the land well, nor to build a large brick and tile house for the family, but to support eight children. , Counting last week's silver, it's actually nine.

None of the nine children died, let alone in the countryside, even in a big city rich in medical resources, that is rare.

Of course, from the point of view of superstition, the villagers agreed that their children got good nicknames. Look, this row of sophomores, three, four, five or six, is probably not willing to take away one of them.

Wei Zhi died of two children, one son and one daughter, but neither lived past the age of five. He was very curious about how the Zhou family raised their children.

So I squatted on the ridge and chatted with them.

Zhou Xi asked the He family to go back first, but she did not shy away from it. Speaking of how her mother took care of them when she was a child, of course, she did not have much say in raising children, but she had already given birth to three and supported three of Feng's family. But very experienced.

Wei Zhi listened, listened, and simply rolled up his sleeves and went to the field, taking the hoe left by Mr. He to help them work.

Guard:  …

He has never planted any land!

His father has been an earl since he was born, and he was thrown into the Imperial Army as a guard when he was still young. He has taken knives, swords, and bows, but he has never held a hoe!

But his immediate boss is farming, what should he do?

Are you standing on the ridge watching?

I'm in a hurry, what should I do?

Zhou Xi saw that Wei Zhi's movements were fairly skilled, so he didn't stop him, and wanted to give him her straw hat, but Wei Zhi refused.

He asked, "How many children does your family have now?"

Zhou Xi smiled and said, "Not many, ten."

Wei Zhi: ...that's not much.

Zhou Xi smiled and said, "My fifth and sixth are not married, so they are counted as children."

Wei Zhi nodded and asked, "How old are you, do you want to say kiss?"

"I am fifty-six years old. I was going to say my kiss this year, but I encountered a flood. I still don't know what the autumn will be like, so I won't talk about it for the time being, and I'll talk about it next year."

Wei Zhi understood.

The country has an old youth tax. If you are over a certain age and do not have a family, not only the woman has to pay the tax, but the man also has to pay the tax.

After two years of dating, if they are still not married, then the government will force the distribution, ahem, this is the official saying of sending a wife and sending a husband.

I'm only sixteen years old, and there are still six years before I pay taxes. It's really early for folks to get married, but there are many late ones.

For example, in their class, there are people who get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and those who are still single at the age of twenty-three or four.

Especially those who have achieved success, let alone the emperor, even their family can't suppress marriage, so they can naturally go.

Wei Zhi curiously asked them how much the dowry is usually given here, whether there is a dowry to accompany, what kind of things are usually accompanied, and what is the custom of welcoming relatives.

These also belong to people's feelings. Since there is an opportunity and time, then ask.

Several people talked about parenting to marriage, from marriage to pension, and from pension to children's education.

Wei Zhi asked casually, how many children were studying in their family, and only then did they know that there was only one.

Not to mention Wei Zhi, the guards who were squatting by the vegetable field and pretending to work hard to help pull the weeds raised their heads in surprise.

I've never heard of a family where girls are allowed to read, but boys are not allowed to read.

Zhou Xi knew when he saw their expressions, and quickly said: "It's true that my youngest sister is very smart. Mr. Zhuang in the school liked her very much, so he accepted her as a disciple. Otherwise, with our family background, how can we afford our children to go to school? ?"

Feng Shi said: "My aunt taught the children of the family when she came back from her studies. If nothing else, the second girl in my family has recognized a lot of characters, especially Erya, she has been able to read the words in "Thousand Characters". I recognize all the characters, my aunt said, once you recognize all the characters in it, you can read and learn by yourself."

Wei Zhi nodded, "That's it."

But I was very curious, how smart is this kid?

"Oh, little brother, why did you pull out all my vegetable sprouts?"

The guard stared stiffly at the "weed" in his hand and asked, "This, isn't this grass?"

Zhou Xi glanced at the vegetable seedlings that he pulled out, the weeds left behind, and gave him a sympathetic look, how stupid it was, he couldn't even tell the difference between vegetable seedlings and grass.

Wei Zhi coughed lightly and said, "Go and help bring water to water the vegetables."

As if receiving amnesty, the guard immediately got up and picked up two wooden barrels in response.

Zhou Xi couldn't stop it, and Wei Zhi smiled and said, "Let him go. Young people have the strength, and lifting water is more suitable for him."

Zhou Xi: Actually, what she wants to say is that you can use the pick, so it will be easier.

However, the guards already had buckets in both hands and came over from the river.

After some help and work, Wei Zhi and the three women from the Zhou family forged a deep friendship. Zhou Xi and Feng's Fang warmly invited them to visit the Zhou family.

Wei Zhi declined, but walked back with them and crossed the bridge together, because he wanted to visit Mr. Zhuang.

This is a serious matter. Zhou Xi and the others can't keep it any longer. They can only send people to the gate of the school and say goodbye.

After Man Bao and Bai Shanbao had a meal, they obediently went to the small courtyard to accompany their husband to dinner, and opened a small stove by the way.

Mr. Zhuang's small courtyard has its doors open all the year round, allowing people to come in and out, so Wei Zhi knocked on the door and walked in when no one responded.

After walking towards the yard for a while, I heard voices coming from a room.

Mr. Zhuang also heard the sound of the door, but thought it was because the students were naughty and bumped into it while playing, because everyone knew that there was no access control in his small courtyard, so if you asked him to come in directly.

So he was still teaching the two children who bowed their heads.

Speaking of the new text today, he ordered two children to get up and answer the questions, but neither Man Bao nor Bai Shanbao could answer to his will. Obviously, the two children had been slack in their studies during this period of time.

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