Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 182 Bamboo Rat

Man Bao blinked, turned his head to look around, and found that the three brothers had disappeared at all.

She rubbed her dirty little hands and asked Keke, "Where are my brother and them?"

"Going to catch the bamboo rat." Keke also saw it at the time, and it added: "The bamboo rat is also an extinct animal, and I hope the host can include it."

Man Bao had never seen a bamboo rat. He was startled when he heard the words. He jumped to the side of the big tree, leaned on it tightly, and asked, "Is the bamboo rat a mouse?"

"No, the bamboo rat belongs to the bamboo rat family. It has a thick shape. The host can walk in the bamboo bushes. I scanned it and found that there are many bamboo rats in it."

Man Bao found a stick on the ground and stepped forward.

Man Bao waved a stick and beat on the ground, occasionally calling out to Shizulang and the others, but Shizuolang and the others had gone somewhere. In the woods there were only her echoes and the occasional chirping of insects and birds. nothing left.

Keke directed Man Bao to go into the bamboo bushes and asked her to rummage through the big hole beside the bamboo roots.

It presented the scanned scene in Man Bao's mind. Man Bao could see two bamboo rats lying not far from the roots of the underground bamboo. One of them was very large and was scratching his face lazily with his paws. .

Man Bao was a little scared at first, but seeing that he was chubby, he actually thought that the other party was a little cute.

Man Bao squatted in front of the hole and didn't know what to do. She couldn't reach into the hole and grab it, right?

Keke said: "Host, you can use smoke to force them out, and then I can help you catch them, but you must include at least one bamboo rat you catch."

Man Bao said there was no problem.

Then, instead of looking for the three missing brothers, he pouted his butt and touched the dry weeds in the woods.

After collecting a lot of dry leaves and dry weeds, Manbao bought a lighter from the mall. This was not the first time Manbao knew about this thing, but it was the first time he used it.

Under the guidance of Keke, she reluctantly lit the fire, then placed the burning fire at the entrance of the cave, and when it was blown gently, the smoke drifted into the cave faintly.

Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he thought it would be fun to burn fire, so he kept adding firewood and dry grass to the hole.

Keke doesn't stop it, because it only has theoretical knowledge, and it has never been burned. How can I know how to burn it properly?

So under Manbao's greed, the fire that had only started not long after was tossed out by her, and then the smoke rose into the sky, and when Manbao fanned it again, the smoke spread out, causing Manbao's eyes to turn red. .

Of course, such a big smoke will rush out, and naturally it will also rush in.

There is no entity, and Keke, who relies on scanning to "see", is not affected at all. It sees fire and smoke spewing down from the hole, and the two animals in the hole are restless, and the first one will drill into the hole.

Keke immediately gave a warning in Man Bao's mind and shouted, "Come out!"

Man Bao subconsciously took the stick in her hand to cover the hole, but only then did she put down her stick, and the hole filled with withered grass slammed open, knocking her stick away.

Man Bao didn't even think about it, he reached out and threw himself on it.

She jumped directly to the ground, and the moment her finger touched the bamboo rat, Keke recorded it in the system.

This series of actions was only completed, and a bigger fat bamboo rat sprang out of the hole, and Man Bao came face to face with the bamboo rat before he could get up from the ground.

Man Bao on the opposite side was obviously very angry, and Bamboo Rat's IQ was not low. He first bared his teeth at Man Bao, and then hunched his back to attack.

Keke pointed at her, "Push up and grab it, as long as you can touch its body, I can pull it into the space."

Man Bao said there was no problem. At this time, she was so excited that she was no longer afraid.

Man Bao was half-squatting, knowing that she might not be able to catch her, so she jumped forward, trying to use her body to complete the task.

Bamboo Rat had been waiting for this for a while, and as soon as she moved, it rushed past with a squeak and flew out from under Man Bao.

However, Man Bao's clothes touched the bamboo rat for a moment, and Keke put it into the space at that moment.

Man Bao watched the bamboo rat disappear out of thin air, and hurriedly looked at the things in the Keke space. He was happy to see the fat bamboo rat staying inside with a dumbfounded expression.

She knew that it was impossible to tell others about Keke's existence, so she found a vine that she knew well, tied the bamboo rat, and then dragged it forward.

She decided to go to her fourth brother and them, "Keke, where did they run to?"

Keke said: "In the beginning, they ran to the southeast, but I don't know if they changed direction in the middle. It is recommended that the host stay in place and wait for their return."

This is indeed the best way, but is Man Bao a person who can sit still?

Of course not, so Man Bao played on the spot, and seeing that Shirou and the others still hadn't come back, Man Bao could only drag the bamboo rat to find them.

While searching, he muttered, "Wouldn't they be carried away by wolves?"

This is what the family used to scare her when she was a child. Because she heard about Dao when she was a child, Man Bao firmly believed that there were wolves in the mountains.

Man Bao asked the squeaky bamboo rat to be quiet, and said, "When we find the fourth brother, we can go home to cook and eat, don't worry."

Man Bao walked further and further in, and occasionally shouted twice, but there was no response. She felt a little guilty, and walked forward for a while, but still found no one.

She stopped, pursed her lips, and almost cried, "Keke, my fourth brother and they are gone."

Keke is also scanning, but the range it can scan is so wide that it can only comfort the host: "Host, otherwise, let's turn around and go back, it's better to wait in place."

Man Bao sniffed, shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to find them, or I'll lose them. How can I explain to my parents when I go back at night?"

Keke secretly said: Whoever loses who is not sure.

Man Bao continued to drag the bamboo rat forward, and at this time, the three Shirou, who were chasing the bamboo rat all the way, were lying in front of the hole on the ground, thinking about making a fire to make the bamboo rat.

Wu Wulang had already found another exit and shouted, "I've blocked it, make a fire!"

Saturday Lang was working hard to drill the wood. They didn't bring flint, so they could only make fire in this way. Fortunately, a few of them played often, and although the speed was a little slower, the fire was slowly started.

The three brothers cheered and immediately fell on the ground and fanned the smoke into the hole...

When the three of them finally baked the bamboo rat that was hiding in, they held it down again and then raised their heads with a smile on their face.

Then Thursday's smile froze slightly, looked left and right, and asked, "Where is this?"

Wu Wulang: "In the mountains, fourth brother, you are confused, aren't we here to see your mountain today?"

Thursday Lang's voice was a little dull, "I know, I also know that he was with Man Baolai."

Friday Lang and Saturday Lang couldn't help but froze and looked up around.

On Thursday, Lang almost cried, "So what about Man Bao?"

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